
Jodha Akbar Episode 461–462 Update on Friday 10th November 2017

Scene 1
Jodha is crying and says this is all happening because me, he came here because of me, he has to bear all this because me, why i didnt die before seeing his pain, Jalal comes there and sits infrontof her, he says why you are blaming yourself, you did justice and as judge you just punished me, Jodha says only i know how i gave you punishment, Jalal says i know you feel my pain before myself, we feel for each other, this is beauty of our relation but if you cry then how will i be strong, dont cry, he hugs her.
Soul talk- Jalal’s soul says that punishment was my lesson that he pain which i have given to others, i had to bear them too. Jodha’s soul says that punishment i remembered my whole life, you bore those hunter attacks but they left impact on my heart for life as you had to get that punishment because of my order.
Salim ask Qutub about force of Mirza, Qutub says they are 25,000/-, Salim says we are half of them, we have to clever, i dont want them to run away from our clutches, he hatches a plan for war, Qutub ask Salim why you are placing yourself at most difficult position in battle field? dont you love yourself a little? Salim says when the army head is leading his force then the whole force gets stronger, i want to assure my soldiers that i am with them till my last breath, Qutub says we will fight, Salim says you are lucky that you have someone(wife) who is waiting for you, who is praying for your life and the one i love doesnt pray for me, infact she curse me.
Scene 2
Anarkali is praying to God, Zil ask her to pray for Salim too as he has gone for war, Anar says i will pray for my force only and about Salim, he only loves the ghungroos of dancers, Zil says dont takehim lightly, he has spend his life in war field, he is king and they do like dance bars but that doesnt mean he is not a good warrior, he is our next king, you cant think bad about him, also he is fighting for whole Agra so keep your personal grudges aside and pray for his life, she leaves, Anar thinks about Salim, Anar sits and prays for Salim, Rabba is pyar mein plays.
Moti ask Jodha how is jalal, Jodha says he is fine now, Ruks is with him, Jagdev comes there, Moti says i want to kill him as he made Jalal bear punishment, Jodha comes to talk to Jagdev, Jodha says to him that i know you must be hurt with Jalal’s matter, Jagdev says i know you must have felt bad by giving punishment to him as you are a lady, Jodha says its not about being lady but i think he was innocent, Jagdev says you have soft heart, i just wanted to tell you that tomorrow is Holifunction, Kaushalia(head of village) says that you did great, our king has forgotten to give some happiness to his people, Jodah says nothing like that, it was king Jalal only who gave order that hindus can celebrate their festivals freely, she thinks to bring out truth of Jagdev soon.
Scene 3
Mehtab comes to Jalal, he says i am fine, she talk about her wounds, Jalal says i am warrior, i am used to it, you are working here as warrior too and we are proud of you, Ruks says we are, Jodah says comes there and says Jagdev ash arranged holifunction, its time to bring out his truth so people realize that mistake is not yours but of the people like Jagdev, Ruks agrees with her, Jalal says so we will do it, i have sent message to Birbal, Jodha says now on Holi, his sins will burn too.
Jagdev comes to Jalal in Holi function and says i didnt let you go away from this village because i wanted you to see who i am and people like you are mere insects in from me, Jalal gets angry on him, Jagdev comes to Jodha and ask to lit Holi’s fire, Jodha says Holi is festival where people forget their grudges and we try to kill sins, Jagdev says great thought so i forgive jalal for his mistakes, Jodha says i want Jalal to lit the fire as he has already bore his punishment but why we people keep giving them punishment, why cant we give respect to the person who have bore punishment, he should be given chance to redeem himself so i want him to lit the fire, Jagdev says as you, Jodha gives candle to Jalal, he smiles at her, he lits the fire, Kaushalia ask to do Parikama(taking rounds around fire) and the couples will do it together, Jalal does with ruks, Jodha looks at him, Kaushalia ask her to come, Jodha says i cant come as it is for couples, Ruks says why not? you forgave my husband, i am able to be with him right now because of you only, you can come behind us, it will br our honor to have you, Jodha smiles and goes behind Jalal, they take rounds together.
Scene 4
Shama is irritating Haidar, Javeda comes there and ask what happened? Haidar says i cant bear this girl, you talk to her, he leaves, Shama says where did you go? Javeda says if she remain like this then Haidar will not marry her.
