When a landlord in Tanzania was detected having an affair with the second wife of one of his tenants, he was publicly humiliated and brutally flogged before receiving a severe punishment.
Residents flog landlord publicly after being caught in bed with tenant’s second wife
According to reports, the spectacular event took place in Kibwera village, which is located in the Geita district of the nation’s Geita province.
According to a Millard Ayo report, Katayo Bote received a public caning and a fine of about KSh 11,000 for her actions.
Emmanuel Ndalawa, a broken-hearted tenant of Katayo who has two wives, claimed he became aware that his second and younger wife had grown too close to the landlord ever since they moved into his home.
Ndalawa, who shares a home with his two wives, claimed to have observed his boyfriend having sex with Katayo in the same room.
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