
Fearless Heart Update on Wednesday 19th July 2017

El Mesías tells Fabiola it’s a shame she doesn’t want revenge. He’s sure that Miguel Valdez will come for him. He says that he and La Niña Bonita had a complicated relationship, but now she’s on a honeymoon with Miguel. He knew she placed a tracking device on him, and he’s sure they’ll come for him.

NB tells Miggy he’s not recovered enough to go on the mission, but when he won’t budge, she says it will be at dawn.

Willy is worried that Sam isn’t answering calls or messages. [There’s no reception in NB’s woman cave.]

The miserable SOB D8D blames Sam for his problems with Willy instead of himself. He says he made a mistake bringing her around as Willy’s bodyguard. She ruined his close relationship with Willy, and he’s going to get her out of their lives.

When Clara thinks EM will let Laura, Jessica, Fabiola, and Alma leave, Gus says she’s too naïve; they kill people who aren’t of use to them.

Jessica tells EM she’s not interested in her father’s empire or his money. She stayed because she loved him; but now that he’s gone she wants to leave with her mother. Jessica then goes to tell Laura EM said they could leave.

Miggy refuses to let Ángela and Sam come along for the mission to rescue Alma. Clara asks him if he’s bringing Fabiola. He says he doesn’t want to separate her from Alma; it’s up to her if she comes or not, but he’s getting the baby.

Lady is in love with EM. She says she’s happy to be in such a wonderful house, but happy to be with him. He kisses her forehead and sends her to bed. Guess there’s nothing going on there. A sexy woman in a maid’s uniform comes to his room and is well received!

We get dual scenes of the preparations for the big encounter. EM tells Ringo he wants the best guys to come with him. Meanwhile, NB tells Miggy her best guys are ready to move. Ringo asks if EM is planning to kill Miggy. And Miggy asks NB if she prefers EM alive or dead.

JM and Willy are in the same bar everyone goes to. Willy is nervous and asks what might happen. JM replies that the worst would be being prisoners of his sister.

D8D just walks right in at the former EV house. [What, no guards? Isn’t this place supposed to be a fortress?] He has his usual sh*t-eating grin in place. Ringo tells EM he was a good friend of EV. EM says they can stay, but he doesn’t have time to spend with D8D and Rotten Rod right now.

D8D asks the Reptile what’s going on. She says she hasn’t the slightest idea. Things aren’t like they were when EV was alive. He tells her he came for Sam.

Gus, NB, Miggy, and some other guys arrive at a place in the woods. The locator is here. EM and his guys approach and everyone draws guns and faces each other. EM asks if they came to kill him
EM asks Miggy what he wants. Miggy says he has no problem with EM. EM quickly says he has a problem with Miggy. He doesn’t like his having passed himself off as EM; his having slept with his wife; having lived with his wife; and he doesn’t like his forming a gang with HIS money. Miggy says he only wants his woman and his daughter. EM says the child is EV’s. “And why would you want a woman who deceived you with someone else.” Miggy says he doesn’t know why Fabiola is lying, but he can prove that Alma is his. EM turns to ask Ringo, who says Alma is EV’s daughter [even though he knows she’s not, the jerk]. Miggy says he doesn’t want the money, the empire, nothing. He only wants FF and Alma.

EM says perhaps we can reach an agreement. He’ll have his space and Miggy his. We’ll respect each other. EM says he can have NB. Miggy says he wants his daughter. EM says he doesn’t mess with the personal stuff. He doesn’t care whose kid she is. Fabiola will have to decide, but he’ll pass along the message.

D8D says he can tell the Reptile the truth. He’s decided something that has been difficult for him. But this time no one will stop him. The Reptile guesses it’s to kill Sam! He’s amazed she knew. She says it’s because he realized he’ll never have her. He can’t bear for Willy to have her. She ruined his relationship with his favorite child. The Reptile holds up a little bottle to poison Sam with. Later D8D calls Nic and tells him his grandpa will bring his mother home. The Reptile says: “In a box, right?” D8D looks kind of sick at this.

The Reptile isn’t surprised to hear that JM and Willy are here. Doña Victoria knows everything, she says. She says that it will be easy to get Sam with Willy as bait.

The usual bunch of thugs come after JM and Willy in the bar. They don’t fare as well as Angie and Sam. Willy is dragged off, gun at his head and JM is unconscious on the floor.

Miggy explains the “pact” to his sisters. Sam is surprised he trusted EM. Miggy says he had to; otherwise there would have been a massacre. NB pipes up that EM is not the same. The man she lived with would have killed them all. But she says that EM is a man of his word. He’ll give Fabiola the message.

Rod comes to see Fabiola who says she never thought she’d lay eyes on him again. He says he’s dying to see her and moves forward as if to embrace her. She shoves him away and tells him to get out.

EM tells FF that Miggy didn’t exactly ask about her. But he said that the child is his and he wants her.

Willy wakes up in the dungeon and the Reptile is there. She tells him she left JM there. She prefers not to see him [!] She tells Willy he can’t leave. She tells Willy that Sam abandoned him and her children.

EM has flashbacks to mercilessly killing people, with NB looking on approvingly. FF comes to see him. She says she wants to leave with her daughter. He says that they both can leave. He’s fed up with her, with Valdez, with cops, with everyone. He wants to be alone.

FF asks Ringo why Miggy said Alma is his. He says he doesn’t know. What an ass.

NB gives her guys some secret instructions.

Miggy, Ángela and Sam go to the hospital. They don’t know which guy is there, but they found out in the bar that one of them was taken away. They find out it’s JM in the hospital, and they ask him where Willy is. Sam gets a call from D8D using one of those voice disguising calls. He says that, if she wants Willy, she has to come alone and tell no one else. He’ll text her where. Of course she agrees and doesn’t tell Miggy or Angie about it.

NB has dressed herself as a nun and some of her guys as priests. They stop the car in which Ringo is driving Laura, Fabiola, Jessica, and Alma to the airport. NB takes Alma, while Fabiola desperatelystruggles to get her back.

EM says to Lady that he wants to be in love with a good woman. He’s tired of the bad ones. Fabiolacomes in crying begging him to help her get her daughter back.

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