
Do Not Love Me So Much Episode 155–156 Update on Monday 29th May 2017

The episode starts with Pam continuing to praise Ragini in front of Neil. Neil says if she is not inebriated now, then she must not be well and asks her to go and rest while he speaks to Nancy. She gets nervous and asks why Nancy now. He says he will speak to her later, but wants to be alone now. Pam leaves and goes to her room and thinks Neil is difficult to be convinced.
Nivedita enters Pam’s room and asks if she really told Ragini is perfect for Neil. Pam says yes and says she realized that only Ragini can handle Neil. Nivedita asks what about her. Pam says she is not made for Neil. Nivedita asks what about neil’s promise. Pam says he promised her under alcohol effect and says she is very s*xy and does not look mother of 5 grown up children, but Ragini looks old and gharelu aunty with grown up children. She continues that she should marry some young guy and says she wants to organize party for Neil and Ragini’s unity and will invite her personally. Nivedita thinks something is wrong and she will find out what it is.
Suhani and Agam in nishi’s hospital room tell Naani that they are very happy hearing about mom and dad’s remarriage. Naani says they can separate as a couple but not as parents. Neil enters and hears that. Nani says Nishi is discharged and she is waiting her to wake up. Agam and Suhani thank Neil for patching up with Ragini and Suhani says she was feeling guilty thinking they separated because of her, but she is happy now. Neil gets emotional looking at Nishi and walks out. Naani comes out and says he cannot break children’s happiness. Neil says even then it is difficult for him to stay with Ragini. She asks him to think as a father and not as Ragini’s husband.
Nivedita reaches Aman’s house with a cake and says she came to celebrate his marriage with ragini after 4 days. She sees his bags and asks if he is going on a destination wedding He says he broke his engagement with ragini. She says she is sad to hear that and then laughs and says she brought his farewell cake and says he is going to London heartbroken and Ragini is remarrying Neil. He says it cannot be. She says it is happening.

Neil reaches home with Nishi, Agam, Suhani, Ragini and Naani. Pam greets Ragini with a hug, dressed in a sari like ragini, and calls her bhabhi. She with her overacting says she always wanted to call Neil’s wife as bhabhi and now she got Ragini as her bhabhi. She calls naani as illiterate, arrogant, mannerless and asks who will call her this, she made things possible in a day which nobody could in years. She asks Ranbir to take selfie of her with Ragini.
Sunny stands dumbstruck in a surprise. Pam asks her to wake up and get everyone’s room ready and says she is requesting her and not ordering. She asks children if they are surprised and says she always portrayed as vamp, and there is a reason for it, she could not see her brother crying for Ragini. She asks everyone to pose for a selfie and includes naani and Sunny also.
Arav hears about Ragini and Neil’s patch up and tells Karan and Dimpy that mom cannot do this. Nivedita provokes him that Ragini manipulated Neil using children in her favor. Arav says mom cannot do this and he will talk to her. Once he leaves, Karan asks her to stop brainwashing children against Ragini. Nivedita says she is telling truth and asks why are they favoring ragini. She says she came to meet Neil. Karan says he is not at home and she can come after some time. She says earlier they used to tell to think this house as her house and now want her to get out. Karan says it is not like that. She says she will wait for Neil in his room. Karan asks if he should send some tea and snacks. She asks to send tea via Dimpy. She thinks everyone is a chameleon here.

Precap: Aman asks Ragini if she wanted to remarry Neil, why did she play with his feelings.
The episode starts with Pam preparing dish for Ragini. Sunny smells something burning in kitchen and asks who dared to touch her kitchen. She sees Pam with her dish and asks why did she prepare aloo tikki. Pam says it is quiche. Ragini also enters. Pam asks Ranbir to click selfie with ragini and quiche and asks Sunny also to join. Ranbir clicks selfie.
Arav enters Raginis’ room and asks why is she trying to ruin his life again. She asks what did she do. He says he wanted to settle in US with dad, but she wants to hold dad here by brainwashing him to remarry her. She had been selfish all her life and ruined his life earlier due to her ego, she should stop at least now. Agam asks who told him this. He says Nivedita aunty told him everytihing. Agam takes Arav from there and says he has misunderstood mom. Arav says he does not know that woman well, she can go to any extent to satisfy her ego, once she starts forcing her decisions on him, he will come back to him, then he will console her. Agam hugs him and says nothing bad will happen now.
Pam thinks Nivedita will ruin her plan. She goes to Karan’s house and sees Nivedita waiting for Neil. She asks why is she trying to ruin Neil’s happiness and even after her warning to let Neil be with Ragini, she is trying to mess up again. Neil enters and asks what is happening. Pam says she is explaining Nivedita that Neil prefers children’s happiness.

Nivedita asks Neil what is happening. Neil walks towards his room upstairs. Pam says she told him Neil wants to get rid of her now and asks her to stay right here while she goes and consoles Neil. She walks into Neil’s room and he asks what is happening, she yelled against Ragini since years and now she is praising her. Pam says she realized her mistake and now wants children to stay with parents. Neil says he does not believe and walks out while she follows him.

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Suhani and Agam tell Nishi that they are very happy that their parents will remarry again and they all can stay together.
Ragini gets emotional looking at Nishi and Jignesh’s marriage pics. Neil enters and says Ragini due to her ego, she wants to stop Arav to go with him to US, so to hold him here is making drama with naani of remarrying him, but he will go to US with Arav and will not let her win. Nishi enters, listens to their conversation and starts crying that she did a mistake of trusting naani’s words, but she knew they both cannot reunite at all. Neil says she is misunderstanding again, he is not going back to US and is thinking of remarrying Ragini for sure. Nishi asks Ragini if papa is telling truth. Ragini nods yes.
Pam enters and says she is very happy hearing about Ragini and Neil thinking about giving themselves a second chance and asks Ranbir to click selfie. Nishi says she does not believe them and asks them to remarry if they really want to give themselves a second chance. Pam says she cannot force them. Nishi says she cannot take chance and they have prove themselves and remarry.
Ragini takes Neil to a room and in front of Pam and Naani asks him why did he make such a big mistake and lied Nishi. He says he did what he felt right. Mom told what she felt right and he did same. Pam thinks she wanted them to come closer for some days until she finishes her plan, but she cannot let them remarry.
Pam suggests Neil and Ragini to have a contract marriage until Nishi’s marriage settles down..

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