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SA: Akufo-Addo Addo Delivers Keynote Address At Democrat Union Of Africa Forum

SA: Akufo-Addo Addo Delivers Keynote Address At Democrat Union Of Africa Forum

SA: Akufo-Addo Addo Delivers Keynote Address At Democrat Union Of Africa Forum



On Thursday, 27th April 2023, President Akufo-Addo delivered the keynote address at the 2023 Democrat Union of Africa Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa.

According to the President “We, in the centre-right, believe that the application of democratic principles, operating within the context of strong, private sector dominated market economies, with good, honest management of public finances, provides the most effective platform for growth and rapid development. We, of this persuasion, of this world view, what the Germans call weltanschauung, won the ideological battle of the last century and, today, our philosophy is the one that has taken and continues to take millions of people out of poverty, and to create broad-based prosperity”.

“We, however, cannot pat ourselves on the back and say our policies and philosophies have become the dominant ideologies around the world, and, therefore, our work is done. We need a continuous process of engaging all peoples on what our values are, because an ideology, that seeks to liberate the energies of people and generate opportunities for them to realise their God-given talents, is the best route for bringing prosperity not only to the African peoples, but also to all peoples of the world” he added.

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Source:flyfmghana.com/Emmanuel Adjetey

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