Jodha thinks that this is the first time, i wont be celebrating Holi with Jalal, Moti comes and applies color to Jodha and felicitates her Holi, Jodha applies color to Moti and Mehtabl, MOti says Ruks doesnt like colors, Jodha ask where is she? Moti says in her room.
girls are asking Ruks to come out of room to play Holi with them, Kaushalia comes and shoos away the girls, Ruks comes out and thanks her for sending them away, Kaushalia says one should not force anyone to celebrate Holi, we can use mind too, she applies color on her face, one girl throws water at her, Ruks shouts, she thinks once i go to palace then i will send this Kaushalia to jail.
Jodha applies Tilak to ill people, she wishes them Holi, Kaushalia says they all are happy because of you, Jodha says not because of me but because of Lord, she turns to see Jalal smiling at her, he points that he wants to apply on her, she nods no, Kaushalia ask what happened? Jodha says nothing, Kaushalia leaves, Jalal is approaching her with color plate, Jodha is coming towards him too, he trips and color falls on Jodha’s face, she smiles, sits to give him plate and touches his feet in process, jalal blesses her, Jodha leaves, Ruks smiles seeing them. Jagdev comes there and thinks that Today i will make jodha color in my colors, i will make this Holi special for her, Jalal finds Jagdev and comes to Jodha, he says its time to teach him lesson, till he is busy here, my soldiers will find out where he has hidden the grain cartons, Jagdev dreams of applying colors to Jodha, he says i will celebrate Holi with her at any cost, he throws color at her face, Jalal and all others are shocked, Jodha angrily looks at him, one man says that Jagdev shoud have been in limits, Jalal gets angry on him, Jagdev says i was throwing at someone else and you came inbetween, Jodha says it was not deliberate so i forgive you, jalal ask his soldier about grain cartons, soldier says we are not able to find it, Jagdev invites Jodha to come at his son’s school for function, Jodha thinks to not lose her cool infront of him, Jodha agrees to come, Jagdev thinks that this night will be with her only, Jalal thinks that this night i will bring his truth out.

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Scene 1
Jalal says to Birbal that find out if other villages have same people like Jagdev, i dont want my people to suffer, he ask Soldiers to take Jagdev away, they take him, all says sorry to Jalal that they didnt know he was king, Kaushalia says sorry to Ruks for ordering her, Ruks says no i wont forgive you, i will take you to Agra and then you have to eat food prepared by me, this is your punishment, all smiles.
Sharif says to his men that things are going out of hand, he injures one man and ask him to go to Jalal now he will listen to you.
One man comes to Jalal and says Sharif’s men has attacked us, i have caught their one man, Jalal ask all to be in tents, he leaves to find out the matter with Birbal.
Jalal, Birbal and Fazal comes in jungle, they dont find anyone, Birbal says maybe that man was lying, Fazal says why would he lie? Jalal says only that man can answer us. Jidha says to one Ruks that now problems are solved, people are happy with him, Sharif sends his man to Jodha, man comes to Jodha and says i have pain in belly, Jodha starts treating him while Ruks leaves from there, Sharif comes there and holds Jodha’s hand, Jodha ask who are you? Sharif shows his face, Mehtab is shocked to find him, she recalls how he wanted to kill her in childhood, Sharif says to Jodha that now my wish to get you will be fulfilled, Mehtab holds Sharif’s feet to leave Jodha, Sharif attacks her with knife on neck and pushes her away, Mehtab falls on ground being injured, he starts taking Jodha awa from there. Birbal and Jalal comeback to find Mehtab lying unconscious, he says who dared to do this with her, Birbal ask to take her for treatment.
Scene 2
Jalal brings Mehtab to clinic, Ruks ask how did this happen? Jalal ask where is Jodha? Ruks says she was with Mehtab, Jalal ask his soldiers to find Jodha, Ruks says mabe she stopped to treat some injured person, doctor is treating Mehtab, Jalal leaves to find Jodha.
Sharif brings Jodha to some isolated place, he says i cant see you in pain, he ask his man to open her hands, man removes rope from her hands, Jodha slaps Sharif hard, Sharif says i like this about you, you are stubborn and wild, he takes her inside.
