
Jodha Akbar Episode 300–301–302 Update on Wednesday 9th August 2017

Scene 1
Jodha recalls telling to jalal that you have serve kahibar. Jala said is that your last decision. Jodha said.
She asks the servant is jalal there ? He says no he is doing sword fighting with maan singh. Jalal is busy in extreme sword fighting, while everyone else is watching. Jodha asks todar mal I have to talk to shahneshah. He says I am sorry but he has ordered no one should come there. He is tensed. He was feeling good in. I can’t stop you but he has asked me to. Jodha says to hamida do you think I am doing something wrong ? is it good to kill him in this month of ramadan. Hamida says I don’t know whats right or not. He has to take his decision back and he is ashamed because of that. You can handle his anger. Jodha says I feel like his anger won’t go this time.
hamida says I believe that your love will triumph over his anger.
Adka is giving money to husband of atifa and asks him to leave as soon as possible. He says you should go to some other province. When are you going ? He says just after eid.
sharif sees alka with that husband and wonders why is adka being so nice to him. He never has been so good. oh adka wants to send his wife from here in whom shahneshah is interested. He says I should make this story more interesting.

Jalal comes to jodha. SHe says come in. Jalal look furious. He says stop pretending to be nice to me. You bowed me down to me. I thought no one will stand in front of me but you did. You used me and the promises. You used my power against me. You showed the world that I am helpless against my wife.
Its my mistake that I gave you this power but I am never going to give you power that you are going to use against me.
Jodha says I just saved you from doing a sin. I am a ranjvanshi and your respect is everything for me. Jalal says all you care about is your ego and you showed that. I have been pardoning you for everything but I won’t this time. He leaves. Jodha starts crying a sob.

Scene 2
At night jalal is sitting out. Shairf comes and says you are shahenshah. You have the power but your wives make you waek and the people saw it today. jalal says I will become the heartless king once again. I will become the same heartless king who used to fear people. I will become jalal again.

Atifa is in her alcove. Her husband is lying and reading a book. he asks her to close the room door. She locks it but jalal comes in. She says what are you doing here ? jalal says I came to meet you. She says you shouldn’t have come here shahehshaha. jalal says atifaa.. she says please don’t say anything. Jalal says I will keep quite but the emotions in my heart what about them ? I can’t stay away from you ? Jodha comes to jalal’s room but servant tells her that he isn’t in his room. Jodha says I have to talk to him.
Jalal says atifa there is a war in my mind and heart. Can a man only love once ? She asks why are you saying that to me ? jalal says because I thought that I will never love but when I loved I felt I was wrong. Then I thought I could only love once but now I feel I am in love once again.
Jodha is looking for jalal. She asks adka where is jalal ? She says someone told me he was here ? adka says you should rest your health is not well. He says you should close the windows. Jodha says I didn’t get you. Adka says men are like winds they change within no time.
Jalal says there is some relaton between you and me. I feel agitated when you are not near. You bring peace for my heart.
Moti Some ladies are discussing that their is no special place in jalal’s heart for jodha. Jodha comes and says I was worried for nothing. He was just angry. everything will be fine in a few days.

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Jalal says everything is not the same. When she used to be sad u used to b sad. But I didn’t feel the same for her today. I loved her. Atifa says don’t you love her now ? he says I don’t know. I feel like my love for jodha is a past now. Jodha drops the bangle shahneshah gave to her. Its wrecks. Jodha says this is not good. he gave it to me with so much love. She recalls adka’s words.

Atifa hugs jalal. Maham comes and sees them.
Adka tell jalal that they have heard betrayal from Lahore. There must be mahac behind this and she has met your enemies. Jalal says I will not start any war before she starts. Mirza is my brother and I can’t harm him. Sharifuddin says what about kaibar ? Jalal says I just didn’t kill him keep him detained. keep him in a cell where he can’t plan to ecscpae where he can’t even see sunlight.

Maham goes to ruks and tell her what I saw I think you should know that. jalal shouldn’t do this type of sin. She leaves. Ruks asks hoshiyar to bring atifa to her room.

Jodha is going to temple with moti. She says I wasn’t feeling good so I thought going to temple might help. On the way she see some men taking kaiabr somewhere. Moti says I have heard that jalal asked to keep him in a cell. Jodha says that’s worst than death penalty. Moti says you look up to to people who have nothing to do with you. I think you should just focus on shahenshah so he can’t go away from you.

Precap-jalal is with atifa. Her husband comes there. Atifa is scared.

Scene 1
khaibar is being dragged in deep well, he is thrown into it, soldiers are happy to see him inside and says that our problem is finished, now we will come to give him food, nissar sees all this hiding, he comes to well and says khaibar its me, your master, I came here to free you, khaibar shouts to pull him out, sharif comes there and puts dagger on nissar, he says so you were the one to help khaibar, how you thought that you will attack jalal, you will help khaibar to touch jodha and I will leave you, it was all my plan to catch you, now tell me who are you and for whom you work? if you remain silent then I will beat you, nissar tell him that he works for mahaC, she ordered me to kidnap jodha, she gave me map of secret cave in palace, sharif kills him and gets map from him, shraif thinks that only I know about secret cave to harem, you don’t know jalal that your palace is unsafe now.

