
Hamamat Montia shows off her glowing black beauty

Hamamat Montia is one very good-looking lady. The bald-headed model was last week featured in Essence Magazine as one of ’10 beautiful women Who Will Inspire You to Shave Your Head’.

In a very recent photo shoot by Joey Rosado for her Hamamat Africa Skincare, the former Miss Malaika‘s skin literally comes out to play – competing with the sun to determine who glows the best – obviously, Montia won.

Biography of Hamamat Montia by Nathalie Cazeau

You know her as your high-spirited and charming virtual mentor that greets you as “Kings and Queens” as she stylishly strolls down the streets of Ghana or better yet as the Global African Ambassador teaching the rest of the world about Africa’s rich culture. There is not a box suitable enough to fit Hamamat Montia, because she’s continually tapping into her interests and evolving as time goes by.

Growing up in Bolgatanga, a small village in Ghana, Hamamat the last of 3 children, knew early on that life was much bigger than her surroundings. Raised by strong business oriented family, like her great-grandmother the shea butter seller; her grandmother, the Herbalist/ Skincare owner, her mother the Jane of all trades and father the contractor, Hamamat, foresaw the hard work she would need to achieve her dreams.

One day while watching TV, Hamamat came across a commercial for a beauty pageant contest. Without hesitating she signed up for the contest after learning that the winner would be awarded a car, something she once asked her dad for. Through hard work and dedication, she put her best foot forward and became the youngest beauty pageant winner at the age of 17. It was then she realized that she was capable of achieving whatever she puts her mind to.

Using the pageant’s spotlight and her title, she immediately started tackling issues that were crucial to her community, like malaria and malnutrition. Her caring personality led her to become the Global African Ambassador, educating young women about malnutrition through her organization Africa Eats Now and boosting kids confidence through Zuzu & Sasa book series, influenced by her two daughters.

Hamamat’s drive and passion are the outcomes of growing up in a community that wasn’t rich in material things, but rich in life, love and culture. It is the same values she shares with others through her travels and social media platforms. Through her efforts she hopes to inspire people who grew up in a small village just like her to not let their circumstances define them and limit their possibilities of who they can become.

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