
Doli Armaano Ki – Episode 264–265 Update on Wednesday 24th January 2018

Scene 1:
Location: Sushma’s residence
Ishaan serves everyone pudding, that he made, but is disappointed when he gets to know that shaurya slept without tasting his pudding. He serves them all, saying that this would release their stress, as someone desperately needs it, hinting at urmi. she gets tensed. tiwari and ishaan try and lighten the mood. tiwari asks them to serve him sweets, atleast till the time, sushma doesnt come back. all are amused. urmi breaks into laughter, and he asks her to do so frequently, as she looks nice. She gets tensed. He asks her to have faith, that ishaan wont let her be defeated, and asks her to give him all the problems, and relax a little. Tiwari too agrees with ishaan. urmi thinks that he has full faith on ishaan, but she knows what kind of a person samrat is, and he would take huge step, which is completely unpredictable.
Scene 2:

Location: Annu’s residence
As saroj attends to the child, she is shopcked as they find samrat and shashi happily coming in. granny welcomes them, while anu and saroj are shocked and irritated too. Asha is excited to see samrat, having come with lots of gifts. saroj is visibly tensed. Samrat and shashi come, on the pretext of congratulating them, on the child. She tries to give sweets to saroj, but she refuses to accept. granny hints her to, and saroj silently complies, resignedly. Shashi compliments the child, and asha again starts on her nonsensical banter. samrat says that since urmi doesnt want to fulfill the relations, he took it on himself, and got the child a cradle, as per ritual. Anu retorts and says that the child has another bua too, and he wont need a cradle from someone else. Shashi teasingly says that anu hasnt changed at all. samrat asks her not to worry, as a little spice is nice. Saroj is frustrated. Shashi laments about devi’s condition. samrat also wants to meet him. Granny asks annu to take him there. Samrat says that he can help himself. saroj comes in the way, saying that he is sleeping. samrat says that he would wake up then, and leaves. saroj and annu are tensed. Anu says that there’s definitely something. Saroj too complies and thinks the same. Shashi eyes them sadistically.

Scene 3
Location: In the temple
urmi expresses to rudra that she knew that noone but he would definitely come if she calls him. Rudra says that he would have come. urmi talks about the shaurya custody case. rudra asks whats the matter. Urmi talks to rudra, asking if he would be able to testify for her, and against samrat in the
court, so that she can essily get shaurya’s custody. She tries to point out that samrat just wants to win, but isnt concerned fir shaurya, and hence she is the rightful choice. Rudra asks how can he stand against his own son. urmi says that shaurya is his grandson, and doesnt he want benefit for him. Rudra says that he wants, but he wont be able to stand against samrat. urmi asks him to just speak what he knows, but not add anything for her gain. but rudra stands helpless, saying that samrat would be in a fit of rage, as whatever he says, shall go against samrat. urmi pleads him for the sake of shaurya’s well being. Rudra blesses her that she would win the case, despite his testimony. Urmi asks him to support instead of blessing. rudra apologises for not being able to help, come what may. she is disappointed, saying that she believed in him blindly, but noone else, but he too turned around and proved, that whatever he does, he is after all samrat’s father, and that there’s a huge difference between being a father and trying to be a father. She says that when a girl gets married, she marries the entire family, but the minute she walked out, all the relations got left behind too, and thats the bitter truth of society. Rudra tries to convince her, but she says that its okay, as another of her imaginations were shattered today. She leaves. he stanss embarassed.
Scene 4:
Location: Samrat’s residence
Radha gets bon the roof, and finds samrat exercising, with weights, and gets nervous. she keeps going on with her work, catching glances at him, stealthily. samrat finds her eyeing him and is amused. He pretends to have gotten hurt, and radha impulsively reaches out, and rushes to his care, while he is amused, as she reprimands him for being carelsss with such heavy weights. samrat tells her that he got distracted, as she came in front of him, and therefore its her fault. she is surprised, and embarassed too. he holds her hand, while she is stunned and shocked. she asks him to let go of the hand, and he asks why, and if she didnt like the touch of his hand. she says that its nothing like that, and he counterasks if this means, she likes his touch. she gets nervous and is at a loss for an answer. She again says that kanchan would be angry if she sees. samrat says that he doesnt care, as once he sets his eyes on something, he doesnt let go of it. she is surprised. radha hears kancham’s hollers, and tries to wriggle. But samrat doesnt let go, and is amused at her plight. she finally bites into his hand, and he lets go. She rushes inside, while he winces in pain, amused at her ferocity to let be gone. he lustily thinks that now the predator shall enjoy much more in assaulting the prey, and be bitten in the process, time and again. He smiles evilly.
