Since the assumption of office by the current npp administration, Ghana has been hit by series of corruption scandal’s and the other.
Ghana is now rated as the second most corrupt country in Africa followed by Nigeria with south Africa rated as the most corrupt nation on the African continent.
The report which was made by transparency international has rated Ghana our beloved country as one of the highly corrupt countries in Africa.
The corruption perception index by ( TI ) transparency international stated about 71 to 80% of Ghanaians believe corruption have increased over the last 2 years under the NPP government.
It noted that corruption was so endemic that all the respondents wish the president act swiftly to deal ruthlessly of any perceive corruption by his appointees, instead of clearing them of no wrong doing.
The Npp administration is virtually draining the country dry with these scandals.
the scandal and corrupt cases are more than the social intervention made by the current administration to the people of Ghana
Corruption has now turned into blue print policy in the Nana Addo and Dr Bawumia led administration.
The Npp administration was initially hit by cash for seats, BOST scandal , ToR Gate, afcon scandal , PPA scandal , Australia visa scandal, Calvin JVG, kenbond and almighty elephantine PDS, and just to mention few. Ghana loses over $3 billion each year through corruption under the current administration.
This current administration is not serious and can never fight corruption.
The government is engage in a political corruption and it seems to be increasing day by day, amidst the numerous scandals in the NPP administration which are likened to a TV Series ( *KUKUMBAGIA* )
with many Episodes and continuations.
The corrupt scandals in the country have weakened the legitimacy of Democratic institutions and among the facets of the population.
Those in power today, and their loyalist are enjoying wide spread and uncontrollable impunity.
Nonetheless a Financial analyst once stated that there is naked corruption in the public sector, and it appears nobody has the solution to tackle it. Gradually Ghana is on reverse to the dark ages with the country being described as a man drowning and clutching at straws.
Hmmmmm !
Ghana is bleeding and on live support…
??? Sad days in Ghana
Am a citizen not spectator !