
Fearless Heart Update on Wednesday 5th July 2017

Ringo tosses back drinks in
the bar in the pueblo
telling everyone that the
mujer (The Woman) of El Verdugo(The
Executioner) is
pregnant. He bets it will be
a boy and will be named
Ringo. Miggy glowers
behind a big black hat at
the bar.
El Verdugo tells Fabiola that
the doctor said her
pregnancy is recent. She
gives him the fisheye and
says that she’s fealt bad for
quite a while, and the baby
could be Miggy’s. After all,
they only had sex once,
and she doesn’t even
remember it. He tells her
the pregnancy is four
weeks along. He definitely
convinces her by asking
her how she could think
he’d be happy about caring
for Valdez’ baby.
The Reptile has her own,
real looking hair (except for
the extensions) instead of
the Jean Harlow white wig
she wore before. She’s
using Canario as someone
to gloat with. He just says
he wants revenge on
Ángela. The Reptile says
she wants to play.
Willy shows the rest of his
family the deed to the
ranch. Nico says he didn’t
realize they were going to
move there. Nora, Sam,
and Nico all look
astounded, while Willy says
they’re moving in two days.
Clara says she wants to see
Camilo’s tomb, her eyes
brimming with tears. D8D
is annoyed. He can’t
believe she loves Camilo,
that impositor.
Back at the El Mesías (The Messiah)
hideout, Miggy is wearing
his leather hat and a fancy
vest. Camilo has on full-
Rambo camo. La Niña
Bonita (The Pretty Girl) yells at Miggy saying
she won’t have her life
risked for some young
female. She tries to slap
him, but he grabs her
hand. She tells him he’s
Jesús Matamoros or he’s
The doctor is presented
with a big wad of cash by
El Verdugo (The Executioner) for saying
that the
pregnancy is only four
weeks along. And the
doctor adds that, ofcourse, when the kid is
born, he’ll be premature.
Why in blue blazes does
Clara continue to hold
onto D8D’s arm
everywhere they walk?
She’s doing it when D8D
introduces her to EV (El Verdugo). EV
says that D8D needs a
mask; there’s going to be a
big party.
Willy blathers on about
their life on the farm. Sam
tries using Nico’s school,
but Willy has already set
him up in the school near
the farm. He says he can
run his business from
JM tells Duval that his plan
for lots of publicity will
work. Ángela overhears
that the Reptile is in town.
Miggy and NB argue. She
says that EV’s having an
heir on the way will make
him stronger. Miggy says
his reasons are personal
and hers should also be–
revenge for killing Jesús.
After Miggy leaves, Gus
notices what we’ve already noticed.
NB is not behaving like the
head of a cartel, but like a
jealous woman. Camilo
D8D and Ringo show Clara
a new grave in the pueblo
with a cross bearing
Camilo’s name. She falls to
her knees weeping.
Canario has bought some
expensive recording
equipment and is getting it
ready while the Reptile
touches up her makeup.
She says she’s going to tell
her side of the story.
Nora tells Sam she has to
tell Willy how she feels
about living on the farm.
She says it doesn’t work if
one partner only pleases
the other one against their
own wishes. Sam blurts
out to Willy that she’s not
going. She tells Willy she
can’t leave her sister. Willy
just goes on some more
about ducks and chickens,
saying that he and Sam are
twin souls and feel the
same about everything.
Sam can’t say what she
Gus is drinking and
thinking about Ángela. NB
comes in and demands to
know where Miggy is. She
says she won’t permit his
leaving without asking her
and it’s all over for Miggy.
Miggy and Camilo have
gone to grab up the town
doctor. Miggy points a gun
at his head and asks him
how far along FF is. The
guy lies, saying 4 weeks,
and Miggy lets him go.
Miggy looks heartbroken.
Fabiola says to herself
she’d have given anything
for the baby to have been
Miggy’s. How can she
connect with a child of
hatred? She can’t forgive
herself for the night with
EV that ofcourse never
happened. EV brings in
Jessica to introduce her to
the not much of a bump
that will be her little
brother. Jessica is a dunce.
She doesn’t ever seem to
notice how miserable FF is.
In her video the Reptile
says she’s the daughter of
Bernardo del Castillo and a
