
Gangaa Episode 41–42 Update on Wednesday 7th February 2018

Prabha calls Madhvi. I am ill since the time I ate that halwa. Maharaj ji might have added something wrong by mistake. It is good that I ate it first. What if Yash had eaten it first? Madhvi tells her to visit a doc first. Don’t be careless about your health. Inform me about everything. Prabha talks about the expenses of a doc visit. Anyways, whatever had to happen has happened! She ends the call.
Madhvi shares the news with Amma ji. Maharaj ji clears that he made the halwa like he makes it every time. Your bhabhi (Prabha) forced me to add more dry fruits in it. AMma ji smiles. If she will eat this much then how will she digest it! all of us ate it but we all are fine.
Pulkit has made Sagar and Ganga stand on the bed with their hands raised over their head. He warns them to speak up or he will share it with Niranjan. Sagar confesses that he had mixed laxative so Ganga doesn’t have to study. Pulkit is shocked to know about it. you should be punished. Ganga denies. he did it for me so I should be punished. Sagar takes the blame on himself. They both continue doing this for each other. Pulkit is impressed with their unity. You are asking for punishment just so you can save one another. This should not be repeated though. He makes them repeat a sentence where they promise never to repeat it again. He frees them from their punishment and then turns to Ganga. Master ji had come to teach you. you could have asked for ideas from me. I could have given you a much better idea. The kids smile.
Madhvi brings coffee for Niranjan. A new judge is taking charge from tomorrow and he has got the responsibility to update him about every case in the court. He asks her about Ganga’s class. she shares that he wasn’t well so he left early. Maybe he ate too much.
Next morning, Pulkit is studying. Ganga comes to dry her towel. She asks him what he is studying. He is already stressed out so tells her not to disturb him. she feels pity for him. Sagar points out that she too will have to study. She denies. My head is too small. How will all this stay there? It will burst. Sagar laughs but Pulkit tells them to be quiet. Madhvi reminds Sagar that he has to go to collecthis hall ticket. He runs off to take bath. Madhvi next informs Ganga about her homework. She has to write ABC 100 times. I have written it for you once. You just have to copy it. Ganga is worried thinking how she will do so much work.
Maid is as usual massaging Amma ji’s back half heartedly. Amma ji tells her to be a little soft. Maid complains to her that she does all the cleaning work, household chores every day so her hands cannot be soft. Amma ji recalls Ganga massaging her back softly. Maid excuses herself and Amma ji tells her to send Ganga. It is so much fun when that girl massages my back.
Maid tells Ganga that Amma ji is calling her. Amma ji wants to finish her work first but Maid tells her not to anger Amma ji. Ganga comes to Amma ji’s room. Amma ji gives her the task of making lep with natural herbs. Massage my back with this as I am in a lot of pain. Say something religious along with it. She calls out for Madhvi to bring oil for her.
Sagar comes home after collecting his and Pulkit’s hall ticket. He wants to play with Ganga but she tells him about the homework given by Master ji. She gives him the bottle of oil to give to Dadi. Amma ji is very happy after meeting Sagar. She goes to the kitchen to get something made by Maharaj ji for Sagar. Sagar checks Ganga’s homework but she has written it all wrong (opposite as in mirror style writing). Master ji will punish you now. Write it all again. She panics. It will take lot of time. I cannot leave Amma ji’s work midway or she will get upset. Babu too had told me not to upset Amma ji. He decides to write it for her (to save her from everyone). She gets happy.
Pulkit is super confused while he studies history. Sagar comes running there and sits down to do Ganga’s homework. Pulkit stops him from doing it. Your writing is different. The teacher can find out that Ganga has not written it. Ganga should do it on her own. It is 3:20 already. Master ji will come in 40 minutes.
It is 3:30 pm. Ganga is doing Amma ji’s massage. It will be good if he finishes my work before Master ji comes or he will scold me. Amma ji falls asleep so Ganga gets up to go but Amma ji wakes up again. Who will make the garland for puja if you go away? I told you beforehand that my work should not be disturbed because of your studies. Ganga sits down to make garland.
It is 3:45 pm. Sagar and Pulkit are waiting for Ganga. She comes there just then. She finds out that Sagar has not done her homework till now.

What will happen now? Pulkit suggests her to start right away. maybe you will be able to complete it by the time he comes. Ganga writes it all wrong again. Master ji will surely scold / beat me today. I said that I don’t want to study but no one pays heed to my words. Sagar requests her to try atleast. She gives up again. pulkit points out to the watch. Ganga wont complete it even if she tries now. Ganga is scared of what Master ji will do to her today. it is 3:50 pm.

