
DO NOT LOVE ME SO MUCH Episode 111–112 Update on Thursday 27th April 2017

The episode starts with Agam and Suhani speaking to Sunny tai.. Pam says she knows they are excited about Nishi’s pregnancy. She also speaks to Sunny who says everyone are here except RK as he is busy in his own celebration of getting engaged to Devika. Pam gets irked and gives phone back to Agam.
Neil looks at Nishi’s pic and murmurs that he thought she is a kid, but she is getting her kid now. Pam comes and says Suhani and Agam are hoping high and cannot be explained, so he should explain them.
Jignesh parents feel very happy hearing about Nishi’s pregnancy. His dad call his brother in US and gives phone to Nishi. Brother congratulates her and says he is Shah family’s trustee and will distribute family property to her also. Nishi gets tensed.
Neil speaks to Agam and Suhani and gets emotional with them.

Ragini informs Jignesh’s parents that Nishi is not pregnant. Dad asks how can she lie and why did she keep silent when she spoke to his brother. Ragini says she was afraid. Mom says Jignesh that he made a big mistake marrying Nishi. Nishi runs towards balcony and Ragini follows her. Nishi asks why did she make such a hurry and himiliated her in front of everyone. Ragini says they are her in-laws and she should be loyal to them. Nishi continues yelling.
Neil tells Pam that he made many mistakes and does not want to repeat them now. He continues his emotional talk.

Ragini tells Aman that everyone blamed her for Arav going to jail, but she knows she worked hard to bring up her children. Neil on the other side tells same and says he is a father and he will continue to take care of his children.
The episode starts with Nishi and Jignesh’s fight. They blame each other for hiding the truth with elders. She badmouths about his parents and he about his mother and family. Their fight continue and he says only his papa is sensible in her family and he hopes he was here to solve this issue. She asks him to get out and he leaves. She misses Neil.
Neil prepares food with Suhani and Agam in oven and oven bursts. He says they can get food from outside for their school project. He gets Nishi’s call and Pam asks whose phone is it. He says wrong number and does not pick it. Nishi feels sad.
Badi naani comes out wearing a maternity dress. Aman makes her sit. Badi says she is 7 months’ pregnant and asks when is her gode bharai. Ragini asks how did she get this dress. She says Nachiket sent it from US. Sunny says she bought it from a local tailor for neighbhor’s daughter. Aman picks packet, but she takes it from him and hides. Aman leaves with Ragini. Sunny thinks Agam and Suhani sent this dress for Nishi and hopes Aman does not tell it to Ragini.
While driving car, Aman switches on different radio channels. Ragini hears a particular song and asks him to stop switching. She reminisces her romantic moments with Neil during their younger days listening to this song. Neil also reminisces same while driving with Suhani and Agam.

RK is also listening to the same song over gramaphone. Pam gives him miss call. Even he does. She then calls and asks why did he give miss call. He says he got misscall from her. She says she can and asks if he is so poor that he cannot call. Their conversation and romantic nok jhok continues.
Nishi and Jignesh come to OB-GYN hospital for checkup. Jignesh sees an alone pregnant woman and asks if her husband did not come. she says he is out of town. He offers his help. Nishi taunts Jignesh that he can go to lady’s home and even convince her to marry him. He asks her to stop. She continues..Ladysays she is happy with her husband. Nurse calls them and they go in for checkup.
Aman and Ragini reach hospital and she asks if doc will give them about Nishi’s checkup. He says doc is his friend and may give them info.
Doc informs Nishi and Jignesh that Nishi she is pregnant. They both happily hug each other and leave home to inform about it to Jignesh’s parents. Nurse comes and says she gave wrong report of another patient to Nishi and she is not pregnant. Doc gets tensed.
Aman meets doc and introduces her to Ragini as his hospital admin head and says he informed her about Ragini’s daughter and Ragini needs her report. Doc says she gave wrong report to Nishi and the truth is Nishi cannot become mother forever. Ragini is shocked to hear that. Doc asks her handle Nishi as she is her mother.
Precap: Ragini cries and tells Aman that her daughter will not tolerate the news that she cannot become pregnant forever.

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