
Jodha Akbar Episode 271–272 Update on Wednesday 26th July 2017

Scene 1
nigaar comes in garden, she sees Rahim, jalal comes
there and ask soldiers to catch her, nigaar grabs Rahim
and puts knife on his neck, she says don’t come near me
else I will kill Rahim, she runs from palace with Rahim.
todar is being taken to be hanged on death, atgah says I
lost faith in justice today, an innocent is getting killed
today, niggar runs on horse and throws Rahim on gate
of palace, jodha asks jalal to stay here and ask soldiers
to go behind her, you go and save todar. todar is going,
he sees his wife and nods her to not cry. she nods in
yes, todar is about to be hanged, todar prays to god that
whenever truth wanted your help you came, today also
truth wants you to do something, not for me but for jalal,
protect him from evil, I have no guilt, I am dying for my
duty. the canon is fired at todar but jalal comes and
moves it on otherside and saves todar, all comes to
todar, his wife hugs him and cries, jalal ask to bring
todar’s sword, he gives his sword to him and says to
forgive me, jodha says forgive me todar, todar’s wife
says you don’t need to be sorry, you did right, you
wanted to get justice for innocent lady, you wanted to
protect women, if someone plays with your emotions
then whats your fault. the big thing is that you and your
intentions are great, we will respect you my whole life as
you are great woman, todar says she is right, forget
what happened, if I was there, I would have done the
same, they greet jalal and jodha.

Scene 2
mahaC is talking with humyun’s pic, she says throne is
mine, I had no option so I have to attack saltanat, your
second wife took throne from me, flashback shows how
young hamida said to mahachuchak that you are going
wrong way just to get throne, mahaC says why i can not
get the throne, there are many states so why cant I rule
one of the state, nigaar also got states but why not me,
hamida you want to take all states as you are marium
zamani (mother of heir), hamida says its fate that jalal is elder then
mirza, mahac says just because I am a common wife so
I cant get throne. fb ends, mahaC says soon I will enter
in shahi palace of agra, I will rule there.

Scene 3
jalal says to jodha that I am going to find nigaar before
she do anything wrong, jodha says yes you should stop
her, todar says I will come with you, its not safe for you,
jalal says no you should take rest, you have been
through a lot in past days, jalal says these days I cant
win any argument, 1st it was jodha and now you too.
jalal ask jodha to take care and leaves.
maham is reading something, adham comes and says
you are here and there new story is being written, jalal
has thrown you out of life and you don’t know whats
happening, maham ask him to tell straightly, he says
that todar is being saved, he is not killed, jalal got to
know that shehnaz is nigaar and she just framed todar,
nigaar has run away, jalal has gone behind her, maham
says I was busy and I couldn’t know this, adham says
think this one girl has made jalal to run think what will
happen when her force will come here, maham says
what if jalal gets nigaar, then she will tell jalal that I
helped nigaar against jalal then he will not leave me.

Scene 4
jalal comes in jungle, he searches for nigaar, he calls
out where are you nigaar sister, nigaar comes there with
her goons, she says now I will say, I announce open war
against Mughal saltanat, now your time is over. nigaar
says kill him, nigaar’s goon beats him then jalal over-
powers them, he beats them, todar and atgah comes
there too, they fight with nigaar’s force, nigaar comes
there too, jalal says I am fine but nigaar has run away,
todar says that these goons were trained. jalal ask atgah
to go behind nigaar but make sure nothing happens to
her, I have lost her once, I don’t want to lose her again.
atgah goes with soldiers. jalal says I don’t know whats
the matter.
mahaC is playing with parrot, beg says its good time
pass, she says this bird is like me, he wants to eat and I
want to have whats mine, she says I am waiting for the
letter, I want to know about nigaar, soldier comes and
tells her that our one piece of soldiers has gone to
nigaar, our full force will soon reach agra, mahaC, beg
says soon you will get agra, dehli and all, mahaC says
that I will put my poison on jalal.
Scene 5
jodha comes to jalal and ask did you talk with nigaar,
jalal says no, I always wanted to have elder sister with
whom I can share my things but when I came to know
about her, I couldn’t even talk to her, maybe somebody
is exploiting her, jodha says its all my fault, I couldn’t
recognize that she was niggar, jalal says no we all did
wrong as situations were not good, look I was wrong in
punishing todar, nigaar has misunderstanding, you did
what you thought was right, jodha. hamida and salima
comes there. hamida says are you fine, jalal says yes
but I couldn’t talk with nigaar, salima says that if she
was saying that she met with chand then this means
that chand begum is alive, jalal says you are right, we
should find her, he ask dasi to inform all to come in

PRECAP- jalal is in court, he says that I want chand
begum here till tonight, todar give soldiers to adham,

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munim and find that secret place.
at night, jalal and other ministers come to secret place.

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