Sagar asks his brother to think of an excuse of sending Master ji back to his house for today too. It will be good if he too retreats just like Ganga is writing everything backwards. Pulkit gets an idea. Let’s reverse everything for him so he can see Ganga’s wrong handwriting right. The kids are confused so Pulkit takes them with him. He does something with the table fan. Sagar and Ganga notice Master ji reaching downstairs. A few kids (Pulkit’s friends) signal thumbs up to Sagar. Sagar informs the same to Pulkit who tells him to signal back in a similar manner. Sagar does as he is told. Master ji goes inside after parking his scooter while the kids take his scooter away when he is gone.
Master ji calls out for Madhvi or Amma ji. Ganga tells Pulkit to hurry up. Madhvi greets Master ji. She is impressed with him for being punctual. How are you now? He is feeling better today. Pulkit fixes the fan. He gives the wall clock to Sagar to put it back in its place. Madhvi and Master ji are heading upstairs. Meanwhile, the kids set everything as per their plan. Pulkit hides the scissors and the cutter behind his back when Madhvi and Master ji come there. Madhvi sends Sagar and Pulkit to their room so Ganga can study properly. Both the boys leave. Ganga is tensed.
Pulkit’s friends park the scooter back in its place.
Master ji begins today’s class. He asks Ganga for her notebook. Maid brings snacks for him today as well. He is tempted but then recalls the yesterday’s incident. He politely refuses to eat them. Boil 3-4 potatoes and mix black salt in it. She nods and leaves. Master ji checks Ganga’s notebook. The brothers are peeking from outside. They signal Ganga that it is time. Ganga acts all innocent. I have written ABCD. He says its all written opposite. She is scared that he will now shout on her and punish her. He raises his voice a little when Ganga insists that she has written it correctly. Pulkit and Sagar come there just then. They greet Tiwari ji. Master ji asks for their opinion on Ganga’s writing. Pulkit says it is ABCD. Master ji is taken aback. Don’t you see anything wrong? Its all written backwards. Master ji is boggled but the kids stay put. Pulkit hints that maybe he is seeing everything backwards. Now you would say that the clock is going backwards (which indeed is true!). Master ji looks at it amazed. Pulkit next shows him the people walking in the street downstairs. Do you see them walking backwards? Master ji looks on speechlessly as he finds it true (it is true). Master ji removes his specs to check it but everyone is going backwards. The kids enjoy watching him thus. Pulkit brings the table fan as Master ji is sweating profusely. He has already changed the on and off setting. It is already showing on so the Master ji has to press the off button. He feels that maybe the heat got in his head. Sagar is also wearing his shoes wrongly. Master ji wonders why he is seeing everything wrong. Sagar suggests him to get his eyes checked. Maybe your number has increased. Madhvi brings boiled potatoes for him. the kids get tensed. Master ji tells him to stay put at her place. You will see everything opposite / backwards if you come here. I am feeling dizzy. I am not feeling good today as well. We will continue the studies tomorrow. He runs downstairs. Madhvi is confused. He said he was alright. What happened to him now? She asks this to the kids as well.
Master ji was about to stumble down the stairs but saves himself in the nick of time. The doubt has got in his head real deep. He takes a lot of time before finally descending from the stairs. He trips down in the end nonetheless. He lands up right in front of Amma ji’s feet. She asks him about his health and is surprised to hear his vague answers. She suggests him to see her Vaid ji. He wants to go but she wants to read out Sati Anusuiya’s story to him. He politely denies and then runs out of the house. Amma ji confused. He is a weird man. He dint even show much interest yesterday. He is just giving me random excuses.
Master ji starts his scooter but it goes in reverse instead. He is all the more panic stricken. The kids enjoy the sight. Master ji finds everyone walking backwards. He too starts walking backwards under its effect and collides with Niranjan and Raghav ji. Niranjan asks him why he is walking backwards. Master ji replies that the scooter, people, everyone / everything is going backwards only, including you too! They find him weird whereas he calls the entire world weird. He leaves while walking backwards only. Niranjan is concerned for him.
Niranjan asks Madhvi about Tiwari ji. Amma ji talks against Tiwari ji. Niranjan is also in doubt as Tiwari ji made excuses on both the days. Raghav ji suggests him to say no to Tiwari ji. We cannot depend on him. Niranjan gets thinking. The kids high five! They decide to eat those boiled potatoes now.
Sagar praises his brother for his marvellous idea. Pulkit calls Ganga a genius, a printing press. He gives her a piece of potato to write her name on. He guides her and she writes it backwards. Pulkit covers it with ink and puts an impression of the same on Sagar’s hand. Sagar too writes his name on a slice and Pulkit again adds ink over it. This time he puts an impression on Ganga’s hand. The kids are surprised to see the name all perfect in the impression. Ganga says lets write our lessons on potatoes only. Sagar and Pulkit laugh uncontrollably. Ganga too joins them. Ganga and Sagar do a high five. Epi ends on their joined hands with their new name tattoos.
Precap: Niranjan clears Master ji’s dues and gives the same to Raghav ji. Tell him that he doesn’t have to come here from tomorrow. We will look for a new one now. Sagar updates the same to Ganga. She is glad that God has listened to her. Master ji looks at Ganga pointedly when he comes to CHaturvedi House.
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