
Jodha Akbar Episode 412–413 Update on Wednesday 18th October 2017

Scene 1
Jalal ask soldier to attack, he attacks Salim on shoulder, Salim falls on floor, all are shocked, Salim looks at his blood, Ruks comes to Save Salim and gets an arrow on her shoulder to save SAlim, Salim is shocked, Jalal shouts Ruqiya.
in her room, Salim ask Ruks why did you come inbetween, Ruks says I cant see my life(Salim) getting hurt so to save you I got inbetween, I cant see you hurt, Salim says even I cant see you hurt, Jodha ask how is her health doctor, doctor says she is fine. SAlim ask Jodha what you are doing here? did you see ruks, she is mother, she put her life in danger for me and you are helping Jalal in his wrong deeds, Hamida says don’t talk like this, she is your mother, SAlim says no she is just marium Zamani who is on jalal’s side in his wrong deed, Ruks says no don’t say like this, Jalal comes there so Salim starts leaving but then he says to Jalal that I thought you changed jalal but you are same old egoistic jalal who has no respect for feelings, 2who can try to kill his son just to marry a young girl, Ruks is injured because of you, I wont let this marriage happen, I will go to any extent to stop this marriage, if you have blood of royal family then I have same blood too, humyun’s grandson promise you that he wont let this marriage even if his life is taken in this, he leaves, Jalal ask Rusk why did you come inbetween, Ruks, Ruks says Salim’s wound can take my life, I love him a lot and any problem have to fight with me before going to Salim even if it is arrow of Jalal, a mother can go to any extent to save her son, Jalal ask her to take rest, Ruks holds his hand, Jodha looks on, Ruks says to Jalal that promise me to finish the son father fight, that you will stop this fight, Jalal says I want to you to not come in king’s decision, I have given word that I will marry and now I will marry her, I have taken decision and I wont change it, Jodha angrily looks at him, he leaves, Jodha thinks that after so much happened, even then Jalal want to marry that girl.
Scene 2
Jodha comes to Jalal and extend hi sword to Him, she says you will need it, she says when I got to know that you are marrying someone else, It took my life away but then I thought that there must be some reason behind it, I stood beside you leaving Salim on otherside, but you are so much dying to marry that you attacked your own son, PRECAP, she pushes him, she says what you have become Jalal, I feel ashamed to be called your wife, Jalal is hurt, Jodha says when Salim went against you, you attacked him, now I am going against you so take my life too, kill me too, she pushes him, Jalal shouts enough, you know I marrying for Salim only, I thought to not tell you this truth, the dark truth but now I have to tell you, I have taken this decision to save Salim’s life.
Ruks sys to hoshiyar that I saw Jalal’s blink to soldier to not hit Salim hard so I acted like saving SAlim so that he goes away from Jodha and come near me, I got the bruise but SAlim is feeling pain, Hoshiyar says great move Ruks, Ruks says I have to do all this because now only Salim is my motive because I love Salim.
Jodha ask Jalal what you are saying? Jalal says when I went in marriage, Salim came there too, he tells her everything how SAlim killed the groom and how their king asked for SAlim’s life, he says what should I do? I was helpless as father and that king didn’t leave any path for me but to accept his condition and as king I had to accept marriage proposal, was I wrong? Jodha says no you are not wrong but I am wrong to doubt you, I didn’t trust my husband, my love, please forgive me, you were going through rough phase and I was not on your side instead alleged you, you took such a big decision for SAlim and I doubted you, I am sorry, Jalal says don’t be, you didn’t know things, just remember that Salim should not know this, if he gets to know all this then he will try to attack them again and in that case I wont be able to save him, Jodha says you can make Bela marry Farhan too, Jalal says according to their rules its not possible, when I asked Bela, she said yes for marriage, maybe she doesn’t love Farhan that much, I am thinking about Salim’s life, we have to fulfill our duty, in any case, you have to keep in mind that Salim should not know about all this, tomorrow Sahgun will be sent again, Jodha says but Salim, he is your son, he is stubborn like you, he will try to stop marriage then? Jalal says I will handle him, Jodha says but don’t hurt him now, Jalal says I promise I wont let it happen again but I am sorry, I have to do this marriage, Jodha nods.