woman who never loved
her, a woman who was in
prison for drug trafficking.
She was deceived by a
sinister man who ruined
her life. She’s his victim.
Lots of women are sending
JM letters and packages
because of his publicity
campaign. Ángela is a bit
jealous, but gets over it.
Miggy is still upset over the
4 week news. He and
Camilo are crouching
down, and they see Clara.
She breaks loose from
D8D and runs for it. D8D
orders Ringo to find her.
Camilo gets Clara and the
three of them peel away in
a pickup truck.
Laura congratulates EV
about the baby. But she
picks up on something sad
about him. She asks him
how he feels inside. He
says he actually feels
heartbroken. She kisses
him and says she has love
enough for both of them.
He appears to go for it.
We get some more BS
from the Reptile. She says
she’s JM’s victim and who
will protect her. Duval and
JM are watching the
internet video. Duval says
he’s using the same tool
JM used. JM replies that
her face will be all over the
place so this may be a
good thing.
Clara tells the guys that her
life was a living hell. She
wanted to leave, but D8D
said that, if she did, Camilo
would be killed. After
seeing his grave, nothing
mattered to her any more
and that’s why she ran.
Miggy asks her about FF’s
pregnancy since Clara has
been a month there. Clara
says she’s not sure she’s
EV comes in to talk with FF
happy as he can be. He says
he never got to experience
Jessica as a baby. Why is
she locked up crying? She
tells him she had dreams,
and he asks what they
were. She says they were to
live at the end of the world
with Miguel Valdez and to
have a family with him. The
evil SOB says that, if she
doesn’t want to have his
baby, they can get rid of it.
Of course he wouldn’t
mind aborting MV’s baby!
She looks at him in
wonder, asking if he’d
accept that. He says
anything to make her
happy. She says she
couldn’t do that. She may
not have the father she
wanted for her child, but
she’ll go through with the
Gus is talking NB out of
killing Miggy, when he
returns. He tells her about
Clara, saying she’s the wife
of an SOB named
Bernardo del Castillo. NB then
says he’s the friend of EV,
Sam calls someone, saying
she needs to meet them.
Camilo tells Clara that D8D
will never touch her again.
Another hot lovemaking
session with these two
JM is cooking something in
Gus’ kitchen when the
lights go out. Someone
bashes him over the head
from behind. It turns out
to have been Canario
dressed as a cop. Ángela
finds him and also finds a
note from the Reptile
saying that, if he isn’t dead,
it’s because she wanted it
that way.
Miggy is imagining FF is in
his room. He says she’s
hurt him so much he can’t
be Miguel Valdez any
more; he has to be Jesús
Matamoros. NB comes in
to offer herself to him, but
he says she can’t help him
feel better this night.
Sam says she’s going to the
agency because Ángela is
too busy. Willy wants to tag
along, but she talks him
out of it. After she leaves,
Angie calls Willy asking him
to tell Sam she can’t make
it. Uh oh.
We get some more crappy
recording from the Reptile.
She says that JM converted
her into a demon, but now
she’s sorry for what she
did. A sinister man broke
her heart. Women can’t
permit a man like him to
walk the street. Violence is
not only killing. It’s
humiliation and bad
treatment. She says he got
her pregnant for a bet. She
lost the baby out of
anguish and can never
become a mother. She says
she killed with a weapon;
he killed with his actions.
EV brings FF breakfast in
bed and also brings a
dress for the big party. She
says she’s not going. But
he says he tries to please
her about everything; can’t
she do this one thing.
Clara very sweetly thanks
NB for letting her stay
there. Miggy asks Clara
what’s been going on at
Casa EV. She says they’re
having a party that night to
celebrate the pregnancy.
It’s at the mayor’s finca. NB
tells him not to even think about
it; but Miggy says he’s
Willy has followed Sam and
is watching her kiss some
buff guy on the cheek. What?

READ ALSO  KUMKUM BHAGYA Update on Wednesday 26th April 2016 (Tanu Blames Pragya for Her Miscarriage)

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