
Tashan Episode 172–173 Update on Tuesday 7th November 2017

Scene 1
Pundit comes to Sarna house, he says you all have arranged pooja for Manohar, its good, with this Havan, the problems of this house will go away and there is going to change in this house, Maha Laxhmi is going to enter this house soon, things are going to be better, they start havan, otherside Twinkle comes out her house with luggage, she enters Sarna house, strong wind comes in house, Kunj gets up to close door but sees Twinkle coming in with luggage, he is stunned, Sajna ve’s sad version plays as they look at each other, Babee is happy to see Twinkle in house, all are shocked to see here there, Babee says Twinkle you have come, she comes and hugs Twinkle, she says come in, Usha says what are you doing here? Twinkle says i am doing all this for Manohar, if he wants me to handle his business then i cant deny his decision, if he has given me this much big responsibility then i will fulfill it, i will fulfill his wish thats why i have come here again, i will handle everything from here, we have Anand, Cherry, Surjeet and Kunj here, i cant handle everything alone, i need guidance of everyone, flashback shows Twinkle saying to Leela that i have taken decision to handle Manohar’s business, this is second chance for me to be with Kunj, all will be angry with me, Kunj doesnt want to talk to me but i will not lose hope, i will work hard, i will be determinedand with time i will win their confidence, Leela says you have taken right decision, i know this path is not easy to walk on, you will have difficulties but i know you will win everyone’s heart, i am always with in this decision, flashback ends, Babee says thank God daughter in law of this house is back, i am happy that Twinkle is back, Twinkle says i will take Manohar’s blessing, she angrily looks at Yuvi and passes-by him, he looks at Kunj, who stares her back, she goes to take Manohar’s blessings.
Twinkle is going, Yuvi comes and says nice move baby, you have surprised me by coming here but dont be so happy, this game wont last much, Kunj doesnt want to see your face, how will pacify him? Twinkle says why are you interested in my and Kunj’s personal matter? you must be afraid that when i and Kunj will be back together then your all hard work will be gone, you thought that i as thrown out of house and wont comeback but see God paved way for me to comeback here, this time too i will win and as always you will lose, she leaves, Yuvi smirks.
Twinkle comes to Manohar’s room and sees him lying on bed unconscious in coma, she touches his feet and says thank you, you have given me chance and this is blessing for me, i promise i will stand by your hopes, i will make your business successful, i will win back my respect and faith of family, i will mend my relation with Kunj too, you become fine soon, Kunj comes there and says what was the need to do all this? you know all are worried, you could have waited till Manohar becomes fine, Twinkle says i am doing what Manohar wanted, whats your problem? Kunj says problem is that Manohar is in this condition because of you, Twinkle says enough, i know you hold me responsible for his condition but you dont have to repeat same line again, i am here to set everything right and nobody can throw me out of here, if you have problem with me then deal with it, she stares him in eyes, Kunj leaves, Twinkle says i am sorry Kunj, i am doing all this for ourselves, if i have to fight with you to get you back then i will do it, i cant lose you.
Usha is packing her stuff, Babee asks her to stop it, Kunj comes there and says i got to know you are going on pilgrimage(yatra), is it because of Twinkle? Usha says i am going for Yatra for Manohar, Pundit ji asked me for it, i will do anything for Manohar, that Twinkle is not that important, you take care of Manohar behind me, i dont know why he gave his business to Twinkle, Kunj says dont worry i will handle everything here, Usha says i am not alone, Anand is coming with me.
Twinkle says to Leela that i thought it would be easy to win Usha’s trust back but she is leaving, she is miffed with me, Leela says she is going to pray for Manohar, she is not leaving because of you, Twinkle says but it hurts me, i wish i could tell her how much i care for my family, Babee comes there and says why you seem lost in start only? she says why you both are surprised to see me here? i am Twinkle’s babee too, she says to Twinkle that you didnt tell me that coming in house because of business is just plan to get Kunj back, dont worry Kunj will be pacified soon and Usha will understand you too, Twinkle thanks her, Twinkle says i just wish Kunj agrees to help me in business, this way i will get chance to be with Kunj.