Scene 5:
Location: Jhansi court.
Urmi and ishaan arrive in the court, and he assures her that they shall definitely win the case. ishaan excuses himself for a minute, saying that he has to get some important papers. He leaves. samrat comes taunting her and saying hello, cheerfully. Urmi gets frustrated. Samrat points that its a good day, and asks why is she angry. she asks him rsignedly what does he want. he says that he is already getting what he wants, meaning her child. He asks where’s ishaan, and says that he must be collectuing evidence. He says that day, she won, and today its his turn, and says that the lawyer is going to get a loss for her. he continues to taunt her, saying that only she finds him bad, but her family finds him very good. she says that they cant do anything like that. He says that her family is standing by him, and not her. She is surprised and asks whats he trying to say. He starts smiling, and tauntingly explains whats he saying. Samrat says to urmi that today he is going to present a very trustworthy and cherished member of her family, in the court against her, from his side. He says that someone of her own family, would come and stand in the court, and prove her characterless, and testify against her, and her loss is assured, as she is going to be betrayed by her own family member, and then shaurya’s custody shall be his, neither her, nor her lover, ishaan. he sarcastically wishes her all the best, and then leaves. ishaan comes just then. urmi is stunned. Ishaan asks whats the matter. urmi tells what samrat told. ishaan is surprised. urmi wonders who is this person, as devi who always supported Samrat, is bedridden. the screen freezes on her face.
Scene 1:
Location: Jhansi Court
The second hearing of the case begins. ishaan tries to say that the question isnt of the parents’ happiness, but for the child’s happiness and proper upbringing, for which samrat is a bad choice. niranjan asks for solid evidence, for ishaan to prove his case. ishaan asks him to be patient, and asks the permission from the judge to present his witness. The judge gives the permission. ishaan presents Sangeeta jaiswal, the principal of Beautiful flowers primary school. Ishaan asks who got shaurya’s admission, and she replies that urmi did all the admission, and that samrat never came in the picture, as a normal and responsible father. ishaan asks him to elaborate. She tells about what samrat did, in urmi’s absence, by taking shaurya and keeping him absent frim academic hours. ishaan taunts samrat that was indeed responsible. niranjanis tensed. she tells how she told urmi about this, and the fake birthday, and how urmi was oblivious of all this. ishaan asks what action did she take. She says that she gave urmi a warning, to get samrat to stop this, or she shall cancel the admission. niranjan says that the principal is lying. Ishaan asks him not to make baseless allegations, and then asks how can the court take samrat to be responsible. He asks niranjan to question her. Niranjan says that he doesnt have any questions from her. Ishaan presents the second witness, as Mr. Tiwari, Urmi’s landlord. Tiwari ji complies, and takes the oath of truth. tiwari says that he is urmi’s landlord, and then asks why urmi couldnt go to her own house, after leaving samrat’s house, due to samrat’s fear. ishaan asks if he faced anything. Tiwari ji says that samrat scared him too many times. Ishaan asks ythe court to notice this, ishaan then asks about samrat’s nature with shaurya. He presents the entire case, while samrat gets frustrated and tries to point out why samrat wants this child. samrat gets irritated and asks him whats he saying. Niranjan asks him to calm down, and then says that ishaan is getting hired evidences, that he also could have easily managed. ishaan says that evidences are bought and sold by people, who dont have the truth. niranjan continues to taunt, while ishaan asks him to stop being so baseless. ishaan again presents him for questions, and niranjan says that he is his witness, and it would be a waste of time. Niranja points out that these evidences are very weak, and hence they should have witnesses, who are close to either samrat or urmi as immediate family.

