
Kumkum Bhagya Episode 807–808–809 Update on Friday 21st July 2017

The Episode starts with Pragya and Abhi’s conversation. Pragya says he shall not flirt with her as he is going to marry soon. Abhi says I was not flirting with you. Pragya says I was scared and shocked and that’s why hugged you and asks why did you hug me back. Abhi says when someone shakes hand with you, you shake hand with that person. He says when someone hugs you, you have to reciprocate else you might think that I am arrogant. Pragya says you are smart. Abhi smiles. Pragya says the matter is something else. Dadi calls her. Pragya says I will take your answer once I am back and goes. Abhi thinks he has feelings for her and asks when he is marrying Tanu, but has something for Pragya.

Nikhil tells Tanu that he was almost near death and tells that he wants to kill Abhi. Tanu says our
dream is not yet fulfilled. She says I think I shall kill you and they start fighting. She says I wouldn’t have come to bandage your wounds. Nikhil asks him to go and bandage Abhi’s wounds and reminds her that he is not her boyfriend now. Tanu angrily walks out. Purab thinks about Nikhil’s words while sleeping and gets flashes. He thinks if that person was Nikhil and thinks his enemies are Aaliya, Tanu and Nikhil only.

Abhi thinks why did I hug her back when she hugged me. Why do I want her to hug me like one hugs her/his soft toy. He thinks to call her and hear her and thinks of an excuse. He thinks to call on landline number to hear her voice. He calls on landline number and hopes Pragya picks the call. Pragya picks the call…and says hello…are you getting my voice. Abhi gets happy hearing her and gives a blank calls again and again, smiles. Pragya tells Sarla that voice is not coming. Sarla says there may be cross connection. Beeji says it is a right connection and tells that someone’s sleep is disturbed. She indirectly tells that lover wants to hear her voice, but couldn’t speak. Sarla asks how do you know that Abhi is on call. Pragya says he will call on mobile. Beeji says he will call again. Abhi thinks her voice is like hearing musical concert and thinks to call her again. Beeji says her assumption is right and asks Sarla to let Pragya talk to Abhi. They go inside. Pragya picks the call and asks Abhi to say something as she has caught her lie.

Abhi starts speaking and says I am saying. He says I was speaking, but you couldn’t hear me. Beeji and Sarla are happy. Sarla says she is happy and says Abhi will be happy there also, and hopes their happiness will be for forever. Beeji asks her to leave everything on them and on God. Sarla says lets see what God has written for them. Abhi tells Pragya that when he couldn’t hear her, why he would speak. Pragya asks why did you call at this time, or called to just hear my voice. Abhi says no and thinks of an answer. He says I want to tell you about the work to be done by you. He says you have to meet me, see in my heart, know my heart talk etc. Pragya asks what? Abhi says good night. Pragya says you too and ends the call.

Abhi thinks what is happening to him and thinks if she stays with him for forever then he will get mad. Purab sees the CCTV footage and says it is Nikhil and thinks to catch him. Pragya comes and asks what you are doing here early morning. Purab tells that he came to know about the attacker and asks her to check CCTV. Pragya sees CCTV footage and says Nikhil. Purab says he got flashes in his dream and that he called him here today. He says he will tell holi day related questions and then he will be caught. Pragya says this is not the way and says he shall not know that we are doubting on him and says we will get any proof from his house. Purab says he might have left from his house. Pragya says I have an idea.

Nikhil is in his car and thinks why did Purab called me. He thinks if Purab asks him where he was when the accident happened and why he didn’t come for holi celebration then he will reply him. Abhi asks Purab how is he? Purab says it seems he has woken up from long sleep. Pragya comes and asks Purab to talk to Abhi and asks him to get his clothes ready for his bestfriend’s wedding. She asks Abhi if he wants to marry Tanu or not. Abhi says don’t know. Pragya asks him to end the work before Purab brings jacket. Abhi asks Purab why did fuggi behaving as if she is his wife.

Tanu thinks friends are becoming enemies and thinks Purab and Pragya never dies. Pragya smiles. Abhi says I called you sweet. Pragya tells him that they are going to buy jacket for Purab and asks him to talk to Nikhil. Abhi says okay baby ji…gyaani. Pragya thanks him.

