
Tashan Episode 87–88 Update on Friday 8th September 2017

Scene 1

Yuvi comes to Twinkle and ask her to play with him, Twinkle says to Yuvi that dont pretend infront of me, i know you are faking your illness, just leave from here, Yuvi says ok i am going of house, Twinkle thinks that if Kunj gets to know that Yuvi has gone out of house then he will scold me, she calls Yuvi back and says i will play with you, she starts playing with him, Yuvi kisses Twinkle on cheek while playing, she is stunned, Cherry and his friend sees this, his friend comments that i wish i was in yuvi’s place then i would have got opportunity to kiss Twinkle, Twinkle is disgusted to listen this, Yuvi gets angry and throws shoe on him, he says i will hit you, Cherry says you will hit my friend? he pushes Yuvi away and is about to beat to Yuvi but Twinkle comes inbetween and ask yuvi if he is fine? he nods, Twinkle ask Cherry what he is doing? cherry says this is my house and i can do what i want, Twinkle says but dont cross limits, Yuvi says if you shout on Twinkle then i will beat you, Cherry says you will beat me? he is about to hit Yuvi, but Twinkle slaps Cherry, she says brother in law is good relation but you have forced me to slap you, Cherry says how dare you? Anita and babee comes there and ask what happened? Cherry says this Twinkle raised hand on me, Yuvi says no, Cherry tried to hit me so Twinkle saved me, she is not at fault, Anita says to Cherry that i dont mind if you scold Yuvi but dont be harsh on him, he is your brother and you Twinkle? how dare you slap your brother in law? oh you are modern daughter in law after all, Twinkle says Cherry’s friend passed a nasty comment on me and i didnt like that at all, Cherry says what wrong he did? didnt Yuvi kissed you? Babee says Yuvi didnt do good with Twinkle, Anita says but Twinkle didnt say that she didnt like him kissing, Babee ask her to stop all this, she ask them to leave, Raman comes and sees all that.
Raman comes to Twinkle and says i know you are mature girl but i need to tell something, i know you forgot your past and started your new life after marriage but problems are coming in your life, Anita and Yuvi both have entered your house, they can weaken your relation with Kunj, Twinkle says i wont sit quiet, i will bring Yuvi’s truth out soon, Raman says i am proud of you, save your marriage from that devil, Twinkle says he cant pretend for much time.
At night, Yuvi comes to Twinkle’s room and says we will sleep together on bed, he takes her from hand and drags her to bed, she slaps him and says how can you say all this? aren you ashamed to say all this? i am married women, get lost from my room, Yuvi starts crying, Babee and Anita comes to Twinkle’s room and ask why Yuvi is crying? Yuvi says Twinkle beat me, Anita says how dare you Twinkle to hit my son, Babee ask Twinkle why she raised her hand on him? Twinkle says Yuvi was forcing me to sleep on one bed with him.. i am even ashamed to say this, Anita says are you mad, cant you see he is like kid, you should be guilty of making him like this instead you are raising hand on him, Babee ask Anita to stop it, dont drag things, take your son from here, till Kunj doesnt comeback, Yuvi and Twinkle will not sleep in one room, Anita ask yuui to come with her, he says i will sleep in Kunj’s room only, anita says you can sleep here when Kunj comes back, she takes Yuvi from there, babee says to Twinkle that i understand you were protecting yourself and any girl would feel bad if a boy tries to touch her unnecessarily but he is like Kid, you shouldnt have raised hand on him, you are mature girl, she leaves, Twinkle says Yuvi i will expose you soon, i wish Kunj was here, atleast i feel safe with him, she recalls her moments with Kunj like he used to call her sayapa queen, like he promised to be with her, how he stood for her on Karwachauth, she says whats happening with me? i am missing Kunj? i have gone mad, i should sleep, Sajna ve plays.
In morning, Yuvi is playing alone, kids comes to him and ask him to play cricket with them, Twinkle sees this and thinks that Yuvi doesnt ike kids at all, he gets irritated with them, lets see how he reacts now, Yuvi ask kids if they will let him bat in cricket? they agree, Yuvi happily starts playing cricket with them, Twinkle is stunned and thinks if Kunj is right? is Yuvi really ill? she starts leaving from there but slips and about to fall but Kunj comes in time and holds her in arms, she looks at him in surprise, both share eyelock, Sajna ve plays.

