
Kumkum Bhagya Update on Wednesday 24th May 2017 (Alia Tells Abhi to Fire Pragya From Office )

Abhi pulls Pragya aside. What did you do? Which CD did you play? This isn’t some ordinary event. It is my concert. She fumbles in reply but he continues scolding her. Ordinary people spend their lives just like that. I have made a name for myself. I have earned it the hard way. She tries to make him understand it wasn’t her fault. He says it was my mistake. I called you my fan no. 1 and you thought we are friends. I respected you before everyone and you only were trying to take me down! I only made you my fan no. 1. I take it back from you.

Don’t tell anyone this anymore. I will even throw that poster out from office so no one can see either my name or photo with you. She walks away sadly. Aaliya eyes them from far. Someone has said it right. You enjoy flying in air and you cry equally
when you are pulled down. Pragya got enough disrespected today. Bhai only shower her her place today. She wont come before him after today if she is a little ashamed of herself.
Abhi comes to where Pragya is. You make mistake and cry too. I will scold you if you are wrong. She replies that she dint make any mistake. He refuses to believe it. Every thief says so. I dint say that to you but in general.

Please don’t cry. I don’t like it. She asks him why he makes her cry then. He explains that he can scold her if she makes a mistake which she certainly did her. She says I only played the CDwhich I got. I don’t have any mood to do things wrong or play wrong songs. He wonders where he got stuck. He tells her he dint know. It was my mistake. I am mad to scold you. I am sorry. Please wipe your tears. She complies. He jokes that she should be happy. I said sorry toy ou twice. She retorts that the one who makes mistake will apologize. You said I am not your fan no. 1. I dint even get that poster in your office. I dint come to talk to you. Leave it. You do things as you like. Some girls come to take his autograph so they go quiet. Once the girls leave, Pragya starts scolding him again. You are Khadus. I make you Khadus No. 1. I wont hear your song, neither in the car nor neighbourhood. I will close my ears instead. She returns him his handkerchief. He thinks my event got spoiled. She is still scolding me and I am evenly apologizing. She leaves finally. He mistakenly plays the CD again. He walks away feeling embarrassed as people look at him.

Pragya walks up to Abhi’s poster and scolds it. You don’t have to listen to anyone. You only know how to scold people. You are a great rock star after all! You said you wont talk to me? I will not talk to you. It will hurt your ego. Purab comes to her. Did you have a word with him? She disagrees. I don’t know anyone by that name. He is taken aback. She tells him not to take his name before her. He is a rock star.

She tells him what Abhi said to her. Purab jokes and ends up sayin sorry to her. Pragya says you both say anything you want to and then say sorry. He apologizes again. You are acting like Abhi too. You aren’t even listening to me. Good thing is he dint fire you. He only scolded you. She tells him not to take his side. He disagrees. It was all Aaliya’s plan. I warned you she will come here and do something to make you look bad in Abhi’s eyes. He isn’t at fault. He only reacted to what he saw. She agrees not to scold Abhi. But I wont spare that Aaliya. He asks her what proof she has. What will you say to Abhi? It will only make things better for Aaliya. Pragya nods. Everything was going so well. He was speaking to me so nicely and now this. I cannot take it. He says I understand but forget about this for now. It will be fine. They leave together.
Aaliya thinks where Bhai is. He must be still angry. It is about his career after all. I have to do it with him because of that Pragya. I cannot risk his business because of her. I have to do something or my future will be in problem.
Tanu calls Aaliya. You dint tell me about Abhi’s event? Tanu and Aaliya bicker over the same.Tanu says I could have taken things with Abhi forward if I was there. Aaliya reminds her how she said she will listen to her. Or else, do things like you want to. Don’t come crying to me if everything gets messy. Tanu apologizes to her. I will not come even if you will ask me to. Don’t be upset. Come to my place. I have to show you something asap. Aaliya sounds uninterested but Tanu insists. You will like the surprise. Aaliya thinks to go to Tanu’s place. Bhai will go home only.
Pragya comes home. I will surely not talk to him. He scolded me for no reason. He should know how bad it feels when your loved one is not talking to you. She turns and finds her mother, her Dadi staring at her. Pragya is puzzled. She asks for water but they tell her to take it herself. Pragya says I could but I got tired. I had my hands full today. they nod.

