General news

APJ back calls on Churches who have businesses to pay Tax

16th August 2016

For Immediate Release

APJ back calls on Churches who have businesses to pay Tax

The issue of churches paying Tax as their civic and social responsibility must be looked at holistically without malice but with clear conscience and a nation building approach. It is in this spirit that we, members of Action Patriots for Justice have backed this call.

Governments all over the world depends on your tax and my tax to develop the countries they govern and Ghana is no exception. A critical scrutiny of the constitution of the church, which is the holy Bible is not against this and it is evident in the Bible that Christ himself paid Tax and admonished his followers to do same.

The wrong perception in the minds of people that “touch” the church and incur the wrath of God is not applicable here. God respects rules of engagement and that’s the order in spiritual world which translates or manifest into the the physical world.
The Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the holy ghost admonished the early day churches in Romans chpt 13 vrs 1 to 7 and my emphasis is in chapter 7 and I quote; “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute [is due]; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour”.


The whole idea of Christianity is to live in peace and harmony with one another, doing what is right and subjecting under authority where one finds himself.

Zachaeus confession to Jesus in Luke 19 vrs 8 was not to the fact that he was a sinner because he was a tax collector but he has falsely accused and cheated people. When people are cheated through taxes and the money accrued is not used for the intended purpose is where people are disheartened to fulfill that part of their social and civic obligations.

We will like to take this opportunity to urge government to sit with the churches and agree on a deserving amount to be contributed to the development of this country.
Again we humbly appeal to the Bishops, pastors, leaders and the church to actively get involved in politics to save the bad image and perception about politics, for it is written that, when a righteous leads a nation, that nations prospers but if we sit unconcerned and think that our duty is to preach alone to the Church without putting the people who rule over us in check, we Wil be doing a great disservice to the nation.

Help sanitize the system with your active involvement through the gospel by changing the mindset of the citizens from bad to good or wake up one day to see anti Christians dominating our noble parliament and making laws that will ban or restrict Christians from worshipping their God.
We urge all citizens to co-operate with the government of the day to make Ghana work again.

READ ALSO  Woman EXPOSED Money Melee In Resurrection Power and Living Bread Ministries Int. – Senior Pastor Apostle S.K. Asamoah Overused church funds [Video]

APJ, we stand for peace, for God and Country and indeed, justice for all

Long live Ghana!!!
Long live the President!!!
Long live NPP!!!
Long live APJ!!!

Kwadwo Owusu (Convener)

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