
Do Not Love Me So Much Episode 133–134 Update on Friday 12th May 2017

The episode starts with Nishi yelling at Jignesh that she came to farm house with her family for a space, but his parents forcefully came here and want fasting and pooja. Suhani starts laughing. Karthik says he has a question. All 3 loudly ask if he wants to know children can be born via pooja and vrat/fasting. He says they know telepathy, he wanted to ask same. Nishi shouts at jignesh to go and stop his parents. Jignesh says he cannot confront their parent’s belief. Agam jokes if children can be born via pooja, Karthik and Suhani’s profession will fail. Karthik says he has a way with which Nishi can get pregnant and he already spoke to Jignesh about it. Nishi asks what is it. He says IVF.

Aman munches pizzas in his room and murmurs that Jignesh’s parents want him to fast, but how can he eat in the dawn in front of Neil who always stares at him. Ragini enters and says he does not have to fast forcefully.

Pam yells in front of Karan and Dimpy that Jignesh’s parents are so supertitious to think children can be born via pooja and if that is the case, karthik and other docs should have to close their clinics. RK interferes and asks her to calm down, he will take concession for her from Jignesh’s parents. She continues shouting and says she will keep fast for Nishi and for him. He asks what. She gets shy and changes topic.

Ragini sees Neil on sofa and thanks him for agreeing to fast, but he should eat well at night as he gets acidity else. He says he is fasting for his daughter nishi.
Pam at night silently enters kitchen and eats gulab jamoons from fridge. She drops utensil by mistake and hides behind fridge. Aman comes down hearing that. Even neil comes, switches on light and thinks Aman was stealing food. Aman says he did not. Ragini and RK also come hearing their sound. Neil continues yelling at Aman. Ragini inteferes and takes Aman from there. Neil continues yelling in front of RK next and says Ragini always rescues Aman and scold him instead. RK says even he does same. Neil asks whose side he is on. RK says both.

Once everyone leaves, Pam comes out and walks towards her room. RK stops her and asks if she was going on a morning walk. She says no and starts shouting. RK smells her hand and asks if she is using gulab jamoon flavored handwash. She says she ate gulab jamoon and says he knows she cannot fast. He says because of her Aman got caught and Neil scolded. She asks if he saw it. He says yes and asks where was she. She says she hid behind fridge. They continue laughing.
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Ranbir sees Aman trying to fix painting on wall with great difficulty and himself fixes it, but get his hand injured. Ragini sees that and gets worried, she asks Aman to bring first-aid and asks Ranbir to show his hand. She asks her to stay away from him. Aman tries to interfere, but Ranbir asks him to stay away as he got what he needed and cannot understand his pain. Ragini calls him Arav and says he can yell at her but get his wound nursed. He says he is Ranbir and not Aarav and leaves.

Ragini in her room reminisces Aarav and cries. Pam knocks door and enters. She asks if she is remembering Aarav. Ragini nods yes and starts crying vigorously. Pam asks when she is so strong why is she crying. Ragini says she is tired of hearing that she is strong, so her children always give her an ear, yell at her and leave. She is also a human and has feelings.
Precap: Pam says Ragini that she does not know Aarav well, but feels he is waiting for his mom and she should gather courage to meet him.

The Episode starts with Ragini crying and saying she did wrong. Pam says I heard that you didn’t go to meet Aarav in Jail. Ragini cries and says she is worried about Aarav. She says she thinks about him being in jail and has failed. She says Aarav said that he wants to go back. She says she pretends to be happy and hopes Nisha’s marriage is saved, but is suffocating inside. Pam asks why you are torturing yourself. You can’t take breath without him. Ragini says she can’t see him there. Pam says what will happen if you meet him. Ragini says she will break down and cry. Pam says Aarav is your son and is strong like you. She asks what is wrong with you? She says Aarav might think that his mum is still angry with him. Ragini says it is not like that. Pam asks her to meet Aarav and assure him that she loves him very much. She says I am sure that Aarav might be waiting for you. Ragini thanks her.

Someone knocks on the door. Ranbir asks Aarav to open door. The Pandit comes and says he has to do Shudhikarn. Karthik asks about the birth of a baby through mantras and pooja. The Pandit gives his own reasoning. He asks them to mail on his id for further questions. Karthik tells that they have to convince Nishi’s inlaws for IVF. Nishi’s mum in law gives food to Pandit. He starts eating it and asks everyone to eat.

Nishi says she wants to have sandwich. Sunny says she will bring food. Pam says I love you sunny. Sunny tai says she will keep the food for all. Ragini gives milk to Aman. Aman asks if there is anything else in kitchen. Ragini asks him to have fruits. Aman agrees. Ragini asks Sunny Tai about Neil. She says he is on terrace. Suhani says she will take fruits and milk for Dad.
Agam and Karthik talk about IVF while they want to be heard. Suhani gives fruits to Neil and says Mom didn’t have as she was waiting for you. She thinks Dad says they don’t love each other, but cares for each other. Nishi’s inlaws come to Neil and says they want to have private talk with him. He asks him if anyone can conceive without any relation. Neil is surprised and says I assume that you were talking about Nishi. Jignesh’s dad says he heard Dr. Karthik talking about IVF. Neil says Nishi can become mother with IVF and explains it. Agam and Karthik are happy. Jignesh’s parents agree to get baby through IVF. Neil says we have to talk to Nishi and Jignesh first. Jignesh’s dad says okay and asks him to talk to Karthik. Neil says Karthik is like a son and he will talk to him.

Ragini tells Sunny Tai to hear Neil and jignesh’s parents conversation. Sunny says you are going out of character, but it is good. Karthik assures Neil that he takes Nishi and Jignesh’s IVF treatment responsibility.Neil asks him to make sure that everything goes smooth. Karthik asks do you want to hide it from Ragini. Neil says he just want not to inform Ragini right now, as if IVF didn’t get right then Ragini might feel bad.
Precap:- Neil asks Ragini, are you spying on me? If you wants to know anything, you can ask me.

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