Dear Ghana
HEAR MOESHA OUT! – She is not entirely wrong.She Represents the voice of Many Confused, Frustrated and vulnerable “MOESHA(s)’/WOMEN in our society.
Though she was blindly and shamelessly pretending to be enjoying that “Kind” of life, I zoomed closer to her eyes and I saw in her-a woman who is hurting inside helplessly with the unrealistic desire and wish that MOST WOMEN LIKE HER WANT A BETTER AND A MORE DIGNIFYING LIFE.
Yes! A few women have been able to breakthrough these barriers and have become successful, but the truth is it wasn’t easy for them either.
Listening to Moesha critically on her interview with CNN’s Amanpour, these are few thoughts I gathered:
1. A society where fresh graduates are expected to provide evidence of 5years working experience before getting a job, will surely breed “MOESHA(s)”
- A society where one has to pay two to three years advance cash down for accommodation will surely breed “MOESHA(s)”
A society where talented and intelligent women have to suffer sexual harassment in the office and offer sex for a promotion they deserve will surely breed “MOESHA(s)”
A society where even so called pastors sell expensive anointing oil, collect counseling fees and sleep with women before praying for them, will surely breed “MOESHA(s)”
A society where politicians park many cars at home like a commercial garage and refuse to help young women who desperately needs help unless they offer their bodies will surely breed “MOESHA(s)”
There are a lot of young church girls who genuinely want to live for God, but life challenges makes them helplessly reduce themselves to the MOESHA standards.
And oh
“A society where a doctor will take off oxygen and watch a baby die just because the mother couldn’t afford to pay for 533.00 Worth of oxygen to keep her child alive will surely breed many many more MOESHA (s).
Thank you for being the voice of many MOESHAS out there. But my dear, Life is not all about owning cars, houses and looking good. One day the owner of your life will come back for you… It is better to struggle here on earth and enjoy eternal life after, than to waste your beauty for vanity and burn in hell….Please Think About this!
Kindly share till MOESHA gets this.