Tanu says she don’t want inauspicious person. Nikhil asks if I am inauspicious. She slips and falls in his embrace. They have an eye lock. Abhi comes and sees their romantic pose.
The Episode starts with Tanu speaking to her parents. Tanu’s mum tells that she is busy in shopping. Her dad asks if she wants anything and says they are coming for her wedding. Tanu thinks she forgot about her wedding and thinks even Pragya must have forgotten it. Nikhil comes home. Mitali asks what you are doing here? Nikhil says Purab called me here. Mitali says he went out now. Tanu asks Nikhil what you are doing here and takes him inside her room. Mitali thinks to ask him about breakfast. Tanu asks why did you come here? Nikhil asks her not to get scared and tells that Purab didn’t hear anything. It was dhol wala who tried to kill him and today I…Nikhil came. She asks why did you come? Nikhil says he came to talk about Ad. Tanu says yesterday he got consciousness and today he called you
for Ad work. She asks why did you come? Nikhil asks him to talk with respect. Tanu says she is getting married after 2 days and don’t want inauspicious people around her. Nikhil asks if I am inauspicious and pushes her. They fall down on the bed and end up in a romantic pose. Abhi comes and sees them on bed. Tanu and Nikhil gets up from bed.

Pragya and Purab come to Nikhil’s house. They check for keys, but couldn’t get it. Purab asks if you have pin. Pragya says no. Purab manages to open the lock and gets inside. Abhi asks Nikhil why did you come? Nikhil says he came to talk to Purab. He says Tanu was there and called me here. She says she thought to talk to him about AD. Abhi says you would have talked to each other infront of me. Tanu says I thought you will be disturbed. She says I fell down and Nikhil was helping me. Nikhil says I was helping her. Abhi says people slip often. Tanu says now you can talk. Abhi says we will have meeting in hall. Nikhil asks about Purab. Abhi says he went to take suit and asked him to do meeting. Tanu thinks Pragya must have accepted her defeat and that’s why went for shopping.

Purab and Pragya check for proof in Nikhil’s house. Pragya asks him to be careful as Nikhil shall not know that they came here. She asks what you was talking to him. Purab says Abhi felt like you are his wife, by the way you scold him. He says you gives him feeling that you are his wife. Pragya asks him to concentrate on proofs. Purab says Nikhil is clever. They search in the other room. Pragya checks and tells Purab that almari is locked. Purab thinks what there might be inside and thinks something is close to his heart. They search for the keys. They get Tanu’s pregnancy report in which Tanu and Nikhil’s names written as parents of baby. Purab says may be he was emotional attached to baby. Pragya says Nikhil might kept it to blackmail Tanu later if she betrays him. Purab says this is Tanu’s character certificate and says what he will do if he comes to know that Tanu was once pregnant with Nikhil’s baby without marriage.

Pragya asks if we are doing wrong? Purab says this will work for us and if we don’t do this then many lives will be ruined. He says we will ruin Tanu’s face with this. Pragya says lets go. They leave from there. Abhi tells Nikhil that he will read the contract and sign and says Purab will talk to you. Nikhil says okay and goes. Abhi thinks where is fuggi and thinks to ask her. He thinks to call her and then thinks what she will tease him. He checks the clause and thinks to call her. Abhi thinks Pragya entered his body like a virus and he is restless without her. Pragya comes and asks him to have water to calm his heart. He is about to take the glass and thinks her gone, thinks it was his imagination. He thinks to apply her technique and comes to kitchen. He asks Robin to give him cold water. Pragya dressed as Robin gives him water. Abhi spits the water and dances with her happily. Naa Paana Hai yeh song plays…..He is about to kiss her….while she signs him not to.

Robin shouts and asks him not to kiss him. Abhi comes to his senses and tells that Robin….you. Robin thanks him for dancing with him and respecting him. Abhi thinks I imagined Pragya in Robin’s dress and thinks she was looking cute.

Pragya tells Tanu that she will expose her before the marriage. Tanu asks her to excuse her as she will go and try her wedding outfit. Pragya asks her to try it today itself and says atleast your dream to wear bridal dress will be fulfilled.

