
Jodha Akbar Episode 257–258–259 Update on Monday 17th July 2017


Scene 1

jalal is in his room, doctor says to jalal that apply this cream on your wounds, jalal
says I am fine, apply it on jodha’s wound, jodha sits beside him and says I want you
to apply this cram this is good for your wounds, jalal agrees, doctor apply it on his
wounds, jalal says to jodha that I should meet ruks now, jodha stops him and says I
don’t think that you should meet her in this state, you are injured and she will not
bear that someone attacked you, jalal says you are right, I will meet her after some
ruks shouts on hoshiyar that jalal was attacked and you are telling me now, she runs
towards jalal’s room. jodha says to jalal that we should not tell ruks and also we are
safe now, jalal says this is palace here news spread like fire, I am worried that if she
gets to know from someone then she will be angry, jodha says I have to go to ruks to
give her sacred thread so I will talk to her indirectly that she will not be angry.
ruks is running, all wives talk that ruks is very angry she will kill someone, she have
to be careful fro her child. jalal says to jodha that you are right, I will not tell her, ruks
comes there and says what you will not tell, you got attacked and is injured and I get
to know from some bandhi, there was a time when you sneeze and I used to get to
know it 1st, I used to know small and big things related to you, ruks says you left
soldiers and went to isolated place, someone attacks you and kidnaps you both, you
fight with them all and come back in injured state, everyone knows this even
bandhies but I am not aware of this, why? jalal says me and jodha thought.. ruks
says I don’t care about anyone then you, and I can expect this from you that you will
tell me everything 1st as I am your 1st wife, you childhood friend, jalal says you are
pregnant, I thought its not good to tell you, see hoe much tensed you are now, that’s
why I hide it, ruks says I am worried not because that you were attacked but I came
to know this from a bandhi, I know you can fight with whole force of enemy but why
you didn’t tell me, why are you snatching my right from me, she coughs, jodha says
calm down, ruks ask her to leave, jodha says calm down, we are doing fro you good,
ruks says no you are not doing good, jodha says sit and ask to bring water, ruks says
I don’t need your sympathy and when I am talking to my husband I don’t like
someone interrupts me, jalal ask her to sit, she sits, jalal says look I am fine, ruks
says what if anything happened to you, what was the need to go in jungle, jalal says
there was need, jodha prayed for our child and we went to orphanage to ask kids to
pray for our child that’s why I went with jodha there, jodha says to ruks I brought this
sacred thread for you, she ties it on her hand, jalal says jodha was with me, I was
worried how I will fight with them alone and how I will protect jodha but she fought
with them alone, jodha says he is exaggerating ,jalal says no she fought with all
goons. jalal says now I will always go with jodha everywhere, why to take soldiers
she is a great fighter, thank god I am not her enemy. . ruks thinks that now jodha is
more closer to jalal, and I am more away from jalal, I am worried and still jalal is
talking about you, ruks says I wants to go to my room, jalal says I will take you.
jalal brings ruks to her room, he makes her sit and says you are still angry with me,
he says this much anger is not good, ruks says what if anything had happened to
you, jalal says that’s why I didn’t told you, ruks says these days you talk a lot but I
will not come in your talks, jalal says then I have to ask forgiveness, he says I am
sorry special wife, ruks doesn’t look at him, jalal kisses her forehead and ask now
you happy, she smiles, jalal says I will go now, ruks says tell jodha to come in my
room, jalal says okay, he goes. ruks looks at thread which jodha tied and breaks she
says I don’t need your care neither your prayers for my life. you made jalal away from

Scene 3
adham comes room, maham comes, adham ask you here this time, maham ask
where were you, adham says I went to revenge for you, I couldn’t bear your insult,
today jalal and jodha were in my hands but their fates saved them, maham says did
you attack them? adham says yes but they saved, if atgah didn’t came there then
jalal’s deadbody would have come here today. maham says I am giving you this
dagger, kill me, maham says I don’t want to mourn on my son’s death, adham says
neither me nor you will die, our enemies will die, maham says I don’t know to laugh
or cry on your talks, don’t you know who is jalal, he is king of this country, he is most
powerful, if he gets to know that you are against him then, maham sits on his feet
and says I beg for pardon, I cant bear my son’s death, adham says don’t do that,
shout on me but don’t beg, whenever I try to kill jalal, fate saves him, maham says
promise me you will not do any stupid thing, I promise I will not disappoint you.

