
Jodha Akbar Episode 123–124 Update on Wednesdy 10th May 2017

Scene 1
sharif writes jodha’s name of cell wall and remember her portrait. Soldier comes and says i sent letter to jodha but i dont think she will come. Sharif says she will, as she is rajvanshi and they can take risk of hubby’s life. Jalal’s life is in danger because of mali

Scene 2
Sharif is waiting in cell, when jodha comes, he ask did anyone know about this meeting? No one knows about this meeting, right? Jodha brushes aside his concerns and gets straight to the point. What did he want to tell her? She is ready to listen. Sharifuddin gets sentimental and broodingly poetic. He wanted to talk. He has been alone for a long time now. He is lonely. Now even the bars of his cage refuse to speak to him. Sharif says i have listened important thing and i wanted to tell you.

Jodha says i came here for jalal, you are jalal’s sister husband who loves you and you did conspiracy against me, you wanted jalal to kill me, sharif pretends and says i am very sorry for what i did, i know you have no physical relation with jalal. Jodha says why me? Why you didnt send letter to maham or ruks? Sharif says because i knew only you would listen to me. He says abul mali is conspiring against jalal and his one man is here. Jodha says you also conspired against jalal. Sharif i am very sorry about it, i want to prove that i am loyal, adham got one chance then why not me? I want to be out for my love. Jodha says i dont believe you, why you want to be out? Sharif says i want because i love someone alot(pointing jodha), i miss her, i remember her long hair, her soft heart, her voice, i miss her, jodha sees his face he then changes his tone and says i love bakshi alot. He says abul mali is doing big conspiracy, i cant do anything as i am stuck here, only you are the one who can do something. Jodha says i will inform jalal and leaves. Sharif smirks.

Scene 3
jodha is talking to kanha saying i dont know why he did told me only? Why not bakshi? Not ruks or maham? Maybe he thought i can do anything. Jalal never listen to me and after benazir has come our equation has changed. Moti comes and informs that bhagwan das and shivani (jodha’s younger sister) are coming to agra.

In court, soldier informs that das and shivani are coming. Jalal ask to welcome them with respect. They comes and greets jalal. Maan meets them. Mirza sees shivani and smiles. Jodha comes and meets them. Jalal how come you here? Das says was on tour, shivani will stay here for a while. Jalal says good. Jodha was missing you. Jodha looks at him. He says to jodha you wanted someone from your family here, now happy. Hamida comes and greets shivani. Jalal ask jodha to take shivani with her and take her care. Mirza keep looking at shivani.

Scene 4
shivani is in jodha’s room, jodha says i cant believe you are here, shivani it was the best time to be here, jodha ask what? shivani says means i got chance to meet you so i am here, she teases jodha that is everything alright jalal was very soft with you, is there any good news? jodha ask oh have you grown up? now you will talk about love and all, shivani says i toke place of sukanya.

shivani is setting the room. moti says she will do it but shivani says its ok. moti goes, shivani takes out a box in which there is a letter, Shivani reads the letter which says that we love each other but our togetherness is not possible as you are a queen and i am a servant but i have find one way, i am coming mathura’s mandir, you go to your sister’s place, we will escape from there and will marry. Shivani has fbs that how one day she is on terrace and combing her hairs when comb falls on ground, she ask carpenter to give her comb, he takes the comb and says send your dasi, i will give it to her, he has his head down, shivani ask why you are not looking at me? He says i am a common man and you are a queen, i cant look up at you, she ask to bring the comb, he says he cant as if anybody will see him standing infront of a queen nobody will like it. Shivani fumes as he didnt follow her orders, she comes down and sees his work on wall and mesmerized.

He gives her comb, she ask his name, he says tejavant. She says never says that you are lower, man is higher with his talent and work and your work is beautiful. Teja looks up at her lovingly. Fb ends. Shivani says that moment love happened. Love doesnt see anything, any boundary and now i cando anything for you.

Scene 5
benazir takes out one snake and other snake falls on ground, he bites benazir and dies, benazir says you didnt have guts to bite me, i am grown up by taking intake of snake’s poison, she gives it to zakira and says throw it, she says take care of other, i will need them to survive.
mirza comes to jalal and informs that i got benazir’s letter from maqsood’s room and remember she is from mali’s palace. Jalal says so what? She can write letter to her mother. Mirza says she can but she is a muslim then why did she used avdi language not urdu, persian etc. Jalal ask to read letter. Mirza recites without opening it. Jalal says you have learned it. Mirza says it was easy to remember it. Jalal is happy as mirza is taking interest in politics. He takes letter and says i will inquire about it to benazir.

Scene 1
zakira says to benazir that i couldnt take the letter from imtiaz which you wrote to abul mali, benazir says jalal will not get it otherwise… Servant comes and informs that jalal has called you, she is shocked.

Scene 2
jalal confronts benazir about letter asking why she wrote letter to her mother in avdi language? Benazir is tensed and comes very close to him, jalal ask whether you wanna kill me with these looks? He ask why did she used avdi language? Benazir start shedding tears saying my mother was not muslim and accepted islam after marriage but she use avdi language and i was missing her so i wrote in it, tell me whether its a sin? Jalal says no many people retain their language after marriage even like see jodha begum, he ask servant to send this letter to kabul, benazir smirks.
Scene 3
shivani is in terrace, jodha is oiling her hairs and says why are lying outside its cold weather, shivani says i like it these stars, breeze etc, she says i am happy that i came here, jalal comes and shivani greets him, he says that you took my place, shivani ask what?