.The Episode starts with Tanu thinking to ask Abhi. Abhi is doing skating. Light goes off. He holds Tanu’s hand and starts dancing on the song Tum Se hi, thinking her to be Pragya. Tanu slips while dancing. Light comes. Abhi asks why did you come while I was dancing. Tanu says you was dancing with me. Abhi thinks why I am seeing Pragya everywhere and thinks if someone misses someone so much. He thinks situation is getting worse and he shall go out of house, else don’t know he will imagine Pragya again. He comes out and imagines Pragya looking at the driver. Tum Se Hi song plays……..He stares driver and touches his face. He asks why your face is rough. Driver says I forgot to shave my face. Abhi asks him to go and thinks to go to Dadi. He thinks he will feel relief if Dadi massages his head.
He thinks I met her in the morning and asks what is happening with me.

He imagines Pragya sitting in Dadi’s attire. He says you are Dadi and smiles. He says white hairs, clothes, specs, jewellery like Dadi, and looking nautanki. Dadi asks what? Abhi says you are looking cute. He asks her to come closer to him. He dances with her. Dadi slaps him to make him come out of his imagination and calls him shameless. Abhi says I saw her in every person. Dadi asks you are talking about whom? Tanu? Abhi says no, and says he saw her in Tanu also. He tells that he saw fuggi in everyone. He is restless without her. Dadi pretends to sit in shock and says she is not here, but you see her and you talk to her also. Abhi says she even answers me. Dadi says what has happened and looks shocked….Hai Rabba. Abhi asks what happened Dadi.

Dadi goes to Abhi’s room and says this shouldn’t have happen. Whatever happened is wrong. Abhi asks what happened and asks her to tell clearly. Dadi says Ishq, Mohabbat….and says you are in love with Pragya, and your marrying Tanu after 2 days. Abhi says this is not love, she is my friend and I was missing her. Dadi says it is like a disease, and more you ignore it, it will run after you, and if you accept it, you will get less pain. Abhi says my head is shaking. Dadi says you will not feel hungry, thirsty and sleepy now, and tells that she has done her duty by informing her. Abhi thinks if he is in love with Pragya. Dadi comes to Dasi and asks about Pragya and Purab. She asks her to call Pragya. Purab and Pragya are in car. Purab says Dadi and Dasi will be happy seeing the report. Dadi calls Pragya and asks if you got anything. Pragya says yes. Purab says yes, and asks them to do marriage arrangements. Dadi asks them to come home. Pragya says we are coming soon. Dasi asks Dadi what you was telling me. Dadi whispers in her ears.

Tanu comes to Aaliya and says she came to apologize to her. Aaliya asks her to go. Tanu says I am apologizing to you, listen to me. Aaliya says you have said naa, go now. Tanu says we are friends…Aaliya says I became friends of the person who knows limits and asks her to go, and says she don’t want her to be in her life. She says you can’t stay in my room and asks her to stay in any room of the house. Tanu apologizes. Aaliya asks her to take her stuff and leave from her room. She pushes her and closes the door. Tanu says if you don’t care about me then its okay, I don’t care. Purab and Pragya come home. Tanu taunt Pragya and says she should have brought something for her to wear in her marriage. Pragya says she will give her something which will remind her when she goes to any marriage. She says she will gift her before marriage. Tanu asks her to do last try and says 48 hours and says your strength will give up. Pragya asks her not to be over confident. Tanu asks do you think that you can stop our wedding. Pragya says you are like season in his life which is going to end soon.

Purab tells Dadi and Dasi that Abhi will stop this marriage seeing the stay order, and shows Tanu’s pregnancy report, when she was pregnant with Nikhil’s baby. Tanu challenges Pragya that she will be on the mandap with Abhi, and says you will be at a corner crying. Pragya says she came on doli here and will go on arthi. She says I don’t need 48 hours, as I will kick you out before that. Tanu says okay, and says she will go and try her wedding outfit. Pragya says go ahead atleast your dream to wear bridal wear will be fulfilled. Precap:
Purab asks Tanu what she has hidden from Abhi. Tanu says she has not hidden anything from him. Purab says you have hidden fact from him that Nikhil was your boyfriend. Abhi is shocked.