Scene 2
Twinkle comes at her room’s door, Kunj is sitting inside room, Twinkle asks if he is busy? she says i wanted to talk about business, if you help me in business as i dont know much about it, Kunj says its great day that you want my help, you can do everything alone, cant you? like you helped my father with telling me anything, you can handle business too, you have taken responsibility to handle business then do it alone, Twinkle says give me marriage album, i will get ideas to prepare for wedding planning business of Manohar, she asks Kunj to give her their marriage album, he says come in room and take it, Twinkle says i wont enter this room till you dont bring me back here yourself, Kunj brings album and keeps it near Twinkle instead of giving it in her hands, she takes it and says i will stay in guest room till.. she says thank you and leaves, Kunj looks on sadly.
Babee says to Twinkle that you have turned Manohar’s study room into office, Mahi comes there, Twinkle asks her to come in, Mahi smiles and comes in, Yuvi comes there too and smirks at Twinkle, Twinkle smirks back in his style, he is surprised, Twinkle starts setting up office, she stands on stool to tie flowers on ceiling, Yuvi looks at her and thinks that i know you wont stop doing business by me asking you to stop, you are doing all this to get closer to Kunj but i wont let things be easy for you. Twinkle is standing on stool, Yuvi comes there and pulls rope which Twinkle is holding from other end, Twinkle loses balance and is about to fall from stool, she screams, she falls down but Kunj comes and holds her in arms in time, they share eyelock, Yuvi looks at them in anger.
Scene 1
Kunj is holding Twinkle in arms, they look at each other, Kunj puts Twinkle down and says Babee some people think that they can do everything alone, they can even hold mountains in arms but when they fall, they get hurt alot, Twinkle says kunj is right, some people are like this but i am not because i know before i fall, my husband will come and will save me, he wont let anything happen to me, Kunj looks at her in surprise, Sajna ve music plays, he is speechless and leaves, Twinkle smiles. Twinkle starts working again, all leaves, Yuvi comes to Twinkle and asys you can prepare as much as you want but you wont get any work, i will destroy your business before starting, Twinkle says you will keep speaking but me and Kunj will reunite and i will make this business successful too, she leaves, Yuvi looks on.
Chinki tells Twinkle that my uncle’s daughter in getting married so i have suggested him to get contract from your wedding planning company, uncle says to Twinkle that i know you and Chinki from childhood, i just wanna ask will you able to handle marriage? Twinkle says yes, uncle says my daughter Pinky is fan of Dj RD, can you arrange him for engagement tomorrow? Twinkle says dont worry, i will bring him, uncle leaves, Chinki asks if RD is her friend that she will call RD and he will come? Twinkle says i know RD is in Amritsar, we will meet him and make him agree for engagement ceremony.
Chinki and Twinkle comes to hotel, Chinki comes near guard and says my knee is hurt, guard goes to help her, Twinkle stealthily goes in RD’s room.
Rd sees twinkle in his room, he says who are you? how did you come here? Twinkle says i am your big fan, RD says but how you came here? Twinkle says i have work from you, Rd says i think you need a selfie with me, Twinkle says no i just need your 10minutes tomorrow, RD says what? Twinkle says my friend Pinky is your big fan, she has dream from childood that you come to her engagement for 10minutes, she will be so happy if you come, please come, RD says okay fine, give address to my manager, Twinkle thanks him.
in engagement party, Pinky says to Twinkle that you have fulfilled my wishes, thanks for calling RD, Twinkle says you are like my sister, go and sit.
RD is in car with manager, a biker comes infront of their car and has accident with their car, RD is shocked, manager and RD comes there, they see man unconscious, Yuvi comes there and says accident? did this man die? RD says nothing happened to him, Yuvi says what you did RD, RD says i didnt do anything deliberately, Yuvi says leave from here, police can come here at anytime, media can come here too, just leave, manager says he is right we should leave from Amritsar, they leave thanking Yuvi.
