
Doli Armano Ki Episode 19–21 Update on Friday 28th July 2017

At the function venue, Gaurav asks Ishaan how did Samrat feel about Trisha’s behaviour. Ishaan asks him not to worry. Bua ji comes in to amsue them. Meanwhile, Urmi and Trisha are tensed. Trisha asks Urmi if she’s angry at her. Urmi says that she knows that she didn’t do it intentionally, but she hopes that Samrat and his family understand it too. Bua ji comes in there too, initiating a conversation, and lightening the mood. Samrat’s sister in-law compliments Urmi for her dance. Urmi thanks her referring to her as sister in-law. She gets angry and asks her not to call her that. Urmi is tensed and asks what to say then. She relives Urmi and others by saying that Urmi should call her sister. Urmi happily accepts. Kanchan, Urmi’s sister in-law, is surprised to see her bade papa, also having come there. He compliments Urmi on her dance and behaviour too. He says that he has to leave now and he excuses himself. Saroj asks about Samrat’s mother, Shashi.

Shashi comes fuming along with Rashmi and her mother. Shashi comes in while they are tensed. Shashi says that they came to meet Trisha and ask about her health. Trisha says that she felt like vomitting and very nauseous. Shashi says that she also couldn’t digest why Trisha would insult Samrat. Everyone get tensed. Trisha’s mother comes to her rescue saying that they can’t even think of that. Rashmi speaks on Shashi’s behalf, apologising secretively on her behalf, that Trisha should be sorry for this, and had it been someone else other than Shashi, she would have been very angry. Shashi asks her to let things be now. Trisha again apologizes to Samrat’s mother for her rudebehavior. Ishaan comes into lighten the mood, by getting her lemonade. Trisha’s parents apologise profusely for her behaviour. In her garb of showing concern, Shashi doesn’t leave any chance to taunt Trisha on her behaviour. Everyone are tensed. Ishaan asks her to sit down, but Shashi says that she’s very busy, and has to attend to other guests too. Urmi is very tensed. Shashi leaves, saying that she just came for Trisha. After she leaves, Ishaan tries to lighten the mood, but everyone is tensed. Samrat comes in asking what’s the matter and why they all look so tensed. Bua ji smilingly says that they are all scared of his anger. Trisha’s father apologises to Samrat for Trisha’s bad behaviour. Samrat says that he doesn’t need to apologise as Trisha didn’t do it intentionally, and she wasn’t well too, and needed rest. Trisha eyes Samrat curtly while Samrat smiles evilly. Trisha’s father is relieved, while all praise him for his down to earth behaviour. Ishaan asks them to relax now atleast, praising Samrat. Samrat thinks that now on, as days pass, Urmi would herself refuse to get her in her marriage. Everyone thank Samrat profusely. After he is gone, Urmi and other are relieved. Urmi asks for the washbasin, and moves towards it. Samrat finds her going and goes after her.

While she’s washing her hands in the basin, Samrat creeps in behind her and she gets scared. She is shy while Samrat takes her hand and asks her not to be scared as long as he is there, and that they should get a chance to talk, as they are getting married after all. He asks for some time from her, to be able to talk. Urmi is happy inside, but is shy on the outside. Samrat says that he’s waiting for Urmi at the terrace. Urmi asks that there are so many guests and how would she be able to come. Samrat says that he doesn’t know that, but she should think not about the guests, but about him, that what he would feel, if she doesn’t come. He asks her to come soon and leaves. Urmi is shy but excited inside too. Anushka comes and asks what was he asking for and when she knows Anu gets very excited. Urmi asks what reason would she give to all the people sitting. Anushka says that they would excuse themselves for the washroom. Anu then goes along with Urmi, and takes her on the pretext of the washroom, while Samrat waits on the terrace.