The Episode starts with Purab telling Dadi that he has Tanu’s original pregnancy report. Dadi says once abhi knows the truth, he will break the marriage with Tanu. Pragya comes. Dasi says you got sanjeevani booti. Dadi says she is very happy and tells that Pragya will sit in the mandap and not Tanu. Purab says how to bring this truth infront of Abhi. Pragya says we can’t tell him directly. Once I tried to expose Aaliya and Tanu, but I fell in his eyes instead. Purab says we have to be careful. Dasi asks him to do something fast. Dadi says we will learn from our mistake and tells that this time a person will go to Abhi with the proofs whom Abhi trusts more than himself. Pragya says you. Dadi says Purab is his friend and if he go to him with the proofs then he will believe him. He will hear and
trust him and Aaliya and Tanu can’t do anything. She says Raam Baan will be shot by Lakshman only. Purab says okay and says when Tanu was waiting to get married, we will burn her lanka. She asks Pragya to come to Ayodhya after the vanvas. Pragya smiles shyly.

Tanu waits for her bridal dress eagerly. Mitali asks did you order pizza. Tanu says more important than it. Someone comes and delivers her bridal dress lehenga. Mitali tries to see and asks if you could walk wearing this. She says it is okay. Tanu says it is too good and have gold work. Mitali says lie. Tanu asks her to check the bill and says media will cover this news. Mitali is jealous.

Abhi thinks what did Dadi say? He says if I will see Pragya after marrying Tanu. No…He says I can be flirt, but not fraud. I can’t betray Tanu and thinks to twist his neck himself. Purab comes and says he wants to talk to him. Abhi asks shall I call doctor. Purab asks him to be serious and says someone is betraying someone here. Abhi says I am not betraying anyone. Purab says I am talking about Tanu and says she is betraying you. Abhi says Tanu? Purab says I have a doubt on her, but not had any proofs. He says I saw Tanu and Nikhil together many times, when I kept eye on them, I got proofs and shows the pregnancy report. He tells Tanu and Nikhil’s names are written as parents. He says he confirmed with the hospital where Tanu aborted the child. He says everyone have a past, even you had, but you never crossed the limits. He tells that Tanu has hidden this fact from you and don’t know what else she is hiding from you. There may be many secrets which she might be hiding. Abhi is doubtful. Purab says I didn’t come to badmouth about her. I came for you, that girl don’t deserve you and asks him to think wisely. He says you shall teach him a lesson and break marriage.

Tanu wears lehenga and shows herself to her mum via webcam. Mitali comes and asks her to come as Abhi is calling her. Tanu says she is busy talking to her mum and asks her to go. She asks her mum how she is looking? Her mum says she is looking beautiful and says you are wearing this bridal dress for second time, and asks her to marry this time. Tanu thinks she is looking as a bride and thinks to show her lehenga to Abhi. She thinks Abhi might ask her to marry him right itself and gets excited.

Sarla asks Beeji to make achar. Beeji says she is busy and promotes Zee Cine awards on 1st April. Mitali goes to Aaliya and asks her to come to hall to see Tanu’s kriyakaram/last rites. Aaliya thinks Abhi and Tanu will not marry now.

Tanu comes to Abhi and shows her lehenga. She says she is going to wear this for her marriage. Everyone is present there. Dadi says if marriage happens. Tanu says marriage will happen after 2 days. Dadi says it was just mahurat and not court orders which shall be obeyed. She says nobody will marry such a shameless girl like you from my khandaan. Tanu tells Abhi that his dadi is calling her shameless. Dadi says why you are shocked and says I called you seeing your deeds. She says I don’t like you. Abhi was stubborn to marry you and that’s why I agreed, but after knowing your truth, I will not agree. Purab tells Abhi that she is hiding her life’s biggest truth. Tanu asks what? She says I have never hidden anything from him. Purab says you have hidden big truth from him as you was about to marry him. He says truth is that Nikhil is your boyfriend.

