
Jodha Akbar Episode 117–118 Update on Friday 5th May 2017

Scene 1
In night, jalal calls maham in his room, she comes and ask matter, jalal says i want meena bazar tomorrow in palace and this time the one from whose stall i will buy first will be the winner not the one who has best things in stall, maham says how begums will prepare in such short time, jalal says i want to know who do best in short time, maham says ok and leaves, jalal vows to take revenge from jodha for the insult that she did to him.

Maham comes to resham and says to announce that tomorrow is meena bazar and rules are changed this time, not only jalal but anybody can buy from meena bazar and the one whose all things will be sold will be ultimate winner, resham comes running in harem and shouts to get up, all begums come and ask why he is shouting late at night, he informs them that tomorrow is meena bazar and also tells them the new rule, all wives panic, in ruks room, she is making list for things to presented in meena bazar but is out of idea what to showcase, she calls maham in and ask why jalal announced meena bazar in such short time? Maham says i dont know but have to do it as per jalal’s order. Ruks says i dont know what to present, i always present best things in my stall and i dont wanna lose this competition. Maham says this competition is not for you but.. Ruks understand that its between jodha and benazir. Maham assures her that i have full proof plan, so just sleep. Ruks says all in your hands now.
Scene 2
moti says to jodha that we should think something, i dont know what benazir will present tomorrow, jodha says why you are thinking about her? And i have decided that i will not take part in meena bazar, hamida comes and says i dont know what happened between you and jalal but you should put stall in meena bazar, these small fights do happens between hubby wife but that doesnt mean you will not do anything, earlier you won all hearts by putting colors in your stall, this time also i want you to show your talent, jodha’s tears roll down from her eyes, hamida ask her not to cry everything will be fine and you should take part in it, she leaves. Jodha is thoughtful.

Scene 3
zakira says to benazir that ruks is very intelligent, she can sell costly items in cheap price to earn more. Benazir says she is queen and she will use her money but i have beauty and brain i will use that.
Scene 4
meena bazar is being set, all begums are selling things, women are bargaining, maham comes and says i dont know what happens to these women in bazar, i think i should also open bazar, resham nods. Maham sees many women on javeda stall who is selling creams that benazir uses, she sell wrong creams. Benazir comes and ask her what she is doing, she says selling your creams. Benazir thinks nobody can use beauty like me.

Scene 5
jalal comes in meena bazar and says i buy things from every stall but today i will buy only from one stall, all women come with their things, 1st ruks shows shawl and jalal says i cant buy this because all think i am biased towards you, ruks says no need to buy, she makes him wear it. Jalal shows kohinoor diamond and says this will be given to winner. He comes to salima who shows him white flowers, jalal says these are ordinary, salima says yes but their fragrance, white color will give peace to minds. Jalal says thought is good.

He next comes to jodha and ask you have nothing to sell? Jodha says no but i have one gift for you, jalal says its meena bazar i come here to buy not to take gifts, jodha is about to show him but he goes forward without seeing it, jodha is very hurt. He comes to benazir who shows him painting of jalal and says i thought you are most special for me so why not paint your portrait, i dont know how to paint but still i painted, jodha and ruks are not happy with it, jalal says its beautiful, nobody has painted my face like this, its very deep, jalal says i liked benazir’s most in meena bazar so i announce benazir as winner and present kohinoor diamond to benazir, jodha and ruks burn in jealousy.
Women gossip that its benazir’s beauty which has won. Maham ask ruks not to feel bad as the one who should feel is feeling it, ruks looks at jodha and smiles. Jalal is about to leave but hamida stops him and orders as mariam makani to look at jodha’s gift, jodha comes forward and shows him small baby cradle, she says i dont know who will give you baby but my wishes are with you, and this cradle is good sign for it, tell me how can i sale it? Jalal is hurt somewhere, hamida says right nobody can buy it, not even with kohinoor diamond, she says but i will give you my necklace which humayun had given me, she gifts jodha necklace. All are stunned.