Urmi gets up on the terrace with Anu, and goes onto meet Samrat, shyly and nervously. Smart is oblivious of her presence. He turns around to find her standing. He compliments her on her dancing skills. Urmi asks if he liked it. He asks how could he not. Urmi asks what did he want to talk about. Samrat says that he didn’t want, but he would have to. While Urmi is happily dreaming, Samrat brings up the topic of Trisha, saying that what she did wasn’t good, and he didn’t like it. Urmi gets tensed, and tries to make up for her, saying that she wasn’t well, or she wouldn’t have done that. Samrat says that Trisha doesn’t like him, and she shouldn’t hide it. Urmi is tensed, and says that they are just both different people, with different opinions. Samrat says that he never bears the wrong. He reminds her how he had made his own mother apologise to them. Urmi says that they all rever him for that, but Trisha’s case was something different. Samrat says that he doesn’t let anyone particularly anyone, to play with his respect, not even Trisha. He says that he didn’t create a scene, just to keep their respect, otherwise this was something he wouldn’t ever have tolerated. Urmi says that he is thinking wrong, as she didn’t do it intentionally. Samrat says that he doesn’t care for that, but the fact is that she did, and that’s beyond his toleration. Urmi is highly tensed. She apologises. Samrat says what good would that do. Urmi says that she would just get Trisha over here to apologise. Samrat says that he doesn’t need that. Samrat says that he just wants one thing. Urmi asks what. Samrat tells her that Trisha’s behavior had hurt him and he doesn’t want Trisha to be present at the wedding. Urmi asks what doeshe mean. Samrat says that one who isn’t happy with this marriage, wont be a part of that ceremony. Urmi is shocked to hear this.

Samrat asks Urmi that he doesn’t want Trisha to be present at their wedding. Urmi is shocked at Samrat’s demand, when he asks Urmi to tell Trisha to leave. Urmi tries to clarify, but Samrat says that Trisha herself told him to leave and call off the wedding with Urmi, and she can go ask her if she wants to. She is shocked to learns that Trisha had warned Samrat not to marry her. Samrat tells Urmi that she’s going to be his wife, and therefore his respect is hers, and his disrespect also is hers. He adds that if she cares for him even a little bit, then he shouldn’t find Trisha at the wedding. Urmi is highly tensed and shocked.

At Urmi’s residence, everybody gathers for Urmi’s Mehendi ceremony and while the mehendi ceremony is going on with festivities and much banter and merriment, Urmi is tensed thinking about Samrat’s demand, and Trisha’s behaviour with him. Rashmi startles her by asking the Mehendi designer to put Samrat’s name in hiding so that he isn’t able to identify it easily. Bua ji begins to tease Urmi about Samrat’s name. Everyone are discussing the sarees to be given to Samrat’s lady relatives. Saroj asks Trisha to get the Mehendi done too. Rashmi taunts her to ask Trisha if she even wants to put Mehendi, or would throw a tantrum at that. Saroj lightens the mood, saying that she would do this for her sister. Rashmi again points out her moody nature last night. Granny asks her to let go of the past, while Trisha is tensed. Rashmi says that they can’t ignore such a big thing. Urmi is tensed too. Rashmi asks what happened that Trisha did this, as she doesn’t look sick at all. Trisha is upset and tells Rashmi that she isn’t feeling unwell. Her mother asks her to be silent. Urmi gets worried on seeing Trisha getting into an argument with Rashmi. Rashmi taunts her more at that and asks Trisha why did she insult Samrat intentionally then, and what wrong thing did he do then. Trisha says that she didn’t like it. Rashmi says that she should have said no then, taunting her all the while. The entire family gets tensed. Rashmi says that no one tied her to go. Granny asks Rashmi to let go but Rashmi imposes on them how much she had to make an effort to compose Shashi ji, for Urmi and their sake. Granny agrees but still asks her to forget as it’s in vain to talk about it now. But Rashmi doesn’t stop at taunting hints, while praising Samrat and his family, who didn’t do anything in retaliation. Trisha’s mother apologises for Trisha’s sake. But Trisha is in a rage, that they shouldn’t forgive her, rather they should crucify her for such a huge mistake. She leaves, while everyone are tensed. Rashmi goes onto say that this attitude would definitely cause something hugely wrong. Trisha’s mother goes after her.

Nirmala reprimands Trisha for her strange behaviour. Trisha says what about the torture she is undergoing. But her mother doesn’t listen to her, and asks her to be quite till atleast Urmi’s wedding. Trisha says that she doesn’t like Samrat at all. She adds that no one asked her opinion, and Samrat is liked by Urmi and her family. Saroj comes in and asks her to stop being so angry at her but Nirmala, is super angry at Trisha, who’s insulting everyone in the family. Saroj tells Trisha that she isn’t at fault, and it’s not known when the boy’s side feels bad. She too goes onto praise Samrat, about his good behaviour when he never said anything at Trisha’s behaviour. She asks her not to be tensed thinking about that episode, or Rashmi’s taunts as she had heard herself. She asks her to cheer up, so that Rashmi isn’t able to taunt her. She asks Trisha to forget everything except that Urmi has to be happily married off to Samrat, and there won’t be any problem if she stays happy. Trisha nods in agreement. She asks Trisha to get the Mehendi done with Urmi, as she was tensed too.