Scene 4
jalal is washing face, atgah says after investigation, I came to know who is behind
attack on you and jodha in jungle. jalal says I am king, things happens with king but
there were my wife with me and she was also attacked, I will not leave a person who
tried to attack jodha, atgah says so what now, jalal says call all ministers in court
and.. suddenly he listens jodha singing bhajan, jalal says I will meet you later and
goes to jodha.
he comes to jodha who is busy in singing, jalal sits behind her and folds hand infront
of Krishna and smiles looking at jodha. after bahjan, jodha stands, jalal also, she
turns and sees jalal, she says you here, jalal says what to do whenever I listen to
your voice, I get attracted here, jodha gives him aarti, jodha says I want to learn one
thing from you, will you teach me, jalal says what is this joke, you want me to
become your teacher as you know I am not educated, you have found the way to
make fun that I am literate. jodha says don’t say that, you may be not educated but
you have knowledge then amny educated people, I want to know how you pray, how
you take blessing from god, I want to learn, jalal says really, jodha says yes, I know
many things s I have seen salima and hamida offering, jodha drapes dupatta on her
head and says they do like this then they sit and offers namaz but I don’t know what
they say. jalal and jodha comes to offer namaz, jodha kisses her forehead and says I
will make you learn, jalal offers namaz, jodha also offer namaz with jalal.
after namaz jalal sees bruises on jodha’s hand and says meet me in court, I want to
pay back your every bruise to the who attacked, he kisses her forehead and leaves.
jodha looks on.

PRECAP- jalal and all are present in court, jalal says I came to know who attacked
me and jodha and he is.. adham is ready to take out his sword while maham is
extremely tensed.


Scene 1
in court all are present, jalal comes, he sits and says someone attacked me and this
time jodha was with me, if my enemies thinks that they will attack my own and will
be pardoned then they are wrong, jalal says I know who attacked me, maham thinks
that don’t do anything adham, jalal ask to bring a deadbody, jalal says this goon ran
away from me but his master killed him, atgah says he has a special tattoo on his
hand and I got to know for whom he works from this tattoo, jalal says I get to know
that he works for someone who is between us, he works for razi khan, adham recalls
his meeting with razi khan and offering him that as you are against jalal, if you help
me then you will have luxury life, I will give you any state after we kill jalal, razi says
deal is good, adham says it is not easy to kill jalal, razi says just tell me when jalal
comes out of palace my goons are ready, fb ends. atgah informs that razi is with
rajvanshi shehenshah ram chand, jalal says ready our forces with maan singh, we
have to attack razi khan.

Scene 2
maan singh comes to jodha and says I am going on war, bless me, I am just afraid
that rajvanshi don’t call me betrayer as I have to fight against rajvanshi king, jodha
says maan you have to understand one thing that enemy is enemy, he doent have an
y religion, you have to fight for right, he took mughal’s betrayer under his support and
you are Mughal soldier now so you have to follow king’s order, you have to raise our
pride, she does his aarti, jalala comes there, jalal says I am sure of your capacity and
excellence, I am happy that you are with me in this war, now I want to take revenge
who tried to injured your phuphi(jodha). maan says okay shehenshah qazi khan will
be brought here, jalal says okay go for war now, he leaves.
shehnaz is going, she sees some dasies going with a painting, she ask whose
painting is this, they says its painting of one of wife of humayun, don’t touch it, It will
get dirty and jalal will be angry, we are going to put in museum. dasies go to
museum and places it there, she thinks whose painting is this, shehnaz ask dasi to
make her see only once, they takes off curtain from painting and its chand begum’s
painting, shehnaz is surprised and get emotional, dasi ask her to not touch the
painting and leaves.

