Farmers in the cashew industry have expressed bitterly to the Ministry of Agriculture and Tree Crops Development Authority to quickly come to their aid to save the future of the industry.
This call was made by Cashew farmers in an interview with Asona Dehyiɛ Kwateng at Kimtampo North in the Bono East Region.
Farmers lamented among other things over the poor pricing, lack of ready market, seeds, extension officers and disinterestedness on the part of government as part of problems the industry faces in Ghana.
According to them, they expect the government to set up buying centre?s similar to that of COCOBOOD to ensure stable price and ready market for their produce so that they can be sure of stable income.
Mr. Raphael Godlove Ahenu,Convener of Cashew Watch Ghana ( CWG ) a civil society organization Commenting on the issue said, government should implement measures to restrict foreign buyers on the farm gate to buy the cashews and make sure to implement the 10 year development plan for the cashew growers as the cocoa growers.
He posited that, Cashew Watch Ghana ( CWG ) has been formed to promote and advocate competitive price, foreign exchange earnings on the crop and to form strong association to amplify the challenges in cashew sector to the government.
Source:Asona Dehyiɛe Kwateng
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