
Fearless Heart Update on Tuesday 4th July 2017

We get the opportunity to see a rehash of Miggy seeing the kiss that destoys his expectations that FF still adores him. Obviously, he can’t hear the sound: FF reveals to V that consistently she loathes him more. EV answers that consistently he adores her increasingly and he trusts that her loathe will swing to love. FF requests that EV disclose to her that he didn’t generally murder Sam and her family. EV needs another kiss. Miggy, seeing this, reveals to NB that he will execute EV.
The Reptile requests that Rosario reveal to her what she thinks about Nora and her natural mother. Rosario answers that Nora just revealed to her that the Reptile was not her organic kid and she doesn’t know who her genuine mother is. The Reptile doesn’t trust this. Rosario says that she ought to approach D8D for this data.

JM discloses to Angie that he has worked all his life; he has a calling and he is not anxious of anybody.

Willy misses Sam.

Miggy comes back to the posse’s refuge. He tells Gus and Camilo that it is valid: FF and EV were kissing like youths.

FF reveals to EV that in the event that he executed Sam, Nora and Nic, she will slaughter herself.

JM will remain at Gus’ home and Angie and the children are setting off to Willy’s home. I don’t know why.

Ringo reports to EV that he did as he was requested and it is too about the “brilliant young lady.”

FF reveals to EV that she needs to go LA. EV effectively accept that she needs to converse with dear old father and reveals to her that D8D is en route to Colombia and is relied upon to arrive the following day.

Clara is crying and discloses to D8D it is on account of she is pondering how cheated she was about him. Why does regardless he need her around? D8D reacts that he has turned out to be usual to getting back home and having her in the kitchen or the room. He informs her to overlook regarding Camilo.

Miggy is taking care of his assumed dismissal by FF in the standard way: he’s hitting the jug. NB lets him know not to give his anger a chance to devour him. Miggy answers that it doesn’t make a difference – he is now dead.

FF tries to shoot herself yet the weapon isn’t stacked. EV says that he will disclose to her what happened to Sam and her family.

Willy calls Angie at the airplane terminal in a frenzy. Sam did not land on the flight. In any case, at that point we see that it was every one of the a bother – Sam, Nic and Nora create the impression that there is a glad gathering.

Miggy is as yet experiencing the selling out of FF. He asks NB what El Mesías would have done in his conditions. No sham, she reveals to him that El Mesías dependably said that exclusive another lady puts out the fire of pain. Miggy in a flash snatches NB and they have torrid sex. [I figure assumed selling out exempts you from you admissions of endless love, Miggy.]

EV enlightens FF concerning Ivonne and recommends that she will catch Miggy. [Does he realize that Miggy is with NB?] FF denies that is conceivable. She says that she is certain that Miggy will seek her. This scene is intercut with scenes of Miggy and NB having intercourse.
Duval questions Sam to check whether she has any valuable data about EV’s fortification. She says that she was blindfolded going and coming so she doesn’t know where it is. She has feelings about the adorning plan there. She says it is exceptionally out-dated – it even has a prison. She additionally portrays a flashback demonstrating how Ringo made her, Nora and Nic bow and she suspected that he would shoot them yet then he let go into the air. [Wouldn’t this have been a greatly traumantic occasion for every one of them yet particularly Nic? Everyone appears to be practically alright mentally, though.]

JM is distant from everyone else at Gus’. Cecilia comes over and consents to enable him to set up a question and answer session.

FF is taking a gander at her appearance in a hand reflect. She envisions that Miggy is reflected there and discloses to him that on the off chancethat he doesn’t love her, she has no motivation to live.

Willy reveals to Nic that if Jéssica is his intimate romance, he must be understanding and in the end they will be as one quite recently like he and Sam at long last got together subsequent to defeating numerous obstructions.

NB’s posse make an assault on where the second accumulate of cash is found. Miggy finds the telephone of one of EV’s dead associates and calls EV. He says, “You didn’t murder me. Jesús Matamoros is alive.”

Nora begins the way toward telling everybody that she is not the Reptile’s natural mother with Angie.

In an adorable scene, Willy reveals to Sam that he needs to move to the nation “el campo.” He longs for of an untainted life riding stallions while Sam massages (amasar) bread and deals with their 7 kids. Sam does not discover this vision appealing.

It appears that Cecilia is keen on Duval. She could show improvement over that however Duval is one of only a handful couple of cast part not combined off. The media lands for the question and answer session – at Gus’ home. Such a great amount for hanging out. In the event that he’s not going to stow away any longer, why wouldn’t he be able to go to Willy’s home with Angie.

FF finds the telephone with the message from Miggy putting on a show to be EM. She calls. At the point when Miggy acknowledges it’s identity, he says that he doesn’t ha anything to state to EV’s lady.

D8D and Clara touch base at EV’s place.

Nora enlightens Willy regarding not being the Reptile’s mom.

The Reptile tries to choke D8D and communicates her misery at being ill-conceived. She need to know who her genuine mother is. D8D answers that her mom was a prositute.

Sam discloses to Angie that she despises living in the nation. She enjoys the city, she needs the activity. She says that she needs to get Willy to surrender the thought.

Nic comes in and says that JM is on TV. We see JM conversing with a journalist about his time with EV and the Reptile. He says that he won’t live likea defeatist.

It’s one month later. As the sign of the progression of time, we see a guide of Colombia and arial perspective of wide open with x’s on it. I thought perhaps this was the experts searching for EV’s alcove yet it seems, by all accounts, to be the site of assaults or something by NB’s posse.

NB reveals to Miggy that she has heard that FF is wiped out.

FF is sleeping. EV comes in and she asks him what the specialist said. “It’s a supernatural occurrence,” says EV, “You’re pregnant.”

Clara and D8D are still in Colombia. Clara needs to know whether Camilo is dead. D8D hits her. Clara answers that he can hit her everything he needs however she will love Camilo for eternity. D8D reveals to her that Camilo is dead and covered. Clara requests to see his grave.

It’s Sam swing to be overpowered with nurturing the two infants alone. Willy turns up with Nic, both in rancher caps and reveals to her that he has purchased a homestead.

JM is conversing with the press when he gets a call from the Reptile. She says that she is in LA and prepared to acknowledge his test. We see that Angie is going about as his bodyguard.

Miggy is in a bar. Ringo comes in and offers beverages and nourishment to everybody on the house – EV’s lady has a child in transit.

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