Scene 3
shehnaz comes to her guardian house, she says can we talk outside, they sit,
shehnaz says I saw my mother’s pic in palace today, guardian says then they
remember her, shehnaz says no it seemed like painting was made now, gaurdain
says so jalal is trying to find your mother, shehnaz says I sent letter to jalal by putting
in jodha’s palanquin, I know jalal have kidnapped my mother so that I cant claim that
I have right on dehli’s throne, as humuyun gave it to me, now jalal is pretending to
find my mother but actually he has kidnapped her, shehnaz says I am sure jalal have
put her in prison, guardian says you have to protect yourself, shehnaz says I want to
know what jalal think about my mother, = I just want to know where is my mother,
guardian says maybe somebody else have kidnapped her so that you don’t get
throne, shehnaz I know she is alive and I tried to find her everywhere but couldn’t
now only one place is left that is prison of agra palace, shehnaz thinks how to get the
truth, how to know she is in prison but I know she is in agra, jalal has hidden her
somewhere that nobody can find her.

Scene 4
ruks is sleeping, jalal comes there, and ask can I come in, ruks gets up and says you
don’t need permission, come in, jodha comes there too, ruks thinks that I knew you
will not leave jalal alone, jalal and jodha come in and jalal says jodha have brought a
beautiful gift for your child, ruks says give it too dasi, jalal says will you not see it,
she says why not, jalal ask to bring in gift, they brings swing for child, ruks sees it
and says its beautiful, jodha gives great gifts, jalal says I am waiting for the day
when my child will lie in this swing, ruks thinks I feel pained that your dream will be a
dream only, jalal says I am waiting for the day when my child will hold my hand and
will walk with me, when he will say be baba, he gets emotional, ruks says tears in
your eyes? jalal says tears come out in happiness and sadness both, he sits near
ruks belly and talks to child, he says I am your father, I am waiting for you to come,
your choti ammi has gifted you a swing so come soon, jodha says I know this child is
very important for you both, I pray everyday for your child’s safety, jalal says when
my child will come in world I will tell him that you are the reason that he is in this
world. jalal says I have lost my child earlier and I was broken now I cant bear this so
ruks you have to take care of yourself a lot, he ask jodha to come with him, ruks says
jodha can you stay with me I feel good to be with you, jalal says I have to talk
something important to jodha so can I take her, ruks says why not, they go out, ruks
thinks what have I done, I have come far playing this game that now I cant even go

Scene 5
jalal brings jodha to humuyun’s room, he says its museum now, jodha says I didn’t
know you have interest in history, jalal says not me but hamida, jodha sees chand
begum’s pic and says she is same, jalal says I asked artist to make this painting after
you got letter, jalal says what you think about her, what happened to her that she
was lost for many years and is now contacting me, jodha says I don’t anything but I
understand your emotions, jalal says she is my mother afterall and when I get her my
father will be in peace, I am worried that I am a king and I cant help her, people will
think that she is not my real mother that’s why I didn’t help her, I want to know
everything about that letter, whether this letter was true or somebody is playing game,jodha says why will anybody do this, jalal says 1st someone sent you a letter, then
order my people to find then we were attacked, maybe someone wants that I don’t
find her, that I help her, maybe some secret is with her, jodha says atgah investigated
our attack and it was done by razi khan. jalal says razi will not attack us by his own,
jalal says someone helped him and he is related to chand, jodha says if this is the
case then you have to find chand, the one who can attack a king can attack chand
begum, jalal says if chand is alive then I promise you that I will find her, I have found
that she has a daughter, Its my mission to find her and give her rights to her, jodha
says you will find them, I am sure.

PRECAP- special doctor (whom hamida had called for ruks’s checkup) gives jalal a
medicine and says to jalal that if ruks is not pregnant then she will vomit after eating
this medicine, jalal comes to ruks and gives her the medicine, ruks eats it and vomits,
jalal is stunned.

