
Kumkum Bhagya Episode 747–748–749 Update on Thursday 22nd June 2017

The Episode starts with Dadi scolding Purab and asks him to share his plan. Purab says Abhi will feel jealous and will express his feelings to Pragya. Dasi, Dadi and Pragya hear his plan. Dasi says you have done wonder and made handkerchief out of dhoti, asks him to keep it safely. Dadi says you have thought so deep, I wouldn’t have thought this. Pragya apologizes to him. Purab says its okay and asks her not to say sorry. He tells that he has promised Bulbul to unite Abhi and her, and the day they get united, he will think that his promise is fulfilled. Tanu comes to Abhi and asks what is he thinking? She says you must be upset and can’t take this betrayal. Abhi goes and sits on bed. Tanu says you might be in shock as Purab and your secretary lied to you. She says Purab was your childhood friend and wouldn’t have lied. She says this is not their love, but enjoyment. Abhi gets angry and shouts Tanu. Pragya hears him and gets sad.

Tanu comes out and asks Pragya, where is she going? She says you gave me valuable gift and says it was too good. She says you have cleared my way to marriage and this sacrifice of yours is big one. Pragya asks her to stop the crap and says you know clearly that I have no relation with Purab. Tanu says so he betrayed you and says fantastic. Pragya says you have ruined brother and sister’s relation and asks until when she will stoop. Aaliya comes there and tells that she has done all, and not Tanu. She says now I am Tanu’s sister in law and calls her bhabhi. She says she doesn’t care about the level and says this lecture is not right after you are having relation with your dewar and jija ji. She says jija and saali and says don’t know how did you do that. She says nobody will believe now, as Purab shouted and confirmed that he is in love with you. She says I felt bad when he said that he loves you, as I loved him at one point then made myself understand that Bulbul’s soul should feel bad and not me.
Pragya says I don’t have time to talk to you. Tanu falls on Pragya and asks her to be careful. She says you are not needed here, as Abhi don’t want to see your face. She asks her never to come back again and leave from there. Aaliya asks Tanu to tell Pragya’s words to her, that she is Abhi’s wife now and will not let her come back etc. She says over confidence is too bad. Aaliya says your all achievements are gone now. Tanu says she was calling us cheap, but she fell down in his eyes in one day. Pragya says you can snatch my everything, but not my luck. She says God decides the life partner and says nobody can separate us. Tanu says she has gone mad?

Aaliya asks Pragya to move from her way else she will be ruined day by day. Pragya says I will pass this test too. Aaliya says I like it, and I want to see you ruined, will wait for tomorrow.
Purab comes to Abhi and tries to talk to him. Abhi says I am angry. Purab says I am going now, but I will come later. He thinks my one lie will give you biggest happiness of your life. Abhi thinks I am not angry on you, but on myself. He thinks he met Niku and trusted her, and saw this day. He thinks why did Purab have hidden the truth. He thinks why did I have grown feelings for her, when she loves someone else, and thinks he is getting mad.

Pragya comes back home. Sarla gets angry and asks Pragya why she lied that she is going to Abhi’s sangeet when she went to meet Purab. Pragya says she is thinking wrong and says I don’t know what you are saying and with whom you had talked. Sarla shows the pics and asks about it. Beeji says I will talk to her. Sarla says I trust her and wants to know the truth, but gets angry on her. Janki asks Sarla to stop it. Sarla says I want to know why their pics are clicked in this position. Pragya says I was going to Abhi’s sangeet in taxi and asked him to take short cut. She says she was kidnapped by the goons and taken to their place. She says she called Abhi to save her, but he didn’t pick the call. She then call Purab and he saved her. Beeji and Janki ask if you are fine? Pragya says it was Aaliya and Tanu’s conspiracy to trap both of us. Sarla asks why didn’t you tell the truth to Abhi.

Pragya says Abhi didn’t believe on those pics, but Aaliya and Tanu provoked Purab and that’s why he agreed to have relation with her. Sarla asks why did he do this? Pragya says he is thinking two steps ahead of us, and shares his plans. She says I thought this is the only way as Aaliya and Tanu will trap Abhi in marriage. Sarla says this plan will not work and refuses to accept it. Pragya says this way is twisted, but they will succeed. She is hopeful. Beeji gives her strength and says when you have decided to reach your destination overcoming troubles, you will reach surely. Pragya is happy and hugs Beeji.