Abhi says I can ignore your past, but can’t ignore your lie. He says you didn’t betray me by hiding your past, but by keeping me in dark.
The Episode starts with Purab telling Abhi that Nikhil is Tanu’s boyfriend. Tanu says she don’t know Nikhil and tells that she just knows that Nikhil is Aaliya’s friend. Aaliya comes there. Tanu asks Aaliya to help her and tell everyone that she doesn’t know him. Aaliya asks why you are lying. Tanu says we are friends and asks her to help. Aaliya asks do you want me to lie, and apologizes. She says you are asking me to lie to my family and says I can’t lie to my family. Everyone is shocked. Aaliya says you wants me to tell my family that you don’t have any relation with him. She says you met him infront of me, then why don’t you have any relation with him. Tanu says I met him through Aaliya, but he is not my boyfriend. Aaliya says who told that he is your boyfriend. Tanu says Purab told.
Aaliya asks how can he frame her friend. Purab says he is saving his friend. He says you knows how to defend your friend and asks if you are also betraying Abhi.

Purab says Tanu was once pregnant with Nikhil’s baby. Tanu asks him to shut up. Aaliya asks how could you say this, you don’t care about her reputation and respect. Purab says this accusation is big, but she didn’t think before doing this. Aaliya asks if you have any proofs for this allegation. Purab says I have a proof. Pragya gives him proof. Tanu says so this is your conspiracy and tells Abhi that his secretary is trying to separate them. Purab says this proof is brought by me and not her, and asks Tanu to tell that he is jealous of her. Tanu asks what is the proof? Purab says this is the pregnancy report in which it was written that you was pregnant with Nikhil’s baby. Tanu says I will not agree. Purab says I brought this report to show Abhi and he has read it. Tanu says this is fake. Purab says it can be, but it can be original too. Tanu asks him to stop it. Abhi feels disgusted.

Tanu asks him to tell that he trusts her and asks him to say something. Abhi recalls salesgirl informing him that Tanu came with Nikhil few days ago. He recalls seeing them in romantic pose in Tanu’s room. Abhi says I want to trust you and say something, but can’t seeing what I have seen. He says I don’t want to marry, but agreed to save your respect. I have gone against Dadi’s happiness and wish and thought I was doing right, and what did you do with me in return. He says I can bear your past, but not your lie. He says you didn’t betray me by keeping your relation with Nikhil, but by hiding about him. He asks why didn’t you marry Nikhil when you was pregnant with his baby. He asks her to answer. Purab says Abhi would have forgiven you, but who knows if this pregnancy report is first or 2, 3 4….

Tanu slaps him and asks how dare he to ruin her character. Abhi says Purab have proves. Purab asks her if she has any proof that he is a liar and she is sati savitri. Tanu says she has proofs for his all accusations and goes to her room. She thinks she will give them a fitting reply and will give reply to them with her report. She searches for the report and thinks she will make Pragya lower in Abhi’s eyes and get her kicked out of house. She thinks you have ended your 48 hours and says nobody can stop my marriage. She gets some report. Pragya thinks if I shall talk to Abhi or leave him alone. Abhi thinks don’t know what fuggi might be thinking about me. He feels suffocated. Aaliya goes to room. Dadi asks Pragya what might be the proof. Mitali tries to hear them. Dasi asks her to go. Pragya worries that Tanu might tell something which may deteriorate Abhi’s health. She says we can risk Abhi’s life to stop his marriage. Purab says she will not do any stupidity and says they don’t want abhi to get back his memory.

Aaliya comes to Tanu and asks what was the proof? Tanu tells her that she will show the fake DNA report in which her baby’s father is Abhi. She says Abhi will marry her seeing the report. Aaliya asks her to stop and says I won’t let you go. Tanu says you wants to trap me like them. Aaliya slaps her and asks her to think what will happen then. Tanu says she wants to save her marriage. Aaliya asks if you show DNA report to Abhi then he will ask why didn’t he marry her. She says then tell him that he was married to Pragya and that’s why they did this plan. She says Abhi will get back his memory and we will be kicked out of this house. Tanu looks on shocked. She says if I had shown the report, then Pragya would have been won, and I have lost. She asks Aaliya to help her. Dasi comes and asks Tanu to show the proofs. Aaliya says we are coming and asks her to go. Aaliya keeps back the DNA report. Pragya thinks why did Tanu haven’t come till now and thinks she must be planning. Abhi looks at her, and thinks he needs her and wants to hug her. Pragya thinks even I want to hug you and can’t see you like this.

