
KUMKUM BHAGYA Update on Monday 1st April 2017 (Pragya Finally Tells Abhi The Truth But Abhi Disbelieve Her)

The Episode starts with Pragya sleeping holding Abhi’s hand. Abhi takes his hand back. Pragya asks if he is fine now and says rain is stopped, we shall go back home. He asks her to save his relation with Dadi and goes to make kada. Tanu scolds Robin for the bad coffee and calls it kada. Purab asks Dadi if Abhi called you. Dadi says yes, and says he said that he is going to Delhi for a contract. Purab asks about Pragya. Dadi says Sarla might know and calls her. She says she is worried for her. Sarla says Pragya is in Abhi’s lonavala home. Dadi says okay and cuts the call. Sarla thinks she didn’t hear that Abhi is with her. Tanu hears them and thinks to inform Aaliya and Nikhil. Purab says what Pragya is doing there when Abhi is in Delhi. He says I will go there and supportsPragya to expose Tanu.

Aaliya tells Nikhil that Tanu was talking badly with her. Tanu calls her and informs her that Abhi is in Delhi and Pragya is waiting for him at his lonavala residence. She says we are safe until now. Aaliya asks her to come to her hotel so that they can make plan. Purab hears Tanu asking driver to take her to Aaliya’s hotel and opines that she is also with them in the conspiracy.

Abhi thinks why Pragya is taking careof me, when I told her clearly that I will not hear her. Pragya steps on glass pieces, even though Abhi tries to alert her. Abhi says blood is coming out and asks if you are doing this intentionally so that I care for you. Pragya asks him not to care and says tears her sareepallu to tie on the wound. Abhi says blood is even coming out and asks her to sit quietly. Pragya asks why you are caring for me and asks him to leave her. Abhi says your mum knows that you are with me, if she sees this wound then will blame me. Pragya asks why he is acting to break relation and says until we separate, we will keep on supporting each other. Abhi says nothing is between us. He ties cloth on his foot. Humsafar juda juda song plays………..Abhi asks her to clear her doubt and says I don’t want to talk. Pragya says relation can end, but not feelings. She says the more you try to hide your pain, the more it will increase. She says you have love for me in your heart and asks him to give a chance. Abhi says there is nothing in my heart. Pragya insists. Abhi asks how to hear you again and again. Pragya says I want to show you something and goes to get her phone.

Pragya brings her phone and sees it broken. She tells that she couldn’t prove her innocence now, and says I couldn’t save our relation now. Abhi asks her to stop her drama and asks her to leave. Pragya says I have hidden a big truth from you, thinking I will prove it infront of you, oblivious to the fact that our relation will end. She says I haven’t killed Tanu’s baby and says Tanu tried to kill me as she knows that I will tell you that she is pregnant with Nikhil’s baby. She says they tried to kill me, but I jumped from the way and they got hit. She says I took her immediately to hospital to save her baby.

She says Tanu stopped me from telling you the truth and emotionally blackmailed me. When I came to tell you truth, you asked me to go. She assured me that she will take care and support you. She says I want to see you happy and that’s why left you. When I came to know that Tanu is with Nikhil, I got angry and went to his house. They were celebrating as you are mourning for the baby’s death who was not yours. She says I recordedtheir conversation and came here.

Abhi claps and says what a story? He says I will not believe on your story. You know why? You told me that you are sacrificing your happiness for my happiness. He says whoever hears your story will cry, but I will not. He says when you left me for the first time, I loved and respected you even more as I thought you love my baby too. When you returned, you told me about your greedy side and betrayal. He says you tried to take advantage and says this is real truth. He says you have always betrayed me and also my Dadi. He says you have not loved your mum also. He says everything was a lie in your life, your kumkum, mangalsutra, and love. Pragya says my love is not lie.

