There’s yet another scary new year prophecy by Jesus Ahuofe, the founder and leader of New Life Kingdom Chapel International.
Speaking to his congregation of 31st night, Bishop Stephen Akwasi Appiah aka Jesus Ahuofe said 2021 unlike any other year will be the toughtest.
As God revealed to him, there is going to be a serious crisis in the economy of big countries which would eventually affect Ghana in months to come.
“2021 is a year of hardship, many companies would break down. A lot of jobs will be lost and a bunch of great leaders would be publicly disgraced… This year is a year of struggle. But one must serve God to withstand all these”.
Video of the moment Rev Owusu Bempah prophesied about the recent deaths at Despite Media surfaces
Addressing and revealing what is to come in this new year that could turn the country upside down, the popular pastor said two great kings, one from the Ashanti Region and Eastern Region would die this year.
Though he failed to mention the names these Kings, you don’t need to be told who he was referring to.
“Before August this year, two great Kings will die if we don’t pray fervently for them. I saw a big black umbrella hovering around them.”.
He however stated that there would be lots of Bye-Elections this year as he could see lots of vacant parliamentary seats being contested for again.
His prophecy comes after Reverend Owusu Bempah, Nigel Gaisie, Eagle Prophet, Badu Kobi, Salifu Amoako etc on 31st Night.
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