
Veera Episode 567–568 Update on Wednesday 26th July 2017

episode starts with veera asking her veerji can i go and meet baldev veerji allow her veera smile and say thank u to ranvi and went from there  ranvi look tensed balwant tell to baldev that i m so happy that now u r proved innocent are u happy that u r free from the blame
balwant says i m so happy that u r free now from that case
baldev says yes papaji  m glad that u trust me now that i have not done anything wrong
baldev  is heartbroken  he said if truth will not come out   its fine bcoz its a  test of my love and my love failed  balwant says  no baldev veera loves u a lot thats why he prove u innocent and free u from that blame she trust u  bansuri come there  interrupt in the conversation of balwant and baldev bansuri says why u always support veera and her family she  not love baldev she only love her veerji baldev is  injured but she didn’t come to meet him  she not worried about baldev balwant says to bansuri stop it dont feed this in baldev mind balwant and bansuri start argument

baldev take a box and goes out of the room he sit on a chair and then open the box  and see veera pics and read her love letters  simran come there and give him tha match box  baldev ask her what is this she say its match box burn all her memories which hurt u she does not deserve ur love bcoz she  not trust u baldev says to her mind ur own business simran bring sweet box  and she say when  i know that u proved innocent than i go and bring sweets for u  baldev says  u have it im going police station to meet my friends in   baldev forget his phone and veera calls on his phone and simran saw it  and take advantage of it she  attend the call and lied to veera that baldev  don’t want to talk with u  veera upset & end the call simran delete her call in call log   baldev comes to police station and ask rajveer that where is my friends i want to meet him rajveer says this is not a tea stall  this is police station come tomorrow and meet ur friends in visiting hours a baldev and rajveer were talking a constable come there and he say sir jaggi is not well if we will not not show  him to doctor  he will die baldev shocked to see that jaggi is beaten jaggi tell to baldev that we tell all the truth but  he had beaten us a lot
baldev says nothing will happen to u he tell the constable take her to hospital and he say to jaggi dontworry  i will come with u to the hospital but rajveer says u can’t go with him without police permission baldev says  if u have guts stop me   u play enough games but now agian if u play any game i will kill u   this is my village and they are my friends  we can die   we can kill  and we can  fight for each other  i m going to meet my friend  baldev says if  u play again ur evil games than i m only enough for u  to teach u lesson baldev leave from there   and rajveer so angry  

in morning baldev comes home and he see his phone and think may be veera call him he checked it but there is no call he get annoyed    veera looks at her phone  and thinks  why baldev did not call or messaged   than she thinks i must go and meet him in his house

veera and ratan  going to temple  and talking with each other ratan ask her  last night u not sleep well what happen veera says baldev not want to talk with me  she says its my mistake i did not trust him and now he will never forgive me rattan says go and meet him veera says yes i thought so a lady come there and she meet rattan and veer goes ahead she meet bansuri and simran  veers ask to bansuri about baldev simian  tell to bansuri i will meet u near gurduwara and she leave from there
bansuri scolds veera and she says baldev does not want to meet u he know that u prove him innocent but still he did not want to see u bansuri scold her  and she say stay away from baldev   its all over between u and baldev so stay away from my son  bansuri leaves from there rattan comes there and say lets go veer says u go i will come
gunjan massages ranvi head and gunjan says to ranvi she is feeling bad that she didn’t trust  his brother baldev he  told many times that he is innocent but no one trusted him  and we judge him with his old mistakes  ranvi also realised his mistake and he say if trust breaks  its difficult to earn it gunjan says nihaal chachu also tell us that baldev can’t do this  but we didn’t listen to him
ranvi says i was feeling very bad   gunjan smiles and kiss him on a cheek and she says thats why i like u  that ur heart is so clean   he kisses her and say i  like this about u that u find  everything good in me gunjan smiles and happy that  now  ranvi will agree on veera and baldev relationship simran comes into baldev room  and take baldev wallet out  but amrit hold her hand she says u scared me  amrit says this is ur own house   and ask her to keep back wallet simran says i thought to get some wine and  go to  disco or but without money i can’t so thats why i m taking money but u come here and  stop me  simran says to amrit i m tired of all this drama
amrit says relax u do all that after ur married first u become  bansuri daughter in law then u make her fool bansuri come there  and amrit simran get shocked  screen freeze on bansuri  episode ends here

precap baldev told to veera ranvi is always right we r not made for eachother  u free me from the blame and now  i will free u from my love u forget me and i will forget u lets end it 