The Episode starts with Pragya telling Abhi that she tried to protect him from his enemies and that’s why name his property on her name. she says one has to become like enemies to defeat them. Abhi says I have no enemies, but just family and fans. He says you are just making story and don’t want to leave the lifestyle which you got in my house. Pragya says I can live without a good lifestyle, but can’t live without you. She says I can’t see you get cheated. Abhi asks her to stop her acting. Pragya says I thought my love will change you, and asks him to hear her completely. She says I will tell you everything, I saw hatred in your eyes. She says I left house thinking Tanu is pregnant with your baby and loves you, which I haven’t give. She says I was living with your memories and came to know
about your engagement with Tanu. She says I reached home to meet you, and saw Tanu talking to Nikhil.

A fb is shown. Tanu tells that it doesn’t matter even if baby is not of Abhi. She says I reached office and heard Aaliya talking to someone and planning against you. She says I didn’t know what to do and was walking on the street. She says she had the accident. She says when Dadi came, I told her everything. She says Dadi asked me to protect you from your enemies and gather evidence. She says we thought to take your enemy on my name to stop your enemies. She tells that Dadi got his signatures on the papers and got properly on her name. She says I have troubled everyone, but not Dadi. She says I was her daughter always, and she supported me throughout. She tells that even Purab supported me and tried to bring out truth. She says Bulbul lost her life because of Aaliya, it was a bad moment for me. She says Tanu always saved herself, sometimes due to her pregnancy and sometimes because of emotionally blackmailing you. Abhi thinks Tanu emotionally blackmailing her. Dadi brings aarti and asks Bunty and Babli to take it. Mitali asks where is Pragya? Dadi says she will do aarti tomorrow. They promote the show Brahma Rakshas.

Nikhil tells Tanu and Aaliya that lets just finish Pragya. Tanu says if anything happens to Pragya then we will be behind bars. She says Dadi will file police complaint against us. Nikhil says Police can’t do anything. He asks did you forget about DNA test. Tanu says I trapped her. She says we have to snatch proof from her hands. Nikhil says destiny don’t support us always and says if she gets a proof then everything is ruined. He says if Dr. Sheela tells everything to Abhi, as her daughter reached her and is not under pressure. He says Dadi and Purab will help Pragya also, and says we have to do planning and kill her. Aaliya says yes, we have to kill her as she has become stone tied to our legs. She says we are still at the same place and says if she is alive then we can’t achieve our goals. She asks him to kill her and says it should look like an accident and no clue should be left anywhere. Nikhil says I will kill Pragya so that nobody can reach us. She thinks to fail her car brakes and kill her.

Pragya says I thought to expose Tanu and took Ronnie’s help. She tells that Tanu confessed that the baby is not of yours. She says they have broken the proof and came to know that I came back for you. She says I challenged Tanu that only my baby will be his. She says Nikhil did Sarla’s accident.

Whenever I try to tell you….Abhi asks her to stop it and asks why didn’t you tell me. Pragya says even if Tanu tells you then you will not believe as you want that baby to yours. She says I brought DNA report and proved her wrong, but she brought fake report and proved my wrong. She tells that Dr. Sheela told me that her daughter was kidnapped. I went to Nikhil and got kidnapped too. Abhi says you sent the divorce papers to me.

Pragya says I didn’t send those papers and says Nikhil threatened to kill Pari if I don’t sign. She says Nikhil threatened my family and asked them to get your signatures. Abhi recalls beeji asking him to sign. Pragya says I never thought that you will sign, but Nikhil showed me the papers. I called you and heard your voice. I got strength and escaped from there with Pari. She tells that Nikhil and Tanu tried to kill her and lost their baby. I took her to hospital. Pragya cries and says I had only this proof and came here to show you, but when you don’t want to see it, I have broken it. She says I thought your love for that baby is much that my love is nothing for you. She says what I would have got if I showed you that video. She says if truth is the one which is proved, and asks why it can’t be felt.

Precap:- Pragya tells Abhi that she tried to hide her feeling and fuggi from him, but it was difficult to hide her emotions from him. Abhi hugs her.

READ ALSO  Fearless Heart Update on Monday 19th June 2017

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