Scene 3
Salim recalls how Jalal ordered soldiers to attack Salim, he gets angry, Qutub comes and ask him to calm down, you cant go against king, Salim says he is not king not God, I will go against him, its not about Fahran but Bela’s love too, I thinkg Jalal and Jodha have not loved ever, love is die for each other and here Jalal is marrying for political reason and Jodha is taking his side just to maintain her position, even Jalal and Jodha’s marriage was political settlement, I will not allow Jalal to do this marriage, he ask Qutub to leave, he leaves. Haidar comes there and greets Salim, Salim says you have come here to make me understand that I should not go against Jalal, Haidar says no, I just want to tell you that mistake can happen from anyone, be it king or prince, Jalal s wrong and I salute you for your courage, we have to take stand against wrong, Jalal is marrying that girl forcefully, Jalal cant break this rule of marrying somoen forcefully, I am with you in this in justice, Salim says this matter is between me and Jalal, I don’t want you to come in it, Jalal can attack me then he can hurt you too, I am thankful that you extended hand for help but I will fight alone, tomorrow there will be marriage but it will be of Bela and Fahran, tomorrow love will win and Jalal’s ego will be crushed, he leaves, haidar says like I couldn’t get love of father because of Jalal, I wont let Jalal get love of his son, I will make his son away from him.
Salim comes to Anarkali’s house, she ask you here at this time? all fine? Salim says I wanted to meet you, she brings him in house and ask the matter, Salim says all fine, I came to meet you, I wanted to tell you that maybe this is your last meeting, Anarkali ask why you are saying this, Salim says to Anarkali because tomorrow I will kidnap Bela to make her marry Farhan, Anarkali says are you mad, you will go in danger, if anything happens to you then what I will.. she gets conscious, Salim smiles.
scene 1
Slim says to Anarkali that I am going to kidnap Bela, Anarkali says are you mad, if they kill you then what I will do.. I mean I wont be able forgve myself, you are in this problem because of me. Salim says no I am in this matter because of love, you tok huge risk in love and now its my time to do something for love and there is nothing like danger in love, Anarkali says if anything happens to you then I wont be able to bear it, she get in tears, Salim comes closer to her and says why? I am just a common Mughal soldier and soon am going to be tagged as betrayer then why does it matter even if I die, Anarakli puts hand on his mouth, and look in his eyes, they share an eyelock, she says because I wont be able to bear it, she moves away from him and says I don’t know whats happening but if anything happens to you then I.. she says even if you get saved from tribe then Jalal wont leave you, Salim says I know that’s why I came to tell you that this might be our last meeting, I want to tell you something important as if I don’t tell you then it will huge guilt for me, she ask him to go on, Salim says I wanna tell you that I am.. they find some horses running noises, Anarkali says I think there are some soldiers in this area, she ask SAlim to go rom here its dangerous for you, we will meet after sometime, Salim says what if I wont be able to meet you again? Anarkali says you said that you have to tell me something important and you will not di with guilt of telling me that, you will definitely come to complete this incomplete meeting, I am sure nothing will happen to you, Salim smiles and starts leaving, he turns and looks at her, Anarkali thinks I don’t know who are you, if this is last meeting of ours even then I wont be able to forget this meeting ever, Salim thinks that tomorrow I will be on war with world but I will return from it for you only, Anarkali thinks that I don’t I feel this is not our last meeting, SAlim thinks you will be the last person I would want to see before dying, Anarkali thinks that our story will go very far and will become story for others, SAlim says bye, Anarkali says please say that we will meet again, I will wait fro you Qutub, Salim nods and leaves, Anarkali prays to God to protect SAlim, he is going to protect love of someone else.


