
Do Not Love Me So Much Episode 127–128 Update on Tuesday 9th May 2017

The episode starts with Ragini taking breakfast to Nishi’s room and asking he to wake up. She slides curtains and says it may rain now. Nishi does not get up. Ragini checks her forehead, feelsher having high temperature, and asks to be on bed and leaves. She goes to Aman’s room and asks him to come and check Nishi. Injured Aman wakes up and says he is not feeling well even now. She apologizes for hitting him. He suggests her to consult Dr. Neil. She says she will manage. He says now a days a lot of viral infections are hovering, so she should not hesitate taking Neil’s help.

RK sees Karan and Neil preparing food and asks if man has to learn cooking after marriage as they prefer outside food before marraige and after marriage are found 24 hours in kitchen.

Neil asks to stop taunting him. RK says he is talking about Karan who used to hate home-cooked food and now prepares food for Dimpy. Ragini comes there and tells nishi is having high fever. Neil rushes to Nishi’s room with whole family, checks her temperature and says she is having 103 fever, writes prescription and asks Ragini to get it from someone.
Ragini says she will sit with Nishi and asks Jignesh to bring medicine. Everyone insist Jignesh to be with Nishi while ragini go and bring medicine. Ragini comes out with whole family and asks each member to bring medicine, but everyone give weird ideas. Badi naani says she will bring and asks phoolmati/Sunny to bring car keys. Everyone are surprised to hear that. Neil comes and leaves saying he will bring medicine. Aman comes and asks Ragini to bring medicine as he cannot even move. Ragini writes prescriptions and calls Agam, but everyone slips from there. Aman says only she and him are there. Ragini says she will bring it and leaves. Karan and RK come back and taunt Aman that he is very big hearted to send his fiance with her ex-husband.

Ragini comes out and sees Neil leaving in car. She asks him to bring Aman’s medicine. Neil says he is not that big hearted to bring his ex-wife’s fiance’s medicine and asks if she will bring it for his fiancee. She nods no and says she will accompany him. They both leave in car.

RK gets Pam’s call and he gets romantic with her. She asks where is he. He says farm house. she asks who else is with him. He says Karan and Dimpy. She asks who else. He says servants. She asks friends? He says noone. She says she will call him later and says he will wait. She gets happy thinking Devika is not there and her decision to come to India and meet him is not wrong. Servant brings coffee and she asks him to keep her bag in car as she wants to to go farm house. He says he will inform sir/RK. She shouts at him and warns if he informs RK, she will get him out of work. He apologizes and rushes to keep her bag in car.

While traveling in rain, Neil says stone boulders on road blocking it and tells Ragini that they have to walk 10 km and get medicine. She says she is tired serving Aman and nishi and does not have energy. Their verbal argument start and finally Ragini agrees to accompany him walking.

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Sunny, Suhani, Agam and Karan peep into Nishi’s room and get happy seeing Jignesh apply cold cloth on her forehead to lower her fever. She wakes up and angrily asks what is he doing here. He says she was having high fever, so he was apply cold cloth on her forehead. She shout there are many family members to take care of her. He asks why not him as he is her husband. She asks him to get out and let her rest. He says he will not go and will take care of her.

While walking with Neil, Ragini asks him to remember this shortcut road as they went on it before. He says that road goes to cliff and he knows where he should go, she can go on it alone if she wants. Ragini tries to leave, he stops her and says he will accompany her.

Precap: Ragini says Neil she does not need his support and he can leave back to US with his children as Nishi is fine now. He says he will and will take also Nishi along.

Update Credit to: H Hasan
The episode starts with Ragini getting afraid seeing an animal and hugging Neil tightly. Neil jokes that it has long teeth and nails, etc., and then says it is a dog whole crying like him. She separates from him and says if he had fulfilled his duty as a doc and brought medicine box with him, they would not have to come here. He says he came here to see Nishi on her insistence and even she is a nurse and her fiance Aman runs a big hospital, they would have brought medicines. They both then start walking.

Nishi tells Jignesh that she is hungry. He asks her what she needs. She says roasted paneer, dal makhani, biryani, corn soup, ras malai, etc. He says he will bring and runs. Sunny and party who were peeping run down and try to settle down in sofas. Ranbir who is there asks

 what are they doing. They say they are trying to reunite Nishi and Jignesh. Jignesh comes down and asks Sunny to prepare food as he does not know to prepare it. Sunny says within such a short time no one can prepare it. Ranbir says he can order food from restaurant. He says it is a good idea and orders it.
Karan and Dimpy sees RK confused and asks what happened. He says he is confused regarding Pam as she videochats and calls him for hours, but does not accept her love for him. Karan says he is expert in this and can say what woman thinks. He says woman are confused from childhoodand make even men confused. Pam wants to confirm if he has moved on with Devika and if he is not she will tell she is untrustable. Dimpy says he is right and tells RK that Pam is trying to fool him.

Jignesh gets food from restaurant and starts thanking Sunny, Agam, and everyone. They ask him to go and serve food first and then they can start thanking session. He ascending stairs happily when Dimpy, Karan and RK asks if he is throwing party without them. He says Nishi wants to eat all this. Dimpy says Nishi is ill and should not eat all this, she will prepare khichdi for her instead. RK takes food packet from him and leaves. Jignesh gets tensed.
RK gets Devika’s call who starts talking. Door bell rings, RK opens door and is surprised to see Pam. While speaking to Devika, he says he was missing her. Pam thinks he is telling her and smiles. Devika asks him to tell I love you. He hesitates. Pam asks where is Dimpy. He opens door and shows her. Pam is shocked to see all children present there. She starts shouting at them that they grew up so big that they forgot her, etc, etc. They apologize her, but she continues that they will repeat it again. She tells Dimpy that they did not inform her and came here. Dimpy asks children to apologize her. RK gets a call and she asks him to silent his phone. He signals Dimpy that she has come for him. Pam continues shouting.

Aman tries to go out of his room and sees Badi naani there who says she will not him flirt with her and sends him back. He tries to go out, but naani sends him back. He thinks it is better to have water than getting badi naani’s beating.

Neil and Ragini reach main road and take lift from a sardarji. Sardarji is restaurant owner and starts speaking to Neil. Neil asks if he knows him. He says very much, Ragini had come to his restaurant some days ago, but with someone else. He starts praising Neil that he learnt loving family seeing him and asks where is he going. Neil says to get medicine to his daughter. He asks if it is for Nishi. Neil asks if he knows his children. He says he knows all his children and even takes their name. Ragini gets emotional reminiscing Arav.

Precap: Nishi scolds Jignesh for not bringing her ordered food. He says Dimpy aunty stopped him and said kichdi is better for her. Nishi yells that he is worried about Dimpy than her and says he is a bad husband.

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