Meanwhile, the gents are discussing things together. Urmi’s father gets emotional thinking that on one hand, he is happy that Urmi got such a nice husband and world, but is sad that she would leave tomorrow. He says that now only Anushka remains, and once she is married off too, they can be relieved. Trisha’s father says that girls need to be taught to be independent. Urmi’s father says that most of the people are only like this, who think about a girl’s marriage right from their birth. Trisha’s father says that he doesn’t agree to this. Gaurav also agrees to Devishankar’s opinion, and recounts the huge differences between marrying off a son and a daughter. Trisha’s father expresses happiness that Urmi got such a good family. They assure Devishanker of the same too.

At Samrat’s residence, family is prepping up for marriage arrangements, when lshaan comes in to lighten the mood, asking Samrat to apply Mehendi. Samrat says that he would remain the same, as a girl’s entrance in his life won’t change him and that he is a dictator not a servile person. His mother too agrees with him, while all others are tensed. Samrat makes fun of Diwaker being one like that, and that he himself won’t change at all.

At Urmi’s residence, Trisha is on the roof, remembering Nirmala’s and Samrat’s words, and is tensed. Urmi comes there, tensed herself and finds Trisha lost in thoughts. Trisha is asked by Urmi if she didn’t sleep. Urmi says that she wants to talk to her about something. She asks if Trisha doesn’t like Samrat at all. Trisha is hesitant to answer and asks her to go and sleep. Urmi asks her not to ignore her and answer. Trisha again maintains her stance as she feels that Samrat isn’t the right person for her. Urmi asks Trisha if she told Samrat that she doesn’t want that Samrat and Urmi get married. While Trisha is shocked at that and eyes her tensely, remembering her confrontation with Samrat, she says that this discussion is useless. But Urmi asks her to give her a yes or no. Trisha goes on to say that yes that she had indeed said that. Urmi is shocked.

Urmi confronts Trisha bout her argument with Samrat and asks Trisha if it was true that Trisha didn’t want the marriage to happen. Trisha tries to tell her Samrat’s true nature but Urmi doesn’t listen to her and asks her if she was already not happy for her and Samrat’s marriage,then why was she against it. She asks her not to attend the wedding.

Meanwhile, in Samrat’s place, Samrat gets some flight tickets to go with Urmi, after their marriage but he puts his foot down and says that he would not go.

Back in Urmi’s place, her mother, cries that her daughter’s bidaai is the next day and they reminisce the memories they had with Urmi and Urmi’s father consoles her that at least her daughter, after marriage would be in the same city and can call her up and when required. But she worries that Samrat’s mother should behave properly with Urmi but Urmi’s father pacifies her that Samrat is a very supportive husband and he would support Urmi always.

Next day, all the Rasams are done. Samrat bathes in rose milk. His family fawns over him. His mami applies haldi over him, much to his dislike as he gets irritated while performing the pre-wedding rituals. On the other hand, at Urmi’s place, Trisha declares that she has got an urgent call from college and leaves. Urmi’s sister is worries over what to wear, her aunt agrees to help. Just then, a gift comes for Urmi from Samrat. Everyone get excited. It is a framed photo of Samrat and Urmi. They all exclaim over how lucky Urmi is. Urmi comes to know that Trisha has left for some practical exams and she gets upset. Later, Urmi asks Trisha’s mother if Trisha is angry with her and the cause of which she left and her aunt pacifies her saying that Trisha only cares for her and they hug.

At Samrat’s place, while Ishaan is arranging for the framed photo of Samrat and Urmi to be put, Samrat comes there and stops him. He gets angry and says that the room need not be changed in any way just because he is getting married. Ishaan tells him that he also sent the photo frame to Urmi. Samrat tells him not to do any more of these favours because he doesn’t want Urmi to get high hopes from him.

Urmi worries over Trisha not like Samrat. She then remembers how he has always stood by her. She messages him saying that from tomorrow, her life will be changed completely and she will begin a new life with him, with trust, love and happiness. Samrat sees this and tells himself that her life and destiny both will change because he is writing it. Samrat attends his bachelor’s party when Ishaan insists him.

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