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Mother Marries Her Own Son, After Spending A Lot Of Money On His Education

Malawian Mother Marries Her Own Son, After Spending A Lot Of Money On His Education.
That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting ” she lamented.

How many mothers will gather this much courage to take this bold steps in marrying your own son? Ah-Well not every mother can do this. A practice which is deemed by many as a taboo and a big disgrace, try reading further abd i hope you might understand it more.

So this 47 Year old Malawian woman “Memory Njemani” made it known earlier about marrying her own son but many people thought all was a joke but hey, this is real. She has finally married her biological son who is currently 30 years of age why because she has spent a lot of money on his education.

Malawian Mother Marries Her Own Son, After Spending A Lot Of Money On His Education”
Malawian Mother Marries Her Own Son
Hmm! guys this is really getting interesting right? According to Njemani, she cannot watch another woman getting married to her son after her hard work in financing his son’s education. She says it is high time she enjoys herself with her son because they both worked hard for it.

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Ok Let’s All See Her Reasons Below.

“I invested alot of money in the education of my son. Why should another woman be married to him and enjoy my hard work after I have invested soo much in him? That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting ”.

Now that everything is set and done both are married and staying together as Husband and wife, the society is accusing the woman claiming shae is a wizard and must be burnt to ashes.

As if that was not enough, they also said she has bewitched his son to marry her not the claims she is making… Hmm! this is seious ooo guys, what do you think about this,? Kindly interact and Share …

Source: Malawian News.

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