We know what it was and with whom you were busy. Pragya gets thinking about the event. I dint go on stage on my wish. He took me there. Dadi complains to Sarla ji and they have a cute nok-jhok. Pragya asks them what’s happening. They refuse to tell her. Pragya requests them to end the suspense. What did I do? Dadi suggests her to stand in front of the mirror and understand what you did wrong. What will you do if someone gives you respect and treatment well? Pragya replies that she would respect that person as well and treat him or her nicely. Pragya is confused and ends up saying I
Abhi says you all gave her this freedom. You had to scold her but she is scolding you all instead. Pragya asks him how he came here. Talk to me. He tells her to sit. I did so much for her. I sang for her. I introduced her to everyone. Pragya keeps on talking in between. He warns her to be quiet or he will throw chair on her head. Everyone gulps. Abhi continues talking.

I was so nice to her. She scolded me for everything even when she played the wrong CD. I was the one who apologized twice yet she called me Khadus. Why? Pragya reasons that the fault was in the CD. I only played the CD I received. Dadi seconds her. He replies that he cannot scold the CD as she only played it. Dadi nods. Pragya adds that she will play the CD she will receive. He repeats at her to be quiet or he will hit a chair on her head. Abhi asks her as to why she called him Khadus even when he apologized to her. They argue. She asks him for how many things will he say sorry. You are even instigating my family against me. They even out what the other has done. Dadi tells them to be quiet. What do you want Abhi? Abhi asks for Thai massage. Right now, a sorry would do though. Ask her (Pragya) to say sorry to me. He goes to another room. Everyone looks on.

Pragya says I wont say sorry. I dint do any mistake. You all can li9sten to him. I don’t have this much patience to hear him all the time. Abhi says she has so much ego. Even I don’t have one. Tell her I wont come now. She can come to apologize me. Everyone ends up smiling.

Dadi tells Pragya that Abhi has a very pure heart. He does not think bad for anyone. Pragya agrees. Dadi asks her why she dint say sorry then. Pragya reasons that she was crying. It will go to ego if he is wrong. Dadi points out that she too have a big one. Pragya does not want to apologize as he will roam around her all the time for some or other excuse. Dadi understands her logic. You both are kids. Pragya says you have to be kids to be happy. I am sure he will try.

Precap: Aaliya tells Abhi I understand what happened. I am sure it is because of that receptionist. We should fire her. He tells her against it. She made a mistake. It is ok. Let’s not fire her for this. Aaliya is taken aback.

The Episode starts with Abhi thinking Nikita is showing him attitude and would have say sorry atleast. He thinks he have to make her come down on earth, and make her say sorry. Pragya tells Beeji that Abhi got angry on her and hoping to hear sorry. Aaliya comes to Abhi and asks where was you? Abhi says my mood was off and that’s why went for a long drive. Aaliya blames receptionist and says she has ruined everything, says she will get her fired from job and will ask Sethi to fire her. Abhi says it is okay, and says we shall not get her fired. He says it is her seniors mistake, and says Saira and others would have checked CD, says everyone is careless. Aaliya thinks Abhi is reacting calmly and thinks she has to do something big to make Abhi react and fire her from the job.
Pragya comes
to office and thinks about Abhi’s anger. Saira comes and asks why did you come to office? Pragya asks why? Saira says because of yesterday happening. She asks her not to come infront of Abhi today, and says she don’t want boss to fire you. Pragya says I will handle him. Saira repeats her words. Aaliya is thinking about the idea. Tanu says I can help you out.

Aaliya says a guy and a girl are meeting each other, and says someone don’t want them to meet, and asks her to give a solution to separate them. Tanu asks her to prove girl characterless infront of guy. Aaliya says no bad, and praises her dumb mind. Tanu asks who are they? Aaliya says you don’t know them. She thinks to prove Pragya’s characterless.

Abhi comes to office and thinks he will not talk to Nikita now, and thinks she is showing me ego and not apologizing to me. He goes to reception and sees other girl. He asks who are you. She says she is Pooja? Abhi asks if she is fired. Saira says no sir/yes sir. Abhi thinks they might have fired her. Pragya comes and gives papers to Saira. Abhi thinks she is here and have changed her work place being scared with me. He sings of fuggi….asks Saira if the recording room is ready. Saira says yes. He starts walking off. Pragya calls him and smiles.

Abhi thinks now she will apologize to me.
Sarla tells Beeji that Abhi and Pragya might be fighting in office. Beeji asks her to do whatever she wants. Purab comes and says I brought good news for you. Beeji asks did you get a new job with double salary. Sarla asks did you buy new home. Purab says no. Beeji asks did you decide to marry? Purab says no. He says Pragya and Abhi came face to face and nothing happened to Abhi. Sarla and Beeji don’t pay attention. Purab asks what happened? Beeji says it is old news. Sarla says we know this. Purab says I have no importance in this house and asks what is my relation with you. I will not come back. He goes. Beeji tells Sarla that he will return and asks her to relax.
Abhi is in the recording room. He thinks she called me from behind, but didn’t apologize.