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jalal is practicing sword fighting when atifa comes there, he says to soldier that for today its enough, he ask all soldiers to leave.,,
atifa says that ruks told me to meet you and said you may need it. jalal says oh she sent you, well I don’t need it, I need you.
ruks meets jodha and ask did you went to mandir, jodha says yes, you are fasting so I cant give you parsad but take this sacred flower, ruks says someone else needs these prayers, I am not interested in your prayers but go to jalal and give him, jodha nods and goes from there.
jalal says to atifa that if you came here so wipe my sweat, jalal sit while atifa comes close to him and wipes his sweat with towel, they are close and jodha comes there and is shocked to see it, jalal is smiling with atifa while jodha cant believe her eyes, she goes from there angrily.
ruks sees jodha fuming and calls her, jodha goes to her, ruks ask what happened? you seem worried, jodha says jalal.. he is with atifa, ruks says don’t tell me, you don’t know about it, all harem dasies are talking about it, jodha ask do you know about it, ruks says I knew about it when jalal went on hunting and took only atifa with him, jodha ask what, atifa was with him? ruks says don’t tell me, you don’t know about it, jodha recalls how jalal denied taking her to hunting, ruks says you don’t know all this as you are busy with that beast khaibar, jodha ask why didn’t you stop jalal? ruks says why would I? and with what right? its kings habit to be with new women every day, what you thought that if jalal remained with you then he wouldn’t look at anyother women, you were lucky that jalal was with you for many days as he doesn’t give that time to one women, I knew before that jalal will forget you and you will also become common from special wife, anyways you also get habituated to it, when jalal got tired of you he went to atifa, when he will be tired of atifa then he will choose another lady and this will go one, now you will live a simple life without jalal, he wouldn’t look at you now, like thousand wives you wont get his love, jodha is hurt and leaves from there, ruks says that I am also hurt jalal that you are with atifa but I am happy that you left jodha begum alone.

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Scene 2
jodha comes to her room and recalls how jalal said that whether he will have throne or not but he will always love jodha, his name will joint with jodha always, jodha looks at kahna and says how can you let this happen with me? jalal used to say that in his heart I will be always there, how can love vanish from his heart, she cries, moti ask her to be calm, jodha says how can I, it was my life to get love of jalal, is it true that jalal doesn’t love anymore, is it true that that I am not in his heart anymore, is this my punishment to love him, I was away from him for some day but how can any other lday take my place in his life, moti says maybe this is just distraction, everything will be fine, salima comes there, jodha goes to her and cries, she hugs her, jodha says you witnessed that jalal said he loves me more than anyone, I know every wife has importance in his life but he said that he loves me, how can he do this with me, If he is angry with me then I will beg to him, I will ask forgiveness sitting in his feet, salima says no, loving someone is not mistake, why will you say sorry to him, compose yourself, I have listened the rumors but love doesn fade away like this, go to jalal and talk with him, I know he is angry with you but I cant agree he has love for anyone than you, jodha says I talk to him many a times but I am afraid this time, I have seen other feeling sin his eyes, salima says don’t be afraid, go and talk with him.

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Scene 3
todar says to jalal that you may know that sharif caught khaiabr’s master and killed him, he was mahaC’s man, jalal says I want action against mahaC, I cant see this just sitting here, we have to find solution, todar says that husband of atifa wants to leave this palace after eid, jalal ask what?
jalal comes to atifa’s room, he calls atifa, atifa is in tears, jalal says I listened that you are going, atifa hugs him, jalal consoles her, atifa says I don’t want to go away from you, you told me whats in your heart, I want to say my heart thing, I feel safe with you, I don’t wanna away from you, jalal says I wont let you go from here, you wull stay with me here, he hugs her, atifa is shocked to see her husband there, her husband says that you characterless girl, don’t you feel ashamed to have relation with other man when it is sin and you only should be with your husband, today I will teach you lesson, jalala shouts dare you touch her bastard, if you call yourself husband then give her rights, you cant beat her, husband says wow what a speech, what a justice, I cant believe I am standing infront of india’s king, is this your justice, is this your character, no you are a lusty man who is trapping a married girl in his trap, I will not live in agra, I feel it is sin to live under you, jalal says you can go but atifa will not go, husband says why, she is my wife, I have right on her, jalal says you have lost the right, husband says don’t forget that there are priests, I will go them and will tell them that you hugged my wife, they will give me justice, jalal says do what you want, go to them but listen onething you have no relation with atifa now, don’t come near her now, he ask him to get out, husband says ok now priest will decide, he leaves. jalal fumes.

PRECAP-jalal says to jodha that yes jodha begum, I love atifa, jodha cant believe her ears and close her eyes, tears just flows from eyes.

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