Pragya brings coffee for Abhi. Abhi says I need it and is about to take coffee cup, but then realizes yesterday happenings and refuses to have it. Pragya says you said that you need it. Abhi says I need it, but not from your hand. Pragya looks on.

The Episode starts with Pragya coming to Mehra house and asks Dadi and Dasi about Abhi. They nod their head. Pragya asks them to say something and says she couldn’t sleep at night. She asks them to reply if she shall go to Abhi’s room or not. Dasi says he didn’t sleep since night and is very much angry. Dadi says his third eye will open now, and he asked Robin to bring coffee. He asked Robin to ask you to go, and called Tanu to get his work done, which she can’t do. Pragya is shocked. Dasi and Dadi ask her to go and fulfill the responsibility of a wife and secretary. Pragya goes. Abhi asks Tanu to show the sequence. Tanu gives wrong papers. Abhi asks her to give papers in sequence and scolds her. Tanu gets tensed. Pragya brings coffee for him. Tanu thinks he has woken up me since morning and making me do all the work. Pragya asks may I come in and says I know the sequence. Abhi asks her to do, and then says I will do. Pragya says your coffee….Abhi says I needed it, and then refuses to take it. Pragya says you said that you need it. Abhi says but I don’t need it from your hand. He asks her to take Tanu to kitchen and teach her how to make coffee. Pragya says I will teach her, but if she will learn. Abhi asks if this is a rocket science and asks Tanu to make coffee like her. Tanu says of course and goes. Tanu goes to kitchen. Pragya asks her to take pan and switches on the gas. Tanu takes frying pan. Pragya takes tea pan, and asks her to add water and sugar.

Tanu asks her to make coffee. Pragya says then when you will learn. Pragya adds water and asks her to add sugar. Tanu asks her to add sugar. Pragya says I will add coffee also. Tanu says smart. Pragya asks her to add elaichi powder. Tanu says she will add love that Abhi will forget her. She says today is your last day, you teach me this and go. She says Abhi will see my face day and night and will love me. Pragya says your coffee is flowing out. Tanu tries to switch the gas on and touches the pan. She argues with Pragya and says you are fired. Purab comes home. Aaliya says good morning and asks him to reply. She says your morning is difficult to be good and asks him not to meet Abhi, as he don’t want to meet him. She says I want to hug you with whatever you have done. Purab smiles. Aaliya says I thought to hug you and got my old feelings back. Purab asks her to hold on her emotions and says her happiness is short lived. He asks her to stop her premature love story and waits for his love story climax. Tanu collides with Purab and asks why don’t you kill me. Purab says I hope I could do and apologizes to her. He asks where is Pragya? Tanu says I just hate her and goes.

Purab goes to Pragya and asks what is the matter? You have burnt Tanu’s hand. Pragya says she burnt her hand herself and tells that my plan is burnt because of your heroism. She says Abhi wanted me to teach coffee making to Tanu, and says now she will be with him now. Purab asks her to relax and says she can’t do his work. Abhi says he will not talk to me now and will not fight too. Purab says it is our day and says let him do what he wants, but after our work, he will take your name. Abhi comes there and gets jealous. He asks Pragya to tell Tanu about his schedule, and asks Purab to drink coffee and have food also. He goes. Pragya says he was so rude. Purab says isn’t he cute? Pragya says cuteness. Purab says we will make him jealous to make him realize his feelings. He goes to talk to Abhi. Abhi thinks he wouldn’t have gone to kitchen. Purab comes to his room and says I came to talk to you about your new album. He asks shall I say yes to this project. Abhi refuses. Purab says it is a good project and asks him to say reason.
Abhi asks why you are behaving as if nothing happened? Purab asks why you are behaving as if so much happened? He asks why you are mixing professional and personal life. Abhi says Niku is my secretary and you are having an affair with her. Purab says if she is not having personal life. Abhi says I don’t have problem, and tells that he is angry as she has hidden about her boyfriend. He says I told her everything. Aaliya thinks whatever Purab said and thinks if it is his conspiracy to agree. Tanu comes and applies ointment on her finger. Aaliya says may be Purab is plotting something. Tanu says Pragya wanted to burn my face to stop my marriage. Aaliya says she is