Jalal is finding Jodha, he says where she must be, Birbal says only Mehtab can tell us about Jodha, Jalal ask his soldiers to find every nook and corner of Jungle. one man pushes Jodha, Sharif slaps him and says this is the way you behave with Mughal queen? she is my heart’s queen and will soon become mine. Birbal says to Jalal that its seems to be plan of Sharif, Jalal ask t present the man who informed us about Sharif’s man tied in jungle, Birbal says he is not here, Jalal ask them to find him, only he can tell us about Sharif, he says why did i leave them here, Ruks says its not your fault, you didnt know about attack, pray that Mehtab becomes conscious then she can tell us about Jodha, Jalal says who can be behind all this.
Scene 3
Jodha says to Sharif that you have crossed all the limits, you have kidnapped me now Jalal will not leave you and you attacked your daughter? you have lost all humanity, Sharif is shocked, she says who behave like this with his daughter, Sharif says if i knew she was Mehtab then i would have treated her more badly, she must have gone to God by now, what would have she done by living, she was deaf and dump, i wanted to kill her before too and now my work is done, Jodha says how can you think like this about your own blood, sharif says we have to compromise to get people like, Joedha says Jalal wont leave you, sharif says Jalal will come to me crying and pleading as i have his most precious thing with me, he leaves. Jalal recalls how Jodha said that he is with her to protect her and nobody can separate them, Jalal says i will find you at any cost. Otherside Jodha is crying too recalling her hug to Jalal, In Ankhoon mein plays. Ruks comes to Jalal and ask him to not worry, Jodha is ver strong women, she must be fine. Jalal says no i cant stay quite, Fazal comes there and says we wont be able to find Jodha, Birbal says we are not able to find who is our enemy, Fazal says maybe Mirza has done this, Jalal says no he cant stoop so low and if has has doen this then i will forget that he is my brother, he goes to check Mehtab.
Mehtab becomes conscious, Jalal ask Mehtab who did this with her? she tries to tell Jalal, Jalal calls doctor to check Mehtab, he ask her to tell who did this with her? she is not able to tell him, she then points to baby, Ruks says she is talking about Sharif, Jalal ask Mehtab did Sharif do this with you? Mehtab becomes unconscious again, Jalal says i knew it that Sharif and Mirza have become partners, now i will not leave Mirza.
Scene 4
Mirza says to his soldier that we are ready to do war with Mughal forces, he says Mughal saltanat was in problem and Jalal was not in Agra too then how did they manage to bring force to war field, who is leading them? soldier says Prince Salim, Mirza says very good, i thought that i will have fight with Jalal but no problem, i will end Salim now.
Salim says to his soldiers that we are fighting for Mughals, Jalal is helping people, we have to fight and win, we have to send message to people that we are here to protect them, Salim thanks Bhagwan das for helping them, Das says it was my duty, he says now we will keep an eye on Mirza’s force, we will be prepared to attack them anytime.
Anar comes to pray in Dargah, she prays for her father’s soul, she recalls how Zil asked her to pray for Salim too, she pays to protect Mughal Sultanat, to help them in war.
Maan’s soldier tells him that Salim is leading the war, Maan ask why not jalal? Man says we got to know that Jalal is living like common man in some village, man says Sharif’s forces are not with Mirza, Maan says they are partners but why Sharif is not with Mirza, find out soon where is Sharif, there must be some reason for his disappearance.
Jodha prays to God to save Mehtab and send Jalal here soon, Sharif brings food for her and says i have brought it with love, eat it, he says i will make you eat with my own hands, Jodha angrily looks at him, sharif says i dont like ego, he forcefully makes her eat, Jodha spits food on him, Man brings letter for Sharif, Sharif reads the letter of Mirza that i did partnership with you to attack Jalal but you have done cheap thing by kidnapping Jodha, i will not tolerate it, i will be your enemy now if you dont leave Jodha, Sharif thinks how to tell him that war cant be win by emotions, he leaves. Jodha prays Jalal come soon.
PRECAP- Fazal reads the letter of Sharif in which it si written that if you need Jodha sound and safe then you have to give him Bakshi Bano, Jalal says i will bring Jodha back with deadbody of Sharif.
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