The Episode starts with Simran tells Bansuri that Ratan became sarpanch by earning a name by making others work. She asks her to start cleaning pind and be a part of Swach Bharat. She asks her to make others work and get respect from everyone by earning a good name. Bansuri imagines people taking her pics and says she will stand in sarpanch elections next year. Veera cries thinking about Baldev. Baldev talks to lawyer and says he wants Billa and Jaggi out of jail, Rajveer can’t beat them like animals, I will get him lose his uniform. He says Jaggi is serious, get his bail. He saw a shade and walks to it,He sees Veera sitting there and crying.
She looks at him and cries. He passes by. Veera stops him. She says Baldev I know, I did a mistake, I did not trust you, but please will you never talk to me, I m already punished, please don’t punish me more. He says punishment, its not there, you did not trust me, why, this question is useless now, the truth is you blamed me for the crime I did not do, you did not listen to me when I explained, I cried, I ran after you, but your heart did not melt, why did you come now. He says you told the truth, that I don’t deserve you, so go to the man who deserves you and Ranvi finds suitable, Ranvi was right, we are not made for each other, end it today. We both are strangers for each other from today, forget me and I will forget there was any Veera.
He says you made me free from this blame, I will free you from my love. She asks how can you end it so easily. He says you ended it before me, and that too more easily, why are you worried you, you were finding it hard to forgive me, and today its difficult for me to forgive you. He leaves. Veera comes home and cries hugging Chai ji. Chai ji pacifies her. Ranvi and Gunjan looks on. Veera says its my mistake, Baldev wants to forget that he knew any Veera. Ratan says don’t blame yourself, its not your mistake, no one trusted him and supported him. Veera says he had hope from me that I will support him, but I broke up with him.
She says even his family is annoyed with me. Gunjan tells Ranvi that Veera is right, Baldev wanted atleast Veera to trust him. Ranvi says no, its not her mistake, its my mistake, she wanted to go to lawyer and find out the truth, but I stopped her and made her sure that Baldev is the culprit, Veera is bearing this because of me, I won’t let this happen, I will go and talk to Baldev. Gunjan gets glad and asks will you really go to Baldev and make him agree for Veera. Ranvi says no, I don’t like this relation even today, I will go to meet him so that no one can point on my sister, that she did not trust Baldev, I will show them it was my mistake. He says I will tell this to Baldev that I was wrong. He leaves.
Bansuri sees so much junk and asks Simran how will she do the cleaning. Simrna says we won’t do it, others will do. Bansuri says who. Simran says everyone will help us, and asks few men to help. The man says 80rs per hour. Bansuri says Rs 20 per day. The man does not agree and leaves. Bansuri says Simran gave a bad idea, lets go back home. Simran says wait, I have cheap idea too. She shows the kids. Simran asks the kids to clean Pind and help them. The kid asks for money or marks. Simran says good kids does not ask for money. Simran says she will give them snacks. The kids start working. Bansuri says they agreed for low cost things and smiles. Bansuri poses with sweeper and Simran takes her pic. Ranvi comes to meet Baldev. Baldev asks him to stop at the door and not come inside.
Ranvi asks will he welcome him like this. Baldev says no, I don’t want to see you. Ranvi says I know you are annoyed. Baldev says no, I m angry, you might be happy to throw me out of Veera’s life, see your plan worked, Veera is out of my life, why did you come here. Ranvi says keep Veera away from this, I came to apologize for my behavior. Baldev says you are a big liar, you came as your white clothes got stained, as you blamed me even when I was innocent people are taunting you, so you came here, you made me villain, and I became hero, you changed party.
Ranvi says you are blaming me. All evidence were against you. Baldev says proof was against you too, but I did not think you were wrong, I came to help you and ran to police station, you forgot I saved your life in Mumbai, you did not trust me, leave from here, else I will kick you out. Ranvi says I m leaving, but remember I came to make things fine and you did this. Baldev says I was quiet because of Veera, now I m not related to her, why to be good to you, don’t come in my way as I know very well to throw stones from my way. Ranvi calls him a stone and leaves.
Bansuri makes the kids clean everything. Simran says she will take video of her and upload on internet. The ladies come and see kids cleaning. Simran says Bansuri is teaching them imp of cleaning. He lady taunts her and they take the kids along. Bansuri says they have thrown more. The lady asks her to think when she throws junk. Bansuri asks Simran to clean it. Simran says fine, but media will come and they have to see you cleaning. Bansuri says fine and sweeps.
Ranvi comes home. Gunjan asks did he talk to Baldev. Ranvi says Baldev did not listen to me, don’t ask me to go there again, he was kicking me out of his house. Veera hears this and is shocked. Gunjan says what. Ranvi says really, Baldev insulted me and threatened me. He says I went to talk to him and apologize. He says I m afraid that he can do anything to spoil our family name. Veera starts leaving. Ratan stops her. Veera says she will go to talk to Baldev, why did he insult Ranvi, how dare he. Ratan says leave it. Veera says she has to talk to him and leaves.
Baldev says you came to fight with me when I insulted Ranvi, did you ask him when he insulted me. She says she always fought for him and Ranvi came to say sorry. He says can sorry make things fine, sorry that you were part of my life till now…

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