

The Episode starts with Aaliya is slapped by the constable. Aaliya tells that she will complain to Commissioner that some fraudster entered her house as IT officials. Purab and Pragya are shocked. Avinash shows his ID and says it proves that he is an IT officer and she is an IT evader. He asks his constables to search the house. Tanu gets tensed and thinks if they get the papers signed by Abhi. Avinash says you will soon go to jail as she has proved that she is a tax evader. Tanu thinks what will happen now. He asks Tanu if she wants to say something. Tanu says nothing. Avinash asks Purab to come with him and he needs to discuss with him. Purab goes. Avinash asks Meera to keep an eye on Aaliya. Purab and Avinash go to room. Avinash says he likes to handle arrogant girls. He says he came with all
the proofs. They search for the file.
Purab thinks where they have kept the papers. Raj comes and asks Inspector if they will take anything. Inspector (fake) refuses. Raj says Robin makes nice samosas. Mitali says he makes nice samosas. Inspector agrees. He silently speaks to Aaliya and asks her why did she shout at IT official. Aaliya says don’t mess with me right now. Robin gives samosas to all fake officials. Dadi gets worried. Pragya says Abhi will come.
Mitali asks Disha if she got happy when Aaliya was slapped. Disha says no. Mitali thinks she is lying. Purab and Avinash couldn’t get anything in Aaliya’s room and searches file in Tanu’s room. They get jewellery and thinks to keep it in hall so that raid looks real. Tanu looks at her jewellery and tells that if they find the papers. Pragya says you both will go to jail and will have to use hand blender there. She says your hands are beautiful and you will feel pain if the nails are broken. Your hairs and fairness will get dull. Tanu asks Aaliya why she is listening to her. Aaliya says she is not scared as the thing which they are searching will not be found from my room atleast. Pragya hears them. Aaliya asks Avinash if he got what he was searching. Avinash says he is sure that he will find it. He asks his men to search entire house. Purab asks men to search in other rooms and asks Avinash to stick his moustache well.
Pragya comes to Purab and asks if they got file. Avinash says they didn’t get anything. Purab says we shall end this drama as file must not be here. Pragya says ok and thanks Avinash. Avinash says ok, I will leave. Pragya asks him to get some files to make them believe that raid was real. Avinash says ok. Pragya asks Purab what we will do now.

Dadi tells Preita she can’t let her allow her treatment. She goes calling Rishab. Karan was getting ready in his room. He feels curt about Preita and thinks he won’t let her stay here. Dadi comes downstairs to speak to Rishab, he was busy with a business talk. Rishab stops at once looking at Preita come downstairs, and was lost for a while. Karan comes downstairs as well and says this girl has reached their house as well, he has seen many crazy girls but none like her. She has been stalking him for a whole past month. Preita and Karan argue. Rishab tells them to stay silent, Dadi tells Rishab she isn’t experienced.Dadi was ready to go to hospital but not let Preita treat her. Rishab thanks Preita for convincing his Dadi to get treatment in hospital but he can’t give her the job. Preita leaves

the house.
At home, Sarla calls Aaliya and asks for Pragya. Aaliya asks what she wants to say. Sarla scolds Aaliya to give the phone to Pragya. On the phone, Pragya makes up that she has a lot to do at home but Sarla insists she has some duties towards her mother as well. Pragya agrees, then curses Aaliya for getting her involved in this all. She says this Sarla would surely get at once that she isn’t Pragya. Aaliya says she herself agreed to come.
Preita walks on the road worried about her monetary conditions. She watches some children selling balloons and thinks she is left with thirty rupees only but this will at least get these children some food for themselves. The girl blesses Preita to get her hero through these gifted balloons. The balloons fly off Preita’s hand and sticks to Karan’s car. Karan holds the balloon wondering whom this belongs to. Preita comes running to get her balloon back. Karan calls her a psycho who is wandering him. Preita clarifies he isn’t worth anyone’s love. Karan eyes her closely, there was a crowd around Karan. Rishab also gets a balloon, he gifts it to Dadi for coming to physiotherapist with him.
At home, Sarla tells Pragya she must be shocked to hear the news. She tells Pragya about having found her two lost sisters, Abhi brought them. She tells Pragya Janki lost her ring, and she skimmed their luggage; their she discovered they were her daughters. Bee ji also heard about it, Sarla was upset that the girls hate her. They ask Pragya for some suggestion to stop the girls. Pragya tells her not to show the girls about their relation with them, share so much love that their hearts change by themselves. Bee ji tells Pragya that Sarla has already had a fight with Shistri, she got their bags packed as well. Pragya suggests they must ask them for rent of two days, the girls won’t be able to pay it as they got the job now. Later, Sarla may agree to let them live for one month. Sarla and Bee ji cheer, Sarla goes to get kheer for Pragya.
Preita stops by a hospital and thinks about finding a job here may be. Dadi and Rishab had stopped by the same hospital, Dadi had foot ache again. Preita held her foot and inspite of her resistance Preita twists her ankle. She tells Dadi to take a painkiller, apply an anti-inflammatory and soak her foot in salted water. She must now decide if she wants to scream in pain or dance. Rishab stops Preita, introduces himself and asks her to accept the job she came for. He wasn’t ready to listen to Dadi now. Dadi gets ready to give her a chance. Rishab pays cash money to Preita in advance, he insists her to take it so that Dadi realizes their deal got final. He hopes to see her tomorrow. While leaving Preita finds her flown balloon in the car. Rishab says it came flying to his car wondering whose love it can be. Preita decides not to take a child’s words so serious. In the car, Dadi thinks about a way to get her out of her house. Preita thinks about teaching Karan a lesson now.

PRECAP: Sarla argues with Shistri that she can’t let them leave until they pay a rent of one month. Shistri counters if they pay a rent of one month they will stay here as well, no matter what. Sarla allows them to live here then. Preita was happy.
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