Urmi is tensed as niranjan presents a dramatic portrayal of one of urmi’s relatives, who shall testify about her character, and shall settle this case once and for all, a case that is beyond materialistic ventures, and is unaffected by lies and betrayal. He asks he judge’s permission to call her in the witness box. the judge allows. samrat gives a thumbs up to urmi, as a taunt. All eyes turn to find who walks in. urmi is shocked to find that its saroj, in tearful eyes, her own mother. Niarnajna identifies her, and then she, with trembling hands takes the oath of truth. Niranjan tells her that he knows what she is going through, but today she would have to relieve of this stress, but he is helpless and apologetic, and hence she would have to do this, for samrat’s respect and shaurya’s custody. Saroj looks helplessly at urmi, who is baffled and stunned. Niranjan asks her as a mother who is responsible for all this. She, with much hesitation, answers her own daughter, shocking urmi beyond belief, while samrat smiles sadistically, as she couldnt be a good wife nor a good mother, in all these years. Urmi is shocked. ishaan says that she is lying under pressure. urmi asks why is she lying like this. the judge asks her to sit down. urmi says that saroj is lying, and niranjan asks urmi and ishaan not to interrupt, as he gets the first chance to questiosn his witness. ishaan signals urmi to sit down. They comply. niranjan asks saroj about samrat too, and if she didnt stops him from divorce. Saroj tells that samrat is a nice man, and tried a lot and put in loads to effort to make this relation work, but urmi didnt reltn, and that along with urmi, samrat gave them name, fame and money too. She says that for all this, she is ever thankful to her son-in-law, who’s more than a son to her. urmi eyes samrat shocked and dazed. niranjan points this to the court, that samrat’s own mother-in-law is praising him, and not urmi. Niranjan again asks saroj to elaborate as to why her husband had a paralysis attack. Saroj says that he couldnt bear the news that his daughter is leaving her husband. Niranjan apologises, and says that this means, that devi is very close to samrat. saroj complies. Niranjan then asks if all are so happy, with samrat, why isnt urmi. Saroj says thatshe never respected samrat nor understood his worht. niranjan asks whats the reason behind this. Saroj says that urmi was distracted by other things, other than her family, and son. Niranjan asks her to elaborate completely. saroj says that urmi was more focussed on other relationships. Urmi is shocked. Niranjan pretends to be confused, and asks what sort of relation, with strange men, and if she is trying to insinuate that urmi is like this only, a characterless woman. saroj silently complies. niranjan pretends to be disgusted. urmi asks why and what is she doing, and accusing her of something so disgusting, and asks if she doesnt know how important shaurya’s custody is for her. the judge warns her of contempt, while she is distraught, but silently complies, when ishaan asks her to. tiwari is tensed. Niranjan and samrat are satisfied. Niranjan asks her to tell the court finally who her daughter had an illicit and illegitimate relationship with, if she doesnt have a problem. ishaan objects saying that this is against the professionsal ethics and dignity of women. Niranjan says that the question is relevant to the case, and needed. the judge overrules the objection. Niranjan again asks the same question, insistently. urmi and ishaan are shocked, as she names that person to be ishaan, with her head hung low. Saroj is mortified with guilt, as her eyes are lowered, and are teary. urmi is distraught and apalled, humiliated as she breaks inconsolably into tears. Ishaan is stunned and unresponsive. But he says that this is a false witness, by threatening her. Niranjan says that urmi was trying to prove this only, and her own mother testified for his accusation today. samrat pretends tp be upset. ishaan says that this is a lie, and that saroj is under pressure. niranjan says that he can say the same thing about his witnesses, and that no mother can do this as a lie, and today she relieved herself of the stress of carrying this dirty secret. Niranjan presents saroj, for ishaan’s further interrogations. Samrat is content. ishaan goes to saroj, and says that not as a lawyer, but as a son, she should speak responsibly, keeping in mind, that her evidence shall turn the case. Niranjan says that this is emotional blackmail. ishaan says that this is a fact that saroj considers him as a son, and hence she would have to look at him in the eye and say that whatever she said is the truth. saroj looks away and says that she has said what she wanted to, and hence they should end it here. niranjan asks ishaan not to upset his witness, and relieves her to go. Saroj steps down, and looks helplessly at urmi, while niranjan continues with his case, as saroj sits by samrat’s side, and hears to niranjan pleading for samrat getting shaurya’s custody. Ishaan says that his witness is the truth, and that saroj’s mother’s witness is seemingly suspicious, and hence he needs sometime to get to the bottom of this and asks for time. niranjan asks why is this needed, when her own mother has testified. Ishaan says that this is an important descision and hence they shouldnt rush. the judge allows him two more days. niranjan and sarat are disturbed, as the the court is adjourned. urmi sits stunned.
Outside, samrat asks saroj to clear and compose her face, and she begs that now she did what he wanted to. niranjan asks her to stop, and compliments on what she did, and that her performance is geuine, and this shall not stop, till the descision has been done. samrat asks her to clear her eyes, till shaurya comes to him. She takes his leave, and he says that he understands her plight, and asks that she definitely must have enjoyed what she did. She leaves. Niranjan points this as their masterstroke, and that its samrat’s responsibility that they wont get to the bottom of this. samrat assures him that saroj wont open her mouth in front of urmi and ishaan, come what may, as they are under his control. they smile evilly.
