Hon Hadji Mustaphar…. ✍?
Dome kwabenya is the only constituency we have. We must therefore think out side the box. We must lay a solid foundation for the growth of a true, firm and united constituency.
We must avoid any adhoc or temporal measures in solving the problems in Dome kwabenya NDC, but rather, let’s address it( problem) firmly, objectively and decisively with that we can have united front going into the 2024 elections.
It will be hard I know, the road will be muddy and rough but we will get there some day some way and some how.I Iknow we can unite with a good leader who knows when to talk or react over issues and also act smartly and wisely. Remember you can be smart and not wise.
( Fa inna maal usri yusra )
Surely there is ease after difficulty.( quran 94 Verse 6
If we want the best lets put our best to the fore. Let’s put our best in leadership position for D/K and this constituency shall never be the same again.
The leadership will come if we put out the best material for leadership position. And let’s be honest, together we can.
Let’s put our best in Dome kwabenya politics and a good policy will drive the constituency forward and united.
My message to those leading Dome kwabenya constituency, you were once like us down there remember your pride and arrogance will bring you back down below us. Those who have ears should listen.
When they come for your vote, don’t listen to what they say, they will give you or do for you, pay particular attention to who they are, when you see pride arrogance and vindictiveness avoid them because real leaders don’t discuss people they discuss issues.
Real leaders don’t want to be served because they came to serve the people.
Once again let’s weigh what they come telling us they can do, and see if it’s attainable, because some will be too good to be true or too pleasing to the ears. Let’s probe deep and in that we will get to know better those that are seeking to be our servants again.
Let’s rally for accountability because that is the foundations of our dear party ( NDC) probity and accountability is our Hall Mark.
That is the only way we can create a clear path for unity and understanding towards 2024.
I call on those who have ears to listen and those who what to attack me but not the message too to wise up for I have spoken.