He says jodha do my hairs’ oiling daily. Shivani gets up and ask jalal to take his place and jalal lies in jodha’s lap, shivani thinks he will come near mandir and ask jalal about mandir, jalal says we both go to mandir daily, jodha says lie, jalal says actually jodha daily ask me to go with her and doesnt understand that i am a king i have work, shivani says thats bad jodha didi, she says i wanna go there, jalal says you cant as we are doing renovation there, jodha is happy that jalal is doing renovation of mandir, jalal ask jodha to massage good, benazir do it way better then you, shivani ask who is benazir? Jalal says she is special dasi and do massage very good, shivani ask jodha to prove that you are best and leaves. Jodha jerks jalal away and ask why did you talk about benazir to shivani? He says i thought to told her that benazir is special before she got to know from other person, he is about to leave but jodha says i wanna talk, you are in danger, conspiracy is being done on you, jalal says i know, mirza have informed me and i am king so these things happen but i have my family, my begums and benazir with me. Jodha says so much believe on an outsider? Jalal says i believed my closed one but they pushed and threw me on ground, he leaves. Jodha thinks how to tell you that i met sharif and your life is in danger.

Scene 4
jodha applies medicine to injured pigeon, mirza comes and jodha tells him about her meeting with sharif and how jalal is in danger, he says thats true and recites the benazir’s letter to jodha, they both are confused.

Scene 5
abul mali reads benazir’s letter and fumes saying benazir hasnt done her work otherside sharif is in jail also, imtiaz got killed, he says now i will myself go to agra, his men warns him.
In agra, javeda says to shivani that you took our care in amer now its our turn, mirza comes there and shivani greets him but mirza doesnt see it then he greets her and says sorry for not seeing her 1st. Javeda says she cooks vey well, mirza says she cant cook here as she is guest, jodha comes there, javeda ask jodha can i show garden to shivani? Jodha nods, they leave. Mirza is going behind them, jodha stops him and teases him that he is going behind shivani, he confesses that shivani is beautiful but jalal hasnt fall for your beauty yet, he leaves. Jodha is shy.

Scene 6
jodha is praying to tulsi about jalal that he is in danger, she opens her eyes and sees jalal infront of her, she sees 2 soldiers running with dagger towards jalal, jodha runs and hugs him from back, jalal is stunned, suddenly moti and shivani comes and teases jalal about why he is here, he says for parsad, they say we should give privacy to them but jalal says maybe jodha doesnt like it and leaves. Jodha thinks i lost another chance to talk to jalal.

Scene 7
adham and jalal are sitting drinking when maham comes and gives idea that we should do jashn, adham suggests to present a dance from benazir, jalal says good idea, maham is angry on adham, jalal says this performance will be exclusive for man only, maham thinks that jalal will be drunk in jashn and benazir will come closer to him and jodha will be jealous.

Scene 1
diya in jodha’s mandir is about to blow off but jodha holds it in time, she says i will tell jalal that i went to meet sharif, i know he will be angry as i didnt ask his permission but i have to tell him truth.
Scene 2
the jashn of man on terrace is being start, jalal and adham are drinking and benazir comes in veil to perform, mirza is also present there, adham ask benazir to remove veil, she does, jodha is coming to meet jalal but soldiers stop her saying women are not allowed to enter, jodha insists, maham comes and says that it is a male jashn and you cant go in there and also benazir is performing for jalal, jodha fumes and says i want to meet him, maham says why dont you go to your sister, spend time with her when jashn will be over then come, maham leaves. Jodha is angry. Inside jashn starts and benazir removes her veil and start belly/arabic style dancing, jalal smiles while adham is amused, all males are enjoying her dance, she comes to jalal while dancing, he is drinking and smiling, she moves her hand on his hairs, suddenly jalal start imagining jodha romancing him and is confused, jodha comes from behind and is enraged seeing jalal and benazir, jalal comes out of his imagination and romances with benazir, jodha closes her eyes and leaves.

She comes in her room and says to kahna why i am feeling so bad? He spend night with different women then why today i cant see him with her? She ask aloud why? Outside benazir is with jalal and she thinks today is day, inside jodha says to kahna that you had many wives but you were only of radha then why jalal.. She thinks whats happening with me. Outside all leaves seeing jalal so close with benazir. Maham thinks why they are coming out, benazir is thinking that today your game will be finished, inside jodha prays to protect jalal from evil eye while crying, outside maham comes to jalal and sees him with benazir and turns, jalal is romancing with benazir, he again imagines jodha placing fingers in his hairs, he remembers how he threw him and pushes her and she falls on ground, he blabbers in drunk state that to leave my sight, i still remember what you did with me jodha, inside jodha says to kahna that you did for your people, please protect him also, outside jalal shouts that i hate you jodha i hate you, benazir leaves, maham is angry, inside jodha says to kahna that i am giving his protection to you.

benazir is fuming in her room, maham comes and says i know he did wrong with you, his way was wrong to avoid but it can be wrong that you dance with him and he will be lured, she says its difficult to make place in man’s heart when he have someone else in it but now you have to do something that jalal himself will come to you, only think about your wish, she leaves, benazir thinks i am here to do my mission not to make place in his heart.
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