
Doli Armaano Ki Episode 30–31 Update on Tuesday 8th August 2017

Samrat’s residence, Urmi arrives at the house with Ishaan. Shashi asks Urmi to stay there, and not enter before the puja is done. As the entire family comes to welcome Urmi inside, they are surprised not to find Samrat there. Samrat is being called down for the ritual as only when he comes and stands with Urmi then she can enter the house. Urmi is tensed too. While all are tensed, Ishaan offers to go himself. Ishaan goes to Samrat’s room to call him. Ishaan says that everyone’s waiting for him to come downstairs, for the ritual to start. Samrat again acts indifferent to the rituals and Urmi’s feelings, saying that this isn’t anything important and nothing catastrophic would happen if he doesn’t come downstairs, as he has an important work to tend to. Ishaan says that the most important work is to meet Urmi right now. Samrat says that he got trapped marrying Urmi, as he doesn’t get enough of these rituals. Ishaan says that he doesn’t care, he drags him out and after a lot of forcing and requesting Samrat finally goes to join Urmi. Meanwhile, Urmi is getting sad and tensed, that Samrat’s not coming down. Samrat comes down, and Urmi lightens up, but is shy, as Samrat is asked to come and stand beside Urmi. He resignedly does so. Urmi smiels at him. He takes a cursoryglance at her and looks away, and painfully goes through the ritual. Shashi asks them to enter after having completed the puja and the tilak. After the welcoming and the puja, they both enter the house.

While in their room, Samrat is working, Urmi takes out Samrat’s gifts from the packets that her family has sent it. She goes to him and asks him to stop now as he has done enough work, and asks to be given some time for her too. She shows him the gifts that her parenst have sent. He sees through them and compliments that they are good, and much to her surprise, Samrat praises all of them and she gets excited and goes onto say that they would have loved it if they had made him wear it. He says that he wanted to come, and Urmi finsihes his sentence saying that he couldn’t come. She says that she knows and that he would have come if he had the time and says that work is indeed important. He looks surprised. She tells him that it’s fine and that she understands the situation. He thanks her. She asks if he liked the gifts. He says yes, and asks them to be kept in the almirah. She is super happy and complies. Urmi and Samrat get into a light conversation as Urmi starts talking animatedly about the preparations that her family members had done for Samrat, in terms of culinary expertise, and how Ishaan had to bear through it. She says that had he been him instead of Ishaan, he wouldn’t even have been able to taste it. He says then it’s good that he didn’t come. She says that she would tell this to Anu and she would scold him them. He says that he’s just joking. She again gets into her dream world. She eyes the sweater that she had made, and goes on to see the fitting of it from his back. He asks what’s this. She shyly says that it’s her gift for the first night, that she had herself made for him. He looks at it in surprise. She says that she knitted it for him, in mere three days. He again compliments her and she is happy. She asks him to try it on but he says that he would do it later on. She insists, despite him telling her to try it later. He gives in and tries it on, and they glance at it in the mirror. she asks if it’s good. He says that it is, and starts expressing his doubts about the colour, but she excitedly says that it’s looking very good on him. He takes it off, and asking if she’s happy, he asks her to keep it inside. He gets back to work, while she does the household things. He finds her seeing in other drawers of the almirah and asks her if she doesn’t want to sleep tonight. He asks her to go and change instaed of doing work all night, he tells her to sleep as she might have been tired. She smiles and asks seductively if he doesn’t want to work now. They eye each other romantically.

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The next morning, Trisha gets a call from Urmi and despite being ill and sick. She is relieved to hear that Urmi is fine. Urmi says that she’s very okay with her life, and can only share it with her. Trisha says that she knows. They share their emotions and Urmi asks why doesn’t she talk then, as its okay that she hurt her, and apologises for her behaviour, as situations were different then. She says that she can’t live without talking to him, and knows that she was tensed for her, but she is very happy now. Trisha gets happy to know that everything is fine in Urmi’s life and says that everything is okay if she’s happy. Urmi asks her to meet her and goes onto tell how much everyone takes care of her, just like she had wanted to, and thought of. Trisha says that she understands that she’s very happy in her in-laws place. Urmi says that love and right have a strange happiness, and asks Trisha to fall in love too, then she would understand what she is trying to say. Urmi tells her that she should call her more often as she can share a lot with her and this gives her satisfaction. Trisha asks her to stop her advise. Urmi remembers that she has to wake Samrat up, and cancels the call. Trisha is happy for urmi.