Scene 2:
Location: Annu’s residence
Saroj comes home, and is disturbed at urmi’s tearful pleadings. Urmi comes behind, and rushedlyasks here whats the matter. saroj asks her not to irritate her anymore, as she has tortured them enough. Urmi refuses to believe that saroj is saying this. saroj asks whats she doing here, and if she would be happy, only when she takes devi;s life. she goes inside, while urmi is bewildered. She is adamant that something really big is behind this, and there’s enormous pressure that she is under, or else she cant say something like this about her daughter. she is determined to find out what pressure samrat has placed them under, and being the daughter, she would get her family out of this trouble.
Scene 3:
Location: Samrat’s residence
While radha is asleep, samrat comes in and caresses her hands sensually. the sensation wakes up radha with a startle. radha is shocked to find samrat at this time, and composes her clothes, and asks whats he doing here. samrat holds her hand, and asks why cant he meet her, and asks if she likes him or no. He tries to get close to her, but she jerks him away and moves aside. she says that he is married. He gets sad and says that she shouldnt say this, and that he needs her, and has come here, with much hope. She asks if he likes her. He says that if he didnt, then why would he have come here. he again leans in, but she says that this isnt right and a sin. He says that he isnt married, and shall soon be a divorcee. she says that till she doesnt marry, she would be a virgin. He asks what does he want now, that he marries her. She nods in a yes. he shockedly listens and thinks that he needs her, even if the cost is marriage. he says that he would marry her, and asks her to get close to him. She says that till she doesnt get married, she wont give herself to him. He gets frustrated, and then eyes the candle, and lights it, saying that they shall take the seven circles around fire right now, and then be wed, but asks her not to disclose it to the family, till he gets divorced. He takes the seven circles. Then he rushes to get intimate with her, while she overwhelmingly takes his blessings, and he hugs her, relieved to have finally gotten close to her. he carries her in his arms, and consummates their sham of a marriage.
Scene 4:
Location: Annu’s residence
urmi and ishaan come by their house, at the night, with a plan. urmi asks if their plan would work. urmi is extremely tensed at saroj’s statements and says that they have to get to the bottom of this. ishaan asks her not to be tensed, as their plan would work, and asks her to trust him. She asks if this application would work. he says that he would find out through this application, who saroj has been talking to, and is getting blackmailed by. they are walking ahead, when ishaan pulls her aside, while urmi is baffled. He says that guards are surveying the area, outside her house. urmi is shocked. Ishaan is sure that samrat planted them. She is shocked, and asks what to do now. ishaan says that they shall have to get in somehow. She presents him the backdoor entry inside the house. They both get inside through it. He says that he shall stay here, while she goes inside to get saroj’s phone and it would take a minute to download it, and then they shall leave stealthily, the way they came. urmi complies, and gets in, finding saroj asleep on the floor, and devi, on the bed. she gets emotional, and eyes him, asleep in his paralytic state. She is about to touch him, when urmi refarins his hand, as she hears saroj cough, and turn in her sleep, she hides behind the curtains, and then comes out, when saroj has turned around. She finds saroj’s phone, and then eyes devi again. she takes the phone, and goes out, casting an emotional glance at her parents once again, before closing the door once again. she gives it to ishaan, to download the application, and tries to run him through it, while she keeps a strict vigil, as he gets to work. urmi panics when she hears greanny’s coughings, and asks him to hurry up. She takes him aside, behind the sofa, so as not to be seen by granny. The mobile beeps as the application has been installed. granny is tensed, but she doesnt pay much attention. urmi is relieved to find her gone. they both get up, and ishaan asks urmi to keep it next to saroj again, as this is very important. urmi agrees, even though she is scared. urmi places it by saroj’s bedside, and they leave. As urmi and ishaan come down the stairs, they are shocked to find themselves being confronted by the guards. the screen freezes on their shocked faces.
Precap: Samrat calls saroj, and tells her that she is lying to him. saroj says that she isnt lying and desperately protests why would she talk, when she has been insisted by him not to. He says that she shouldnt even try to as she should be prepared for the consequences then. samrat tells saroj that he has made an MMS of annu, which he shall leak, on the internet, if she says even a word to urmi. saroj is shocked. Samrat reminds what this could mean for her younger daughter and adds that her daughter shall be in ruins. saroj is distraught..
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