Scene 1
jodha is combing ruks hairs, shehnaz is there too, ruks ask what was the important
talk between you and jalal, jodha sasy he took me to humayun’s room, jodha says
you know ruks jalal is very worried these day because of letter about chand begum,
ruks says he shouldnt be, someone after many years become alive nobody even
remember her name why jalal is worried for her, jodha says jalal thinks it as some
conspiracy, jodha ask zakira to to bring oil, shehnaz thinks that noboday cares about
my mother but i am happy that jalal is worried about letter maybe jalal will find her so
i have to spy on jalal to get to my mother.
jalal says to atgah that if we find who put letter in jodha’s palanquin then we can find
chand begum, atgah says i will ask people in mandir, jalal ask about razi khan, atgah
says they have reached the state, ram chand is surrounded by our forces, jalal says i
need razi to be brought here alive, i want to punish him myself, so bring my enemies
here and finish them, shehnaz thinks who is going to be finished, maybe my mother,
after letter maybe he is afraid and wants to finish my mother, i have to find her.

Scene 2
all ladies are in veil, qazi congrats for baby, he prays for mugahl saltanat and says i
pray that happiness reamins here and never gets less, hamida ask to bring bakshi,
she coes, qazi blesses her and gives sacred smoke to her body, the rituals are being
done, all prays for her baby, jija says soon ruks will have these rituals too, jodha
says jalal is very excited for it, salima says bakshi is glowing, hamida says my
daugther has seen many ups and downs in very lil age, i just hope that this child
brings happiness in her life. jodha says to salima that i am going to ruks, its time for
ruks lunch, if lunch is given on time then its good for child. special doctor(whom
hamida had called for ruks’s checkup) sasy to one lady that i wonder how ruks can
become mother, i was the one who told jalal that ruks cant become mother but i dont
know this happened.
maham comes to her secret place, she says to soldier today doctor is going to come
to check chand begum, you have keep an eye that nobody come here, nobody should
know about this, jalal is searching for chand begum and he has her picture too so be
care ful.

Scene 3
jodha is in kitchen, jodha says to dasies that there should be no spice in food of ruks,
she is pragnant so she will eat non spicy food, jodha sees shehnaz playing with
something, she ask what are you doing, she says i will make boat from this paper and
will put in water, jodha says no need i will give you real boat, shehnaz gets happy.
jodha ask dasi where are you taking this much food, they tell jodha that hamida
ordered to give food to prisoners from shahi kitchen today for ruks baby, jodha says
hamida has very big heart, she has haumanity and care for everyone, she goes,
shehnaz thinks that this food is going to jail, this is my chance maybe i can find my
doctor tells one wife of jalal that i told that ruks cannot become mother because of
the syrup she was given earlier but this happened i dont know, wife says maybe you
were wrong, maybe you will do her kid’s birth, doctor says maybe you are right, i
should not think about it, maybe she is going to be mother. jalal listens her and gets

Scene 4
jalal calls that doctor and ask what were saying about ruks pragnancy, she says i
know she is pragnant but i cant believe, jalal ask her to eleborate, she says when
ruks had miscarriage, her womb was damaged and she cant carry kid but now this
happened so i am confused, jalal says mathura’s doctor also confirmed her
pragnancy, doc says its miracle that she is going to be mother but i still cant accept
it, i am loyal to salatanat, jalal says you can go. special doctor gives jalal a medicine
and says to jalal that if ruks is not pregnant then she will vomit after eating this
medicine, jalal says if you are proved wrong then i will not spare you, she says if i am
wrong and will get punsihed then i will be happy, if i get punsihed and salatant gets
heir then i dont have any issue.
jodha comes to ruks, jalal comes there too and ask who are you ruks, ruks says i was
fine but i cant drink this bitter syrup and i cant eat boiled food, i want to eat kabab,
jalal says i will make you eat but 1st drink this syrup, jodha says drink it or should i
force you, ruks says i will not drink any other then this, jalal agreea and says to jodha
that let me make her drink, he takes syrup from her and says to jodha that i want to
spend time with ruks alone, jodha agrees and goes from there, jalal stealthily puts
medicine in syrup given by doctor, ruks drinks it, eh waits for sometime, ruks says i
am happy that you are spending time with me, jalal thinks that time has passed but
she didnt have any vommiting so doctor was right and thank god this is not a lie, he
says i also think is should spend time with you more, i will share everything with you
like earlier, ruks gets happy, suddenly ruks vomit, jalal is stunned and hurt too, ruks
says sorry, i told you i cant drink this bitter syrup, you know this vommiting happens
in this condition, jalal fumes and ask her to rest and goes from there.