Twinkle gets call from RD’s manager, he tells her that RD is not coming, he ends call, Twinkle says how can this happen? what will i say to people here now?
Yuvi asks man who had accident to wake up, he says good job, just leave now, man leaves.
Uncle asks Twinkle when is RD coming? Twinkle says actually his manager called and said that RD is not coming, he went to Delhi, uncle says how can this happen? i bragged about him infront of everyone, if you can work then you could have told me.
Yuvi says Twinkle made plans but Yuvi is here, Twinkle’s plan wont work, flashback shows Twinkel telling uncle that she will bring Rd and how Yuvi listened it, he says i wont let you succeed, get ready to see your first plan being shattered, flashback ends, Yuvi says i am feeling bad for you Twinkle, you made big plans but Rd is gone.
Uncle says to Twinkle that if you needed money then you could have asked me but why did you lie about RD? i was telling Pinky to hire a big wedding planner but she had faith in you, i did mistake by giving contract to you, Twinkle cries, dhol wale come there, someone comes there, he starts singing, he turns and its Kunj, Twinkle smiles seeing him, Kunj recalls how he said that he wont let Twinkle get insulted infront of anyone, Kunj says to guests that engagement happens once in a lifetime and it should not be dependent on some celebrity, we called RD but he ditched us at last minute but because of that we cant let Pinky’s engagement destroyed, he says to uncle that give us one chance and i will rectify everything, i will smile on Pinky’s face, we punjabis enjoy dhol most, he requests uncle, uncle agrees. Kunj asks dhol to be played, Jogi mahi song starts playing, Kunj dances on song, all enjoy it, Kunj dances near Twinkle, he brings bride and groom, uncle to dance with him, all start dancing, Twinkle is happy to see, Chinki brings Twinkle there too, Kunj and Twinkle looks at each other, Twinkle thanks Kunj for coming, Kunj says i am not doing this for you but for papa, i cant see his business failing, he plays dhol, Twinkle glances at him lovingly.
Scene 2
Its morning, Babee says to Twinkle that i wish Usha was here and could see you taking care of Manohar and his business too, Twinkle says you are saying this as you love me but if Kunj had not come in engagement party then it would have been disaster, Babee says dont worry, Kunj maybe angry with you but he will be with you in Manohar’s business as this is family’s respect, Twinkle says keep blessing her, she says i got one more client, i am going to meet him, Babee says always be successful, Twinkle looks at Manohar and says wish me luck, she touches his feet and leaves.
Twinkle comes in office, Kunj is checking files there, she tries to see what he is writing, Babee comes there, she asks him to show her too, he says its not like you should know everything, Twinkle says to babee that see he is not showing me, Kunj says have patience, i will tell you, he says i am going to meet a client, Twinkle says i want to meet him too, lets go together, Kunj says you dont need to go, he starts to leave but Twinkle comes infront of him to stop him, they strike with each other, Sajna ve plays, they share eyelock, Kunj tries to move but Twinkle sees her mangalsutra stuck in Kunj’s shirt’s button, she says dont move, dont let this break, my faith is tied with this Mangalsutra, Kunj looks at her in surprise, Twinkle tries to free her Mangalsutra, he helps her, Kunj starts to leave, Babee says take Twinkle with you, she is lucky, Manohar’s only business is running because of Twinkle’s name, Kunj says i dont believe in luck and all, i believe in hardwork, if Twinkle wanna go then she can go herself, he leaves, Twinkle says he didnt take me, how we will work together when he is not even talking to me? babee says i will count till 5 and you will see Kunj coming back, if he comes back then you will bring chocolates for me, Twinkle says done, they both look at gate.
PRECAP- Kunj comes back and says to Twinkle that if you dont come out in a minute then i will leave you. Yuvi comes in room and says i wont let this business get successful, he burns Twinkle’s suit with iron. Twinkle gives peck on Babee’s cheek and leaves. 

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