

Balwant singh says, please god help us and now every house will get the electricity. Balwant says to baldev, come with me on site. Baldev says, you dont go there, you are wasting your time. everybody comes on site and sees that everything gets destroyed.

Baldev taunts to veera and karan. Ranveer got angry and says, you had really spoil our work, i will never leave you. Veera says, you had done it. Baldev says, you had break all this and you are saying against me. Bansari says, you have really done a good job. baldev says, you dont trust me, i havent done it. Now i cant win the election. Surjit singh watching all this and says, i will done it and all the wording onto Baldev. Veera cries and ranveer encourages her. Balwant tayaji says, we have 15 panels left, we will generate electricity. Karan says, no we cant do it with 15 panels. Veera says, i loose veerji…

Ranveer encourages veera and says, everything will be fine. Ranveer says to biji, what will we do biji, our time is also going to at dead line. If veera will gone from this pind then i will also go with her. Biji says, we will win and we will do it with get together. Veera says to herself, biji is trusting me and i will never let her down.

Veera sees that some children is burning paper with magnify glass. we will generate electricity with the help of glass. We will
reflect all the sun ray on panel with the help of glass and due to this energy multiplies and we can generate same amount of eletricity as we generate with 45 panels.
Karan says to veera, what do you think, after all this, pind wales will come again. Veera says, look all the pind wales coming. All the villagers help them to generate electricity. All the villagers gives security to panels.

Ranveer says, tomorrow is republic day. On tomorrow day, our country got new way and tomorrow our pind will also get the new way. Veera and karan sits in front of fire then karan gone for looking panel. Baldev came onto site.
Baldev says in a heart, i will back electricity for this pind

Villagers blessed karan and veera. Veera pray to God. Veera starts the inverter and tubewell starts, villagers get very happy and claps for veera and karan. Baldev friend’s taunt to him for veera and karan. Baldev says, everybody is giving saying bad to me. Ranveer taking blessing from biji and chaiji and veera also taking blessing from them.

Villlagers says to sarpanch ji that ranveer had really said right that on republic day, our village will be on a new way. Sarpanch ji says, now flag hoisting will done by sampuranji’s family and karan. Biji calls veera and karan for hoisting flag. everybody claps and national anthem tune is plays. everybody gives slogan, bharat mata ki jai……

Gunjan gives congratulation to ranveer. Gundey comes and says to villagers, how dare to do again setup. Fighting starts. baldev comes and help ranveer. Veera comes and says, sorry to baldev. Baldev says, i will do anything for pind.

Bansari says, you dont have mind, why you came in between ranveer and veera. Baldev says, i raise in eyes of villagers. Bansari souts on gunjan, all this happened because of you. Baldev jealous due to villagers celebrations. Veera comes and praise to baldev and says, i know you are so kamina. Veera gives sweets to baldev and says, kamina hi sahi pind da putar to hain tu…

Baldev says, dont show attitude, finally you have to cook food and i will eat. Veera says, why will i cook for you. Baldev says to himself, oye i said wrong. Veera’s friend come. Veera’s friend says, sorry veera we got so late. Baldev got flurt on a girl.

Precap:- Veera fly duppata on air.

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