We are told how desperate we needed a candidate with leadership qualities and the financial muscles to lead Dome Kwabenya Constituency.
This is a very critical time that candidates have shown up with their intelligence and resources to contest the primaries.
I will use this opportunity to remind my good people of Dome Kwabenya, choose yee now whom shall serve you.
Vote or elect leaders who are willing to serve you but not to be served! We have all witnessed the mistakes we did in both our branch and constituency elections by voting for dictators instead of leaders. The time is now!
Let me speak also to the leadership of my constituency.
This morning when I woke up from bed, I came across a writeup attributed to a faceless animal, the “scorpion”, making mockery of itself by attacking a candidate and a media person ( Mugabe Maase of Power FM).
Why is it that Dome Kwabenya NDC continuously push below their weight politically? We are of one people, party, ideology and aspirations but, we don’t like ourselves!
We are a constituent of young people but, we have no faith in ourselves because of bad leadership.
We are a constituent with enough human resources than any other constituency in Ghana yet, we still the slam of human civilization
This begs the question that what is it that we are not doing right at the constituency level.
*Answer :*
Dome Kwabenya NDC leadership still suffering from the garden of Eden syndrome
And the garden of Eden syndrome means that God has bless us in the garden of Eden ( Dome kwabenya ) to enjoy a fruit without labour but we are forgetting that after that fall of man there was a divine instruction , subdue the world and with the sweat of thy brow thy shall eat
What else can I say? I can only advice but warn those who are set with the agenda of attacking the personality of candidates that, “Monkeys will always remain Monkeys even if the forest changes”
The ball is in your Court. Choose to be on the dinning table or as a waiter.
Choose yee now whom shall serve you or the leader without focus
As for me and my household, we shall choose the best to lead the Chiefs and People of Dome Kwabenya.