She haven’t bring coffee also till now. Pragya comes and says peon went to get sugar as it is over. Abhi asks do you have to say something. Pragya asks what you was singing…fuggi..She asks from where did that word come in your mind. She asks who is she? Abhi says it is my girl friend’s name. Pragya says it is your girl friend name and blushes. Abhi says I called her fuggy by love. Abhi thinks why she is looking at me as if I called her my girl friend. He thinks to undo his words by ctr Z and says that word came in my mind while sleeping and I kept it in my song. Pragya smiles. He asks her to say sorry and asks if she is mad? Pragya says sorry, and says you are so cute…Abhi thinks unbelievable. She said sorry so soon, but why did she smile? He wonders……

Purab comes back and says you people did wrong, and have hidden truth from me. Beeji says we know that you will come. Purab misses Bulbul and says she would have told me if she was alive. He asks what do you think that I have problem with their meeting. He says he is happy. Sarla tells him that she didn’t tell him as she was afraid about Aaliya threat. Beeji says I didn’t tell as Pragya asked me not to tell you.

Abhi tells Saira that she is efficient and goes on praising her, but his words are for Pragya. Pragya looks on smiling.

The Episode starts with Pragya thinking about Abhi’s words and smiles….Abhi comes and tells Saira that he is going on a meeting, and wants an assistant to accompany with him. Saira asks can I come? Abhi says you are a manager and it doesn’t look nice if you come as assistant. He asks her to send someone efficient, sensible and who is free. Saira asks Pragya to go with Abhi. Abhi thinks it will be fun now. Saira tells Abhi that Pragya is ready. Abhi says I told sensible person, and then hesitantly agrees to take Pragya on a condition that she shall not spoil his mood. Saira asks Pragya to do as he says. Pragya nods…..They come out. Abhi asks Pragya why you are standing near car and asks her to take a taxi, and reach mall. Pragya asks shall I come in auto? Abhi says who I am? Rockstar…and
says Khadoos and asks her to reach before him. He parks his car far and thinks it will be good. He thinks Pragya’s attitude will go because of heat. Pragya is waiting for auto. Goons come near her and ask if the notes bundle belongs to her. Pragya says it is not mine….Abhi sees goons teasing Pragya. They ask her to come with her. Pragya asks him to keep the money and says I will click your pics and show to police. Goons run away. Abhi goes in his car seeing Pragya handling the situation. Pragya takes auto.

Aaliya comes to office and thinks it was good that Abhi went out and Pragya is also not here. She tells Saira that she has some work with her, and asks what is your salary. Saira says 50000. Aaliya says how you manage? Saira says someone I manage. Aaliya asks her to make easy money by doing short cut, and says I need your help to teach someone a lesson. Saira says I am ready and will do as you says. Aaliya shares her plan with Saira. Saira says she knows someone who can help them and do the work. Aaliya says superb and says you have met with my expectations. She hugs Saira and says we are team mates now. Saira looks on.

Pragya thinks Abhi didn’t reach till now, even though I have reached by auto. Abhi thinks she must have realized what I do, whoever shows me attitude. He comes to her. Pragya asks are you fine? Abhi asks you might be waiting for me since two hours and says you were doing right and left. She asks if she felt bad. Pragya thinks he has done this to tease me, and says she is feeling good and important. She says you was watching me since two hours and giving me attention, making me feel special. She says my working hours is over now, and asks him to make a bigger plan to torture her. Abhi thinks she is don no. 1, and thinks her eye sights and mind are very sharp. Pragya thinks I can bear any torture for the happiness which you have given me.

Sarla, Janki, Beeji are with Purab in his car. Sarla says Purab agreed to take us on shopping. Beeji asks him not to run away. Purab says why I will go, I offered you all to come with me. Janki says they have to buy glass. Beeji argues with her and Sarla.

Aaliya and Purab are in car. Tanu insists to meet Abhi. Aaliya says I am trying to find a permanent solution so that you can get in his life. Tanu asks what is your advantage, and thinks what is her problem. Aaliya asks what did you say? Dadi tells Purab that she wants to check the new version of game at a mobile shop. Sarla gets fed up. Purab takes her to mobile shop.

Varun Sethi comes to meet Aaliya and says I am always ready to help beautiful girls. Aaliya says I need your help, but different way. She says whoever we accuse, the world should question her. Varun asks what you can do for me. Aaliya scolds him and says she can get Abhi’s contract to him, and asks him not to misbehave with her. Varun says bye. Aaliya thinks everyone will accept now that Pragya is characterless.

Precap:- Sarla scolds Tanu for calling them greedy and tells that she will slap her repeatedly so that her beautiful face gets swollen. Tanu looks on angry.

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