Scene 2
Bhagwan says to Jalal that place of marriage is changed, I got message from tribe king. It will happen in mandir. Jalal says ok.
Jalal is sitting in his room with groom dress infront of him, Jodha comes there and see him like this, she says shagun and everyone is ready to go for marriage, she sit beside him and says shagun is ready, Jalal says I know, Jodha says I am worrying when SAlim will get to know about it he will come to oppose you, Jalal says I know but I promise I wont let anything happen to your son, I will fulfill duty as father and as king both, I will fulfill promise of marrying Bela too, if I wanted I would have finished that tribe but not every problem’s solution is raising sword, sometime person have to bow head to walk with high head later, I will handle SAlim, this nikah will happen and SAlim wont be informed about it, Jodha says I know its all difficult for you, I pray to lord that you get strength, Jalal says you are with me that’s my strength, I want this matter to end soon, I don’t want SAlim to get involved in all this, he is going to be king, I don’t want him to waste time in stupid things like this, Jodha says I think you are right, this is the solution, she leaves.
Scene 3
Jalal along with his family comes to venue for marriage, tribe king welcomes them, Hamida says we have come to do ritual with to be bride, Bela comes there, Hamida gives her shagun, Jodha helps Hamida. Jodha says to Bela that I didn’t see you before but I knew this suit will look good on you and see how much beautiful you are looking, Bela greets them, Jodha says to bela that you must be happy with this marriage, Bela’s mother answer that yes she is, Bela is in tension, Joda notices it, Jodha says to queen that I have to talk to bela, actually I have to tell her rules and regulations of palace before marriage, she takes Bela from there.
Scene 4
Jodha ask Bela that you said you are happy with marriage then why this sadness on face? whats the matter, tell me, why you are so sad, Bela starts crying and says Marium Zamani.. she falls in Jodha’s feet and says only you can save me, I don’t want to marry Jalal, Jodha says then why did you say yes when Jalal asked you, Bela says because I was forced, flashback shows how Bela said to her mother that she will not marry Jalal and will marry Farhan only, her father comes there and says we wll decide whom you will marry, you have nko right to say no to Jalal, if you say no to Jalal then we will kill Farhan, Bela says no don’t do this, I will marry anyone but don’t do anything to Farhan, king says now said right thing, we are thinking about your future only, you will become queen of India and our position will be raised too. fb ends, Bela says to Jodha that save me, I don’t want to marry, please save me else I will die, Jodha consoles her and thinks.
Jodha tells Jala everything, Jalal says what? when Adahma wanted to marry a girl, I issued a statement that nobody can be forced for marriage and now that king forced his daughter, here I ma following their rules and he made fun of my rules, he played with me, Jdoha ask what you are going to do? Jalal laughs and says that a king tried to make me lose but he forgot that ultimate is king me, I had one condition that I will marry Bele only if she agrees to marriage and that king accepted that condition, here I am sticking to my tongue but he broke my rule so now I am not tied to my promise, he lied to me, tried to cheat me, now he will be punished, Jodha says now this marriage will not happen? Jalal says no this maariage will happen.
Scene 5
Maan comes to jalal and says Salim is nowhere to be seen, Bhagwan says that we have prepared to stop him without hurting him, Jalal says but he is my son, he will find a way to stop this marriage and this marriage has to happen at any cost, Salim can take a wrong step so we have to find him and stop him.
otherside Salim wear war suit and get ready for fight, Qutub comes there and says please stop, there is still time, Salim says to not stop him, I have decided, Qutub says ok I will come with my friend, SAlim says this is my war, I will fight alone, thanks for being at my side, Qutub ask what can I help you? salim says give message to Farhan that meet at river side, I will bring Bela there, this marriage will happen. otherside Jalal says that this marriage will happen but Nikah will be of Farhan and Bela. all are stunned.
PRECAP- Salim cones at marriage venue with injured Farhan on his shoulder, all are shocked to see Farhan in that state.
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