
VEERA Update on Tuesday 28th March 2017

episode starts with baldev take care of children and gets fed up with them. Baldev calls to children parents and says, i cant handle your child and give 100 rupees to them. Veera see all this. Ranveer reaches near to highway and says, after reaching highway we will call to biji and chaiji. You search there and i search here. GUnjan sees a truck and she says lie to him that i find nothing. Ranveer searches on another side. Gunjan then disappear. Ranveer calls gunjan. Gunjan says, now i will move here and there in this jungle. Then gunjan forget the path and reaches to highway and calls ranveer. Ranveer see that there is snake near to gunjan.

Ranveer says, dont move. Ranveer throws the snake. Gunjan gets unconscious. Ranveer put water on gunjan and gunjan gets conscious. Baldev says to dhabawala, please give me some work. Dhabawala says, you are sarpanch son and this work is not for you. Baldev friends says, you are not for this work. You are made for business. Just get an idea and start your business. ranveer and gunjan gets lift from truck driver. Trick driver start his truck and ranveer didnt sit into truck. Ranveer ran behind truck. Ranveer gets cycle and follow truck driver. Truck driver stops his truck and unfortunately ranveer cycle gets crashed and gunjan gets frightened and then she sees ranveeer and hug him and says, if anything happen to you then what will i do.

Veera works into farmland and biji says, this is not your work, go to home, dont spread my work. Ok if you came here then see how i will cut yield. Biji teach the lesson of farming. Pind peoples gives compliment to biji and veera.

Gunjan gives water to ranveer. ranveer drinks little water and left more water for gunjan and gunjan says, drinkproperly otherwise i will not drinkwater. Gunjan dont drink water. Ranveer drinks water to gunjan by his hand. Truck driver drop gunjan and ranveer to mataji’s temple.Episode starts with truck driver drops gunjan and ranveer to mata ji da temple. Ranveer gives thanks to truck driver. Truck driver says, mention not, jai mata di. Ranveer says, why are you removing your sandals, its really hot here, your legs will burnt up. Gunjan says, i want to something and it is nothing onto it.
Ranveer says to himself, i know what you want.

Veera says to herself, baldev always make trouble to everyone. Veera reaches towards baldev and says, why are you always make people in trouble. Baldev says, go and do your work. Baldev says, you have to do what i say. Baldev then pick up the pot onto his head and move little bit. Then he gave pot again to lady. Lady says, i cannot give you money. Baldev says, no problem, just give me one pot. Baldev says to veera, you just see, i
will again complete your bet.

Gunjan moves towards temple without sandal then ranveer water in front of her.
Gunjan pray from God that we will again start a new relation. Baldev pulling leg of veera then veera beat baldev and says, does practise of beaten all the time because i will beat you all the times. Veera ask from baldev, what are you doing? Baldev says, dont disturb. Baldev drink water to some people and gives pot to people and in replace he takes grass, then he goes to dudhwala and givesgrass for his buffalo and takes one litre of milk. Veera again ask, i dont know what are you doing? What kind of business he wants to do.

Baldev then again goes to sweets shop and ask from him that how many sweets will i get in replace of one litre milk. Sweetwalla says, i will give 4 sweets to you. Veera says, ohhh my God!! You got loss in first day. Baldev says, no tayaji, just give 250 gm of sweets and take morgage of veera. Veera gets angry.
Veera goes towards his home then sweets wala says, oye veera!!!dont go to your home otherwise baldev will not leave me. Gunjan pray to God and says, i want to tell everything to Ranveer that i love her. Pandit does pray for ranveer and gunjan.era waits for baldev for half an hour and says, i want to go to home. Please take these rupees and let me go. Do you think that baldev will come for me. Sweetswala says, oye na ji putar, this time you are wrong, Baldev do what he wants.. Baldev comes and gives 150 rupees to sweetswala and gives 100 rupees to veera and says, now i have completed my second bet. Pandit jigives vermilion to ranveer and says, put it your wife’s head. Ranveer denies about it and says, i will not say lie in front of mata.

Precap:- Ranveer says, i dont want you to let down. Gunjan says, i not feeling letting down myself, i want to tell you something. ranveer says, i know everything. Gunja surprisingly says, you know!!!!!

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