Scene 2
Leela comes out of her house and finds JP there, JP is on call and says to caller that i have returned from london, he finds Leela there, he greets Leela and leaves, Leela says he is saying that he returned from London? how is it possible? how can two person have same face.
Kunj says to Twinkle that she must be happy without him in room, what problem you created? Twinkle says why you feel that i create problems only? Kunj says because you are problem queen, he ask if she did any experiment on Yuvi? Twinkle says i didnt do anything but you know what Yuvi did? he kissed me on cheek, Kunj says this is your problem, you are not able to understand that his mind is of kids, you are not accepting truth, didnt you see how he was happily playing with kids, he isnt acting, Twinkle says he said that he is kid and you accepted, he is just acting, you are not able to see it, Kunj puts cotton in his ears to be saved from Twinkle’s rants, Twinkle takes them off and ask what was that? Kunj says this is only weapon that can save husbands from wives rants, Twinkle starts beating him with pillow, they both stand on bed and have pillow fight, both fall on bed while having pillow fight, Kunj’s hands is around Twinkle’s belly, both are lying on bed and lost in each other, Sajna ve plays, Kunj takes off his hand from Twinkle, both look at each other, Anita comes there and says Oh my God, how romantic is that, i am sorry to disturb you both, seems like your Goa hangover has not gone, she says to Kunj that day after tomorrow is Yuvi’s birthday, i have ordered locket for Yuvi to gift him, you have to go now to pick it up, they will make it then bring it, Twinkle says Kunj has come now only, i will serve him lunch then he can go to pick locket, Anita says you are servants here, first do my work then you can eat, Kunj agrees to go.

PRECAP- Twinkle ask Anita why she is taking undue advantage of Kunj’s goodness? Anita says you both have done much damage to me, now see i will make Kunj my servants.

Scene 1
Anita says to Kunj and Twinkle that if i want then i can stop your food and water in this house, servants have to follow master’s order to get food and water, she ask Kunj to go and do her work, he nids and leaves, Twinkle says to Anita that why are taking advantage of Kunj’s goodness? what has he done to you? anita says he didnt do anything with me but you have destroyed my Yuvi’s life, now see what i will do with your Kunj, in two days, i will make him my servant, she leaves, Twinkle thinks i am sorry Kunj, you have to bear all this because of me.
Kunj brings locket from shop and gives to Anita, Anita says its nice, she puts it in cupboard infront of Kunj, she gives Kunj money for doing her work, he says its not needed, i did it for my family, you and Yuvi are my family now and if i am able to be of any help for you then let me know, Anita throws money on his face and says you can talk big but reality is that you are bankrupt so take this money, Kunj collects money thrown at him, gives it back to Anita and says you can say anything to me but dont insult wealth as it can vanish if insulted, he leaves,
Kunj comes in his room and takes off his shirt to change but Twinkle comes in room and sees this, she turns away her face and says what are you doing? Kunj wears his shirt back and says icant you see i am changing, Twinkle says you should not change infront of a girl, Kunj says i am not seeing any girl, i can see you only and you are witch(dayaan), in which world you are in? i am not 80s heroine that i will feel shame if my pallu is slightly disordered, Twinkle says i came to take my phone, Kunj says take it and leave, let me have some peace on my bed, Twinkle doesnt look at him and takes her phone, she says this bed is mine now, Kunj says its my bed, its my goodness that i have gave you my bed but its mine, Twinkle says this is my bed, she holds his collar and says dare you sit on my bed, yuvi comes there and says Twinki you are bad girl, why are you fighting with Kunj? Yuvi ask Kunj if he fine? he likes chain in his neck, Kunj says it was gifted to me by Twinkle’s family on marriage, Yuvi says this is nice, i like it, i want it, Kunj says but this is my gift, i cant give it, Yuvi says i will take it, he breaks chain, Twinkle is stunned, Kunj sees chain broken, Kunj says to yuvi that day after tomorrow is your birthday, i will gift it to you on that day, its broken now, Yuvi leaves, Twinkle and Kunj tensely looks at each other.
At night, Twinkle is thinking about Yuvi’s antics, she is closing and opening lamp, she thinks that Yuvi is acting for sure, yuvi wanted chain because Kunj got it on our marriage, my marriage is biggest problem for Yuvi, Leela gifted Kunj chain with so much, Kunj is in guilt and Yuvi wants to take advantage of it, but i wont let it happen.