Scene 5
jalal is with 1st doctor who infromed that ruks is pragnant, she sits in jalal’s feet and
says i was forced, jalal says tell me truth then i will decide that whether you are guilty
or forced, she says i was told to inform you that ruks is pragnant, jalal ask her to
elaborate, she says on your anniversary day, ruks called me, flashback shows ruks
asking her to go to jalal and tell him that i am pragnant, she says but this is lie, ruks
says i know i cant become pragnant but you will tell jalal that i am pragnant, if you
tell him then i will fill your life with gold and if you dont follow my orders then you
dont have right to live, fb ends, jalal says such a big lie to me, she betrayed me and
you also lied to me, doctor says i am sorry dont punish me, i was forced, ruks is a
queen she would have killed me if i wouldnt have followed her orders, dont punish
me, jalal says i will not punish you as you were forced, just go to ruks, i will meet you
there, she goes.

Scene 6
the doctor comes to ruks, she ask why you are here without my permission, jalal
comes there and says i told you to come here, ruks gets up and says i am fine jalal, i
dont need any bitter syrup now, jalal sternly looks at her, ruks ask what happened,
jalal ask doctor to repeat what she told him, doctor repeats everything. ruks gets
shocked, se says to jalal that i am sorry its my mistake, i didn want to hurt you, i just
wanted to come close to you like earlier, please forgive me, jalal sternly says that
forgiveness is for mistake not for sin.

PRECAP- jalal says to jodha that you wanna know what happend so listen, my
dream is crushed, i am being betrayed, my emotions were used, ruks is not becoming
mother she was just pretending, she is betraying not only me but my mother, my
saltant, jodha is stunned.

Scene 1
hamida comes there and ask jalal why you called us here, is everything fine, jalal
says nothing is fine, once again I am betrayed once again this day is bad for Mughal
saltanat, I am again not going to be father because ruks had miscarriage, ruks is
stunned, all are shocked, hamida says what, doctor says I failed in giving her
medicine so ruks lost her child, jalal says you can leave, she leaves, jalal hugs ruks
and says don’t cry, he whispers in her ears that I know you lied to me, you betrayed
me but I cant bring embarrassment to you, I will not let you stoop in all eyes as you
are my wife, you are my best friend, jalal says to hamida says infront of god we are
no one, I used to brag that I write my fate with my sword but now I know that no
sword runs infront of fate, he leaves, hamida consoles ruks.
soldiers are taking food to jail, shehnaz is hiding in big pans, she thinks that soon I
will meet my mother, soldiers stop somewhere and meets some other soldiers,
soldiers says that nobody should know that we are doing this, they take some sacks
from soldiers and goes. shehanz says where are they going, I have to go to jail.
maham meets some doctor and says if you help in this case then it will solve my
problems otherwise it will be problem for you, he says,,,
maham says some things should be hidden for betterment of saltanat, make sure this
secret remains secret with you.
Scene 2
hamida says to ruks that my child you are again going throught this, jalal is in tears,
salima says I understand what child means to mother, jalal says I think ruks should
take some rest, hamida nods, all ladies leaves, jalal sternly looks at ruks, ruks says
please forgive me, trust me I just wanted to get you not to hurt, I will not do this
again, jalal comes to her and hugs her tightly, she cries and hugs him back, jalal
says I will forget it, we didn’t play chess for many days, lets play it, ruks is confused,
jalal sit to play, ruks says you really forgave me? I thought you will take my life, jalal
says you are my life how can I take it, I don’t like to talk about things which I don’t
like, I like to talk about past moments which gives peace, jalal says where those
days, those playing games, those innocent things are lost, those moments are gone.
ruks says you are best human, husband and king, I shouldn’t have done that with
you, jalal says I told you to forget what happened, we will not talk about it, I didn’t
give you importance that’s why you took that decision, you are my 1st wife and will
always remain, forget everything and I thinks its getting late we will play chess
tomorrow, jalal is about to go but turns and says don’t betray me again I cant bear it.
if you have problem, any complain with me so tell me but don’t betray me again. he
leaves, ruks is still confused…

