•Badu Kobi has explained why two of his prophecies did not come to pass
•He claims it is not unusual for that to happen
•He has described his critics as ‘ignorant fool’
Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, the General Overseer of the Glorious Wave International Church has responded to persons who have questioned his prophetic prowess after he recorded two defeats in two prophecies.
Delivering a sermon on Sunday, July 18, 2021, Prophet Badu Kobi chided his critics, describing them as ‘ignorant fools’.
Prophet Badu Kobi said that unfulfilled prophecies are not new to the Christian faith as there are a plethora of examples in the Bible.
He conceded that his prophecies did not come to pass but defended that it is not uncommon for such things to happen.
Prophet Badu Kobi believed that there is a calculated plan to dim his light but it will not work as he is anointed by God.
“There is no prophet without a failed prophecy. They should show me one. If everything we prophesy came to pass, every church member would have succeeded. I will show you the missing tool they don’t know. Few days I prophesied and it came to pass. As we speak my prophecy about South Africa is happening. I will prophesy till I die and any man who doesn’t understand prophecy should sit down and be thought about prophecy. They killed TB Joshua, they think I will allow them to kill me, never.”
Prophet Badu Kobi said in his next sermon next week, he will enumerate proclamations by renowned prophets which did not come to pass.
“Next week Sunday, I will show where in the Bible prophecies failed. If you don’t understand anything, ask God. That is why we are suffering. I have saved tribal and political persecution but it couldn’t bring me down. I don’t remember societal prosecution.”.
Prophet Badu Kobi is of the view some colleague men of God are envious of his works and are looking for ways to sabotage and mock him.
“If they could do what I’m doing, they wouldn’t be talking about me. How many men of God can prophesy five times within a week for three to come to pass and two to fail. They should show me one. I prophesy about dumsor, didn’t it come to pass. Ignorant fools. Prophecy doesn’t fail for insults, it fails for lessons. There are seven things which cannot fail and prophecy is not part,” he said.
Prophet Badu Kobi enjoyed bad press after two prophecies he made about some major sporting activities. Badu Kobi in separate prophecies said that England and Brazil were going to win the 2020 Euros and Copa America respectively.
On Brazil versus Argentina final which was played exactly a week ago, Badu Kobi said “Most people don’t know this and they question how a prophet is able to talk about football, health matters, energy, future matters but let me tell you that… God rules in men’s matters. There is nothing that you can say that God is not interested in,” Badu Kobi stated.
He added, “Now for the match which will happen tonight between Brazil and Argentina, Brazil will win. Argentina will not win, Messi is part of Argentina, he is a great footballer but the night is not for them, the night is for Brazil and Brazil will win this cup. That is what the spirit of the Lord has revealed to me.”
But by the end of the game, it was Argentina who won the day with a 1-0 scoreline.
“Today (July 11), England will beat Italy,” Prophet Badu Kobi said on Sunday, hours before the final match at Wembley. “I will say it again. That is the work of a prophet. Keep saying what God is saying.”
His prophecy failed as the trophy went to Rome after Italy won 3-2 on penalties.