Pragya and Abhi promotes Zee CineAwards tomorrow.
Precap:Tanu comes to Abhi. Abhi says he needs to know the truth for his family.

.The Episode starts with Aaliya telling Abhi that reports are fake. Abhi says Purab brought it and it can’t be fake. Purab asks her to tell her friend to show the proofs and prove him wrong. Aaliya says there is a misunderstanding and says she will not let him marry a girl who had a bad past and asks him to trust her. Abhi says I can’t believe on Tanu now and says Purab have shown the reports, now Tanu have to tell what is true? Purab says they shall meet Nikhil now to know the truth. Aaliya says this is a family matter and we shall not involve any outsider. Purab says this Tanu was pregnant with Nikhil’s baby and says we shall talk to him. Abhi says we shall know his point of view and asks Purab to call him. Purab says we shall go to his house and question him. He will not get time to think of
an answer. Abhi says lets go. Tanu comes and asks Abhi not to go there, and says if you go there, what will happen to my respect. Abhi asks what about my family respect. I need to know the truth and more than that, my family needs to know. He asks Purab to come.

Tanu thinks to call and alert him. Dasi takes phone from Aaliya while Pragya takes phone from Tanu’s hand. Tanu says she was calling someone. Pragya says we are going to Nikhil’s house. Abhi says he don’t know what is truth and what is not? Purab says he told truth only and asks him to be strict with Nikhil. Tanu, Aaliya, Dadi, Dasi are in the car. Tanu asks Driver to stop the car as she wants to drink water. Dasi asks driver to give water. Tanu asks him again to stop car and says she wants to go to loo. Dasi says you can go in Nikhil’s house. Tanu hopes Nikhil shall not be at home. They reach Nikhil’s house and ring his bell. Purab thinks if Tanu called him and made him eloped. Nikhil opens the door and says he was having shower and asks them to wait. Abhi goes inside and says we will not see you changing.

Dasi, Dadi, Aaliya and Tanu come to Nikhil’s house. Tanu thinks if he tell truth then she will go to jail. Mitali takes her inside. Nikhil comes after changing clothes and sees all Mehra family with Tanu. He asks if there is any surprise for me and asks about the ad deal. Purab says we didn’t come here to finalize the deal, but came to expose illegitimate relation. Nikhil is shocked and asks if he is joking? Purab says you are joking with us. Abhi asks what is your relation with Tanu. Nikhil says my relation….with Tanu..and says nothing. We are just friends and nothing else. Abhi asks if more than friends. Nikhil says nothing, you are thinking me wrong. Purab says you don’t need to hide now as we have prove against you.

Nikhil asks what is the proof. Abhi says I was doubtful when I saw you and Tanu in the room, and my doubt was confirmed after seeing this report. Nikhil asks which report. Abhi shows Tanu’s pregnancy report and says it was written that you are her baby’s father. Nikhil says my baby and says I have no baby with Tanu or anyone. He tells that the reports are fake and says he is getting trapped, someone is ruining his professional relation with him. Abhi says this report is brought by my friend Purab and he wants my betterment. Nikhil tells Purab that he has a misunderstanding and it is all fake. He says may be someone gave you this report for money and says this is fake. Purab says this is not fake as I got this report in your house. Nikhil is shocked.

Purab says now you might be thinking how do I know about it. She says you did fraud in the last project and I came here to search the proofs. He says I got it here. He says why anyone will keep pregnancy report which is terminated. He says you have illegitimate relation with Tanu. Tanu thinks stupid man, kept my reports till now. Nikhil is shocked. Purab asks him to tell truth and says it will be better for you, else we have to take legal actions against Tanu. It is better for you to accept for her. Nikhil says I am thinking.

Purab asks him to do right thing and support truth. Everyone see a woman comes down the stairs from his room. The woman asks who are these people. Nikhil says these are my friends and asks woman to come. He introduces the woman as Tanushree. Everyone is shocked. Nikhil tells that he is in live in relation with this Tanushree and she got pregnant last year. Tanu smiles and looks angry. Nikhil says I don’t want this baby as we are not married. We fought for not keeping the baby. He says we are together now.

Aaliya tells Purab that he lost as he supported Pragya. She says Abhi shouted on you for giving wrong info. She says if you support wrong people, then bad thing will happen with you


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