Scene 3
at night, doctor is taken to jungle by maham. soldiers who had sacks comes there
too, maham says 1st let doctor check chand then we will decide, shehnaz is hiding in
basket and tries to watch.
jodha is thinking, jalal comes there and is crying, jodha comes to him, jalal
breaksdown and hugs jodha, jodha consoles him, jalal says I lost my child today but
on your insistences I didn’t lose my friend today, thank you. flashback shows jalal
going in anger to confront ruks, jodha stops him and ask him are you fine, jalal says
leave me alone, this time and situations are not suitable to stop me, jodha says
atleast tell me whats the problem, jalal says I told you to leave me. jodha says no I
will not leave you because I didn’t come here to leave you and secondly I don’t have
fear of your anger, tell me, jalal takes her to to room. jalal says to jodha that you
wanna know what happend so listen, my dream is crushed, i am being betrayed, my
emotions were used, ruks is not becoming mother she was just pretending, she is
betraying not only me but my mother, my saltant, jodha is stunned, jalal says think
hamida will be broken, when Rahim will know that no brother or sister is coming to
play with him then what he will feel, what about you, you served her day and night
and what she did, I will not leave her today, jodha stops him and says you will not do
anything like this, jalal says she betrayed me and you are saying this, jodha says
thinks 1st why she did that, she cant do anything to hurt you or to betray you then
why she did this, she is mature and know whats good then why she took this step,
jalal says I don’t know why she betrayed her best friend,,,

jodha says stop, she brings diya and says to jalal that I am giving you swear on
kahna that you wiil not shout on ruks, she loves you that’s why she is doing all this,
she thinks that you are going away from her, she did this to attract you to her, she
thinks that you are attracted to me only, think that you are same jalal for ruks as you
were earlier with her, no you are not, there was time when ruks was all for you but
now I came so she wants to take your attention, if you didn’t bring space between
you and ruks, if you would have same with ruks then she wouldn’t have taken this
decision, getting love and fighting for love is not sin, so you have to do duty of
husband and friend. this talk will remain between me you and ruks, nobody should
know about it, think if hamida comes to know this ruks will stoop in her eyes, she will
break down, thinks if salima get to know this she will not believe it, ruks failed in her
relation but you have to fulfill your duty, you only have one friend that’s is ruks and
we can forget many mistakes of your friend because they are your life time support
so I request to not let anything come inbetween you and ruks, to fulfill some relation
we have to hide something so promise me that you will not tell anything about it to
anyone, jalal agrees. fb ends.

jalal says all wife tries that I go away from other wife but the day you came in life,
you only wanted to get love and care from me, because of you I am able to save my
friendship, because of you I am able to understand relations and their duties, I am
thankful to you, jodha makes jalal sit and lies her head on his shoulder, she says
there is no thanks in hubby wife relation, there is only love between them and my love
will always be with you.

PRECAP- shehnaz says to jalal says you are crap in name of brother and now you
will get punished for your doings and I will give you punishment, after you die my
mother will get peace, she stabs jalal.
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