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The GNPC leadership reviews the work being done at the new Takoradi office.

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The GNPC leadership reviews the work being done at the new Takoradi office.
The GNPC leadership reviews the work being done at the new Takoradi office.

“Takoradi is an ideal base for our Western Region operations and provides proximity to key petroleum activities while facilitating closer collaboration with stakeholders,” stated Board Chairman Hon. Freddie Blay, emphasizing the significance of the office’s location.

Echoing the sentiment, Dr. Dominic Eduah, Executive Director of the GNPC Foundation, repeatedly emphasized the strategic importance of the new office in furthering the goals of the Foundation.

“This facility will serve as a catalyst for our community development initiatives, enabling us to fortify our partnerships and propel enduring effects throughout the region and the nation,” the speaker declared.

The crew evaluated the construction’s progress during the inspection, placing a strong emphasis on timeliness and quality requirements.

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