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Residents Of Asuoyeboah In Kumasi To Demonstrate Against Government Over failed Promises




Good Afternoon proud citizen of Ghana,

The people of Asuoyeboah, a community in Kwadaso constituency and it’s fraternity wishes to inform the general public that, the incumbent government led by H E Nana Addo Danquah,his Veep Dr. Alhaji Bawumia and NPP cohorts have really disappointed them.

To them, ever since they went to the polls to vote them to power there is no sign of development in the community making it sink and keeps sinking every moment .

To them, the fascinating aspect of their plight is about the MP of Kwadaso contituency S. K Nuamah, when touring around in and out of Asuoyeboah and it’s environs promised to revamped their deplorable market which recently hit on social media, help them to install their traffic light and also build speed ramps to curb the rate at which vehicles are been taken the natives to their early grave.

According to the assemblyman of the town, Hon. Martin Owusu Antwi, said, has disclosed the inconsistencies causing the downfall of the town to the Regional Minister Hon. Simon Osei Mensah and the municipal chief executive and all are aware of their misfortune and they have taken into a deaf hears.

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So, they are by this communique to inform the government, the regional Minister, The MP of the Area, the municipal chief and the presiding member and the general public that, they are given the Kwadaso municipal two days ultimatum and with immidiate effect to register their sentiments and displeasure concerning;

1). Installation of their traffic light to curb the death situation.

2). To revamp their Market which has become a dead trap and its deplorable state into a good shape.

3). To let them know the state of their street network as Hon. Kwadwo Opponh Nkrumah declared last two months with regards to syno- hydro deal which supposed to take effect in April, where Kwadaso constituency was part.

So they are by this tenet to petition the president of the country, through the media and any concern member to come to their aid, because the people are gradually fading out through these situations itemised above.

They also wish to tell every individuals in the community to be part of this demostration slated on 27th of June, 2019 to hit on the street to register their grievances.


Hon. Martin Owusu Antwi
(Incumbent Assembly member)


(In-coming Assembly member)
Asuoyeboah South.





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