
Watch Full Video: Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings Exposed By Nana Adomako Nyamekye

Report reaching GhanaSky.com indicates that, those born around 1980 s’ don’t know much about him Ex-President J.J. Rawlings. Former President Jerry John Rawlings is the most wicked and dangerous President ever lived in Ghana according to video source.
With so call revolution, J.J. lined up all the Supreme military counsel members of Parliament as the ruling party of Ghana at the time, and short all of them at firing squad.

According to GhanaSky.com analyst, Nana Adomako Nyamekye was tasked by J.J Rawlings To Kill Ex-President Hilla Limann.
This is not a made up story. Nana Adomako Nyamekye was very young at the time. JJ is a monster and a criminal . He killed all our leaders, because he knew he could not be in power for long if our leaders were not wiped out . It’s a pity our youths don’t know anything about this wicked man Ex-President J.J.  Rawlings.
Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings is a former head of state and president of Ghana. Rawlings initially came to power in Ghana as a flight lieutenant of the Ghana Air Force following a coup d’état in 1979.
Watch Full Video Below:
Source: GhanaSky.com 

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