At Urmi’s residence, Devishankar says that he is very tired now. Saroj says that now that the work is done, they can relax. He says that the whole of Bhopal is talking about this marriage and is lucky that Urmi got married to such a big house. Saroj says that not everything is money, and says that she feels tensed for Samrat, his behaviour, his conversation skills, which make it difficult for him to be understood, and she doesn’t get what he thinks, he says, what he wants and what he actually does. He asks what happened. She talks about Samrat’s absence today. Devishanker says that she shouldn’t worry as Samrat must have had some really important work. She says that he may be Urmi’s father and love her very much, but he won’t understand that pain of her heart, as money can’t buy happiness and comfort to a girl, and that’s something he won’t understand. He is tensed, while she doses off.
At Samrat’s residence, Urmi comes to Samrat’s room and finds him asleep. She eyes her wet hair and idea strikes her. she comes by Samrat’s bedside. Urmi tries to wake Samrat up, with stroking his face, with her wet hair. He gets the taste of hair in his mouth, and wakes up puzzled and with a start. He sees Urmi descended on him, with dreamy eyes, and romantic behaviour. He gets her close to him, by pulling her near him. That intimacy wakes Urmi from her dream, and she starts smiling at her own dream world. She slowly progresses towards Samrat’s bed, and sits beside him. She lowers herself on him and strokes her hair on him. He wakes up with a start and shoves her away. He wakes up and asks what’s all this nonsense, and such a wild way of behaving. Urmi who is seen in her dream world gets shocked and distraught as Samrat tells her that she should come out of her dream world and stop doing any nonsense again as he will not tolerate it again.

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At Samrat’s residence, Samrat severely snaps back, he gets furious and yells at Urmi when she sprinkles water on him to wake him up and reprimands Urmi for such immature and childish act, and asks if this is the way to wake up someone. He asks her never again to even try it. She tries to say that she just wanted to wake him up. He tells her that she doesn’t even have brains or manners or civic sense, and is now tied to him for a lifetime as his wife. Urmi is distraught and scared too to see him behaving so much in contrast to what she had expected. He asks her to move aside angrily, as he wants to go to the bathroom. She leaves a little stunned. He goes inside. She remembers his anger and is shocked and a hurt Urmi bursts into tears. A sudden voice calling out to her, makes her compose herself and she finds Nirmala asking her to come down. She complies, still sad.

In the kitchen, all are excited about her Chulha Pujan Rasam, that this is the start of her new life. Shashi tells her what she has to do. Nirmala says that this is a test for her, as she would be rewarded later on for this. The servant asks her to make something that would impress her husband too. Shashi asks what would she make now. Urmi says that she wants to make something different and that she wants to make a cake. Everyone are surprised and boggled, that she chose something so different. They are concerned, while Urmi says that she would make use of the Gas for the cake. They are surprised but asks her to go ahead nevertheless. Urmi enters the kitchen for the first time after performing the Rasoi ritual. They all leaves while Urmi begins with her work and prepares a special cake for Samrat.

Everyone gather at the breakfast table, while Ishaan explains that he has to leave and that he has to leave tomorrow. Samrat says that he can’t go so soon, and should leave after 4, 5 days. His father also asks him to stay on. Samrat asks Shashi to ask Urmi to hurry up for her sweet dish. When she comes, they all compliment her to how good it looks. Ignorant about the efforts she had undertaken, Samrat dismisses it saying it was not a tough task to accomplish and asks them to cut it, to find out if it’s just beautiful or tastes good too. Urmi is sad while all are shocked at such behaviour. Diwakar however supports Urmi. Samrat again taunts Urmi saying that it’s not necessary that the thing that looks beautiful is good too. Shashi asks Urmi to let Samrat cut it. She does so. Samrat cuts it while all clap. He tastes it and then asks Urmi to cut and give to everyone. Urmi is tensed but asks them to wait while she serves everyone. Evereyone begins eating and complimenting it. They all bless her to be happy always and reward her. Ishaan asks Samrat to stop eating and tell if it’s good or not. Samrat indifferently says that it’s okay, while Urmi stands tensed. He also adds that had there been something traditional like kheer, ( rice pudding) it would have been better. They all condemn for being so rude, and he just manages to say that the cake was okay too.

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Back at Urmi’s residence, Saroj goes on to express her doubts with Gaurav. He says that Samrat may be a bit rude, but he always favours the right. Saroj tells about Rashmi’s parents chat with Rashmi. Gaurav gets emotional, and asks Rashmi about this. He asks if she hasn’t hidden anything. She understands that Saroj was behind this. Rashmi gets into an argument with her in-laws when they blame her for hiding the fact that Samrat was arrogant and hot tempered. Rashmi also gives an indirect answer, saying that they are hurting her by asking such questions. She says that even Gaurav is the angry types, but she never complains. Urmi too should get used to adjusting. Devishankar comes in to ask and Rashmi vents out her frustration. He asks them to be in peace, as they should let Urmi be adjusted in her new life. Saroj and Gaurav are tensed, while Rashmi is angry herself.

Saroj is tensed that there’s tension between Gaurav and Rashmi due to her, and Granny says that they would solve the matters easily. Granny tries to tell Saroj that she is worrying unnecessarily. Rashmi comes to them, and starts taunting Saroj. Rashmi begins to vent out her frustration again. Granny asks her not to think like that, as Saroj should be concerned for her daughter, and they aren’t bothering her. Granny just asks if there’s any problem with Samrat. Rashmi says that there’s imperfection in everyone. Saroj tries to speak, but Rashmi says that she doesn’t want to talk to anyone, as by doing favour, she has put her own foot in trouble. She leaves, while Saroj is tensed.

At Samrat’s residence, Urmi stops Ishaan, asking if she’s going to Samrat. He says that he is, and asks if there’s a special message that she wants to give him. She denies, but then says that he can ask him if he had his lunch. He says that she can herself ask it, and gives her the phone. She denies repeatedly. Ishaan asks Urmi what happened, and if they had a fight or something. Urmi is tensed.

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