The hustling and bustling of the city definitely provides good background music for juggling business, school and good living altogether but, hey! It is nothing compared to waking up each morning to the soft tunes that results from birds chirping and sweet scent of flowers wafting into your eager nostrils. It is like massage to an aching muscle and sunshine after a heavy downpour!
2.The serenity that is synonymous to living in a village is definitely worth giving up the “Madina!! Station!!” of the city for.

3.Neither can the neatness that makes living in a village worthwhile be traded with the suffocating stench that choked gutters greet residents of the city with.
4.The cool breeze that circulates your environs when emptying your bowels in a latrine is definitely a plus over queuing in front of an unkempt public toilet, especially when your situation is not funny anymore.-winks-.

5.Ever had a freshly tapped palm wine cascade down your throat and into your stomach? Joy daddy bitters, despite the over hype, can never contest with that.

6.Can you picture, in your mind’s eye, soft traditional music being produced by passionate drummers and sonorous voices. And merged with the sight of gracious steps of beautiful Shea butter toned feet belonging to fleshy maidens? Exhilarating, right? How about an overcrowded pub with half naked low lives all over guys with sagging pants, lustful eyes and glistening brows? Yucks! Disgusting, right?

7.I choose fresh bush meat over frozen chicken and the entertaining baths at the riverside over the crowded pool parties.
8.The kind smile of community health workers is soothing to an ailing mother than a stony glare casted towards an aging grandmother by an overburdened nurse; which is all these sophisticated hospitals got to offer aside the morgues that finish off our unconscious moved ones.

9.I never will trade the nearness to nature that can only be attributed to a village for artificial buildings that the city is famous for.

10.Most importantly, “ampesi” with palaver sauce is much more friendly to the stomach. Rather than eating rubber garnished with assorted meat all in the name of fried rice!!!
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