
Obour is a Cheat – KOD

 The debate on a supposed research into Ghana Music Industry seems not to be ending anytime soon.

EIB Network’s Kofi Okyere Darko does’nt see to get why MUSIGA will claim they have conducted a research into the music industry but there is nothing to show for it.

In a post on Facebook, the fashion designer described the MUSIGA boss as a cheat for giving him a bounced cheque after he was the MC for an event organized by MUSIGA.

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“Obour will still give a concise account of the money! How much have they given to the ageing musicians? How much did he pay KPMG to tell us to have Arts and Culture Desks at our Foreign Missions when other countries like Zimbabwe and South Africa have the blue Print? Did we have to pay a researcher to adopt the Democracy we practice in GH? How much do they pay the musicians for the annual music week as performance fees?
I have hosted the music week three times pro bono, the only time they had to pay me, they gave me a bounced cheque (and Daddy Bosco can attest to this) which still sits in my drawers at Live FM.

To leave the running of an institution to elements that have no credibility will never see to the success of that organization.

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“How can Obour look out for musicians when he’s the first to cheat them? Between 2006-8, when I managed Wutah and Praye, we played two shows with him, he subsequently sold the video rights and kept the proceeds…

How and why have they kept him at MUSIGA all this time?

“I die a little each time I see people going to the aid of our friends in the arts and culture whenever they are down. Really breaks my heart. We need people who genuinely have integrity to lead in every aspect of our national life. We need to change our attitudes…”

source: mynewsgh

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