Scene 2
Anita says to Surjeet that i have bought locket for Yuvi and i want you to gift it to him, he will like it, Surjeet says the respect you give to me, i like it alot, you win my heart everytime, Anita says Yuvi is your son too like Cherry is my son, she opens cupboard and doesnt find locket there, she says locket is missing, Surjeet ask her to check here and there, Surjeet finds broken chain piece on floor, Anita sees this and says this is Kunj’s chain piece, Surjeet says this means.. Anita says Kunj have stolen Yuvi’s locket, they are bankrupt so doing cheap things, Surjeet angrily goes out.
Twinkle sleeping on couch while Yuvi and Kunj sleeping on bed, door knocks, Twinkle opens door, Surjeet comes there and wakes Kunj up, Kunj wakes up, Surjeet slaps him hard, all are stunned, Surjeet says how dare you steal Yuvi’s locket? now i will show you your place, Kunj says why will i steal? surjeet says i know truth, i will just give verdict now.
Surjeet brings Kunj in hall and says he is robber, Kunj says why will i steal anything? Anita says for money, Twinkle says Kunj can die of hunger but cant steal anything, Anita says you have married him for just a month and taking so much side of him? Twinkle says yes because i know him, i know his truthfulness and honesty, he can die but cant steal anything, Babee comes there and says why would Kunj steal in his own house? you must be mistaken Surjeet, Surjeet says i knew you would not believe me but truth is that Kunj is thief, Babee says no this is not right, Surjeet says Kunj have shown his blood, his father was disloyal and son is same too, Kunj says dont say ill about my father, Manohar says first listen to Kunj, i am sure he cant steal anything, Usha says you must have lost it somewhere but Kunj cant steal it, Cherry says we dont allege anyone unnecessarily, Kunj must have doen it, Anand says no Kunj cant do it, Cherry says you shut up good for nothing man, Babee ask them to stop it, Yuvi says Kunj is nice boy, Twinkle says whats the proof that Kunj has done this? Anita says you need proof? i will show you, she shows broken piece of Kunj’s chain and says i found it near my cupboard, this is enough proof, Twinkle thinks that chain was with me then how can it be near Anita’s cupboard, Anita says i had put Yuvi’s locket in cupboard infront of Kunj, he must have decided to steal that time only, Babee says but.. Anita says i am sorry but limit is being crossed, i will tell world the reality of these Sarnas now that their son is a thief, Twinkle thinks is all happening because of me, Kunj has to bear so much insult because of me.
Anita comes out of house and calls out her neighbors, Sarnas come out too, Anita says to neighbors that i will tell you reality of Sarnas, they act like classy people but i will tell you how cheap their thinking is, this Kunj Sarna stole in his house only, he stole locket of my Yuvi’s, this is his reality, Kunj stolen locket for 1lac, have you ever thought that can have so much cheap thinking? what Kunj did today, he has made Amritsar ashamed, Babee says enough, you are disrespecting this family but you are part of it, Anita says yes i am part of it so i have to speak up, when Kunj made my son ill, you were silent but now taking his side? why you protect him in his wrong deeds? Babee says we can talk all this in house, anita says no i will tell everyone about Kunj’s reality, Babee ask Surjeet to control Anita, she is disrespecting us infront of everyone, Surjeet says she is right, Manohar was thief and his son is thief too, Twinkle says truth is that Yuvi was playing with Kunj’s chain last night but broke, i took chain from Kunj but i dont know how it reached your room Anita, anita says dont make up stories, you dont have any proof, Kunj is a thief, Yuvi says Kunj is not thief, Twinkle says to Anita that beg you dont do all this, Anita says i will not leave this Kunj easily, she ask Surjeet to call police and ask them to take Kunj from here, he nods and dials police number, Twinkle puts hand on Kunj’s shoulder to support him.

PRECAP- Babee says to Kunj that if locket is not found then you will have to accept this theft. Anita comes to Twinkle and says you were right, i hided the locket so i can blame Kunj for stealing, now police will come and will drag your husband to police station, you can cry too. Twinkle says nothing of that sort will happen, neither Kunj will go to jail nor i will cry and this is a wife’s promise, understood? .

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