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Ahafo Ano South West Cons: MP Fete And Donate To Widows In His Constituency

The accessible member of parliament for Ahafo Ano South West in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, Hon Kwaku Adu Johnson has pulled a big surprise on the widows in his constituency as the affable legislator gave each widow 6 yards of clothes and fed them as their easter celebration gifts.

Since 2014, the legislator for the good people of Ahafo Ano South West has been organizing end of year party with goodies for all widows in his constituency but astonishing about this year’s programme was the inclusion of clothes for the widows.

This year’s programme which was held in Pentecost Church at the district capital, Mankranso was attended by the MP, constituency executives and widows in the constituency.

MP sitted with Constituency executives

The widows couldn’t hide their joy and happiness at the kind gesture bestow upon them by their humble legislator. They expressed their immense gratitude to Hon Johnson Kwaku Adu for remembering and honouring them annually. The widows Prayed for long life with Good Health and Prosperity for the MP.

Some widows sitted


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