Scene 1
moti ask jodha what she is thinking? Jodha says nothing, i am just tired. Moti says hamida is best mother in law, jodha says but her son.. What you think is he a good human? Didnt you see what he did in meena bazar, he was saying over the top words for benazir. Moti says so what you are not affected as you always say

Jalal says to salima that i will peacefully after many days, salima says seem you enjoyed meena bazar, jalal says yes it has difficult colors, salima leaves saying good night, jalal is thinking and says that it was fun seeing jealousy in jodha’s eyes for which i had to be biased, i am partial just to see you burning.

Scene 2
maham says to ruks that its not good that hamida favors jodha that much, she gave her ancestor’s necklace to her not you, ruks says that because she knows i have no interest in jewels, maham says but the way she was praising jodha after that nobody can stop jodha to become special queen, ruks says just shut up i have no fear of jodha, maham says i am your well wisher, i dont want somebody to between you and jalal and that too a rajvanshi queen, your relation is in danger, think. Maham leaves, hoshiyar ask ruks to sleep, she says i am not feeling sleep. Hoshiyar ask her to not ponder over maham’s words, jodha has fallen down in jalal’s eyes, today hamida saved her otherwise same would have happened like in raam tanu jashn. Ruks says no actually hamida thinks that i cant give heir so she has hopes with jodha. Hoshiyar ask whether you will this to jalal? Ruks says for that maham is enough as she has to take revenge from jodha for her son.
Other side jodha says to moti that jalal unnecessarily says good words for benazir.

Moti says no she is beautiful and has brain, she knows painting, sword fighting. Jodha get irritated and says are you her friend? Moti ask this much irritation? Jodha says dont you think jalal was biased giving her kohinoor diamond but it doesnt matter to me, moti says it matters as he had given her diamond but hamida gave you ancestor’s necklace do you know the meaning of this? Jodha ask her to not think much and go sleep. Jodha lies on bed and thinks how he had given benazir diamond. Jodha gets up and thinks what happening with me. All day he keeps irritating me and in night.

Scene 3
benazir is looking at kohinoor and says he didnt give it to any of his begum but to me that means i am special, zakira says but there is long way to go to get what you want. Benazir says but i have made place in his mind, zakira says if he thought you are special he would have come in your room that day, maham comes and ask benazir not to be so happy with one diamond, we have to make jodha go away from jalal. Benazir ask how?

Scene 4
maham comes to jalal and says i beared when my one son was sentenced to jail but i cant see your insult. Jalal ask who insulted me? Maham says jodha made fun of you by showing that cradle, she made fun of you being not father, she pointed finger at your manliness. She says i have a doubt maybe she is taking revenge for her fiancee’s death from. She hates me thats ok but you are her husband how she can do this to you. You used benazir to jealous but she.. She pointed finger at your manliness. Jalal says you are right , i have to stop her and i will. Maham thinks whether jodha take advantage of hamida’s favor but i will definitely take advantage of jalal.
Scene 5
in morning, atga says to jalal that you should look at rajvanshis, jalal thinks right one rajvanshi is disturbing me. He looks at jodha coming and ask atga that i will talk later. Jodha comes and says i want to give you something, jalal says what you gave yesterday wasnt that enough? Jodha comes form the back she tries to open his palm , Jalal turns and sees her with a angry face , She says I am coming for temple and I saw you sitting here so thought of offering you this prasad , I know you are angry on me but why become angry on this prasad , He takes that prasad like a bugged kid, jodha ask now tell me what you didnt like yesterday?.
Jalal says your yesterday slap has hit my soul, jodha ask what? Jalal says what you think that i dont understand your intention behind giving that cradle, you taunted me that i cant give heir to sultanat, jodha says because that cradle hamida gave me necklace and you are thinking this way, jalal ask what do you mean i am thinking wrong, jodha says yes and benazir has painted you and sell it off, and you gifted her so you have thinking problem. Jalal says oh so you have problem with benazir? Jodha says not me everybody is talking about your closness. Jalal says i took stand for you, always supported you but you made fun of me, my manliness, as a husband i have rights on you so you have thinking problem not me, just go. Jodha is about to say something but jalal ask her to not, jodha goes away.

moti tells jodha that some women was selling cream for beauty but i didnt take it for you as you are already beautiful, jodha says but yesterday you were saying that benazir is beautiful. Jodha then talks about banazir and her beauty, moti ask her to think about jalal not benazir, jodha says you are right, i think my way may had given him wrong sign but my behavior with him is not right, then she thinks of apologizing to jalal for her undue behaviour .. That he might have misunderstood her, Moti advises her that she should think and worry about jala and not think of Benazir .. Jodha says she wanted to talk to jalal but he was not in mood to hear her out. Moti advises to try again .. Jodha gives it a thought

Precap- As jalal is sitting on the terrace ..jodha comes and gifts him a beautiful shawl … She smiles and says she was thinking of what to gift him and came up with this idea of shawl as its cold, Jalal likes her shawl very much . Thanks her .. He then says he was wondering what to gift Benazir in this winter .. And jodha had come with this shawl .. And it is a perfect gift for benazir and he is going to gift her that shawl, Jodha is feeling very jealous and hurt . While jalal looks at her face with smile.

Scene 1
rahim is taking jodha with him. Jodha ask him to slow down as shawl which bharmal has sent her will get dirty, rahim runs while jodha tries to catch him, he comes to jalal who looks at jodha and says i thought you called me alone. He says you both know how to fly kite so let me learn it, jodha says its very cold, go inside. He says when jalal can sit outside i also can. Jalal laughs and says salima will scold him, servant comes and says salima has called rahim, he goes unwillingly. Jodha says to jalal its really cold here. He nods. She says bharmal has sent me this shawl, jalal likes it. jodha comes behind him and gifts him a beautiful shawl … She smiles and says she was thinking of what to gift him and came up with this idea of shawl as its cold, Jalal likes her shawl very much . Thanks her .. He then says he was wondering what to gift Benazir in this winter .. And jodha had come with this shawl .. And it is a perfect gift for benazir and he is going to gift her that shawl, Jodha is feeling very jealous and hurt . While jalal looks at her face with smile.
Scene 2
benazir comes in garden and says jalal like this na? Zakira says. Soldier comes and scolds other soldiers for blocking her way. He ask to come with him. He ask zakira to go back but zakira says i am here to protect benazir and i will be with her. Soldier says ok. He says to benazir that he is just blown out because of her beauty, benazir says nothing new. He says he has gone mad for her and ask her to just spend one night with him, he will not disappoint her, zakira fights with him, he insults her, benazir says she is not servant, her name is zakira, i will tell you who i am when i will complain to jalal about you. Soldier immediately changes his tone and ask forgiveness, benazir says its ok go, zakira ask why you forgive him? Benazir says i dont want enemies here, i just want jalal.

In her room Javedha is dressed as Benazir and is dancing before the mirror just like Benazir …Resham is enjoying her dance ..Maham comes there and scolds Javedha …Javedha is ordered to get back into her own clothes … Resham comes and jokes where was she when Adham was marrying javedha ?? Maham replies that she got misled about her mind by her innocent looks, Maham then shares her dreams of controlling the hindustaan by becoming the all powerful chief minister, Resham says she is already ruling through Jalal But Maham dreams of becoming even more powerful.

Benazir comes in her room and says now time is for letter, zakira says yes your mom must be worried for you, let write letter. Benazir writes letter with some poetry. Zakira ask whether anybody will understand what you wrote?

Benazir says i have mind so i have written but have different meaning. Outside same soldier is checking things which is to be send, he sees benazir’s letter and says i am starting to love her, he reads her letter and doesnt understand what she has written but he deduces that there is some secret massage in this letter and benazir is on some mission here.

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