
Amaya Episode 20 Update on Saturday 3rd June 2017

After Eloisa told Lucrecia about the doctor’s recommendation that Lucio attends Therapy, she worries very much after hearing that because she looks so afraid that he could reveal the secret on day and so she warns Eloisa she that won’t allow anybody to hypnotize Lucio and Eloisa wonders why she looks so anxious. 

Amaya tells Caro she couldn’t see Max because she received a call from Valeria’s school that she fainted but Caro says Max may think she just made a fool out of him and Caro says they have to still go look for him so she can explain to him why she stood him up and Amaya agrees. 

Max complains to Jorge that Amaya stood him up and Jorge wonders why but he suggests that he calls her and asks why but all the same he thinks she only did that because she has a boyfriend or a husband but Max refuses to believe because she thinks Amaya is not engaged whatsoever because if it were so she wouldn’t have kissed him but Jorge says he is not to allow the kiss to deceive him. Manuel calls them to asks them to come over to sign the documents of the partnership with at the notary public. 
At the party, Laura introduces Mariana to Hotencia so she can tell her about el Paraiso and Mariana looks so happy that at long last she will get some information to give Amaya. Mariana and her friends gets inside to dance 
Max assures Jorge he’ll tell Constanza what he feels for Amaya and end up their relationship ones and for all.

Whiles dancing, Ivan arrives to confront Mariana about why she came to their ranch with Amaya without permission and Mariana says she is never sorry for doing that and also she owes him no explanation and this then ends Ivan in a fight with a guy who decides to defend her from Ivan but on the contrary Valentin only wanted to have a feel of Mariana and Ivan seeing that also attacks him to leave Mariana alone and again the argument and fight continues and so the police arrests Mariana, Ivan and Valentin for causing commotion at the party and Valentin says that Mariana is the cause of their fight because she is a whore. They are taken to the police station and they are put in jail to spend the night there and this worries Mariana very much because she knows that if her parents should find out it will be a blow to them so she asks Laura to lie to her mum that she will spend the night in her house and return the next morning. 

Amaya asks Horacio for an explanation because she couldn’t find him because he never showed up after leaving him plenty messages about Valeria’s fainting and also to go out celebrate his new job with their daughter but Horacio tells her to not confront him as if he was the cause of Valeria fainting and the best thing is that Valeria is okay now.

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Lucrecia insists to her husband that she is never going to allow Lucio to have that therapy but Mauro asks her to have a second thought because it will be best for the health of the child.
Horacio asks Valeria to help him with a surprise he has for her mother and she agrees so she tells his mum that she wants to go with them to have breakfast outside and Amaya says that will depend on how Valeria feels the next day and she says she is going to be fine. 

Constanza thinks of Max, and of Salvador too and she compares the two. 
Flavia comments to Lucio that their mother only thinks of herself but there is one thing she can’t stand and that is seeing his brother very sad. 
Max is determined to find Amaya

Hector takes Ivan out from the police station and Ivan tells him about Mariana who is also in jail and Hector accepted and paid for Mariana’s release. 
Mauro wishes his daughter Juliana to attend his birthday party, and at the same time Juliana was also looking for a present for him. 

Mariana arrives home whiles her mum welcomes her calmly, her father Cipriano scolds Mariana for not sleeping in her house and she apologizes to her dad and he looks so shocked that Mariana for ones in her life has accepted wrong and respected him. 

Horacio takes Valeria and Amaya to a restaurant and gives her a ring, Max enters the same restaurant and watches the scene with surprise, realizing that Amaya is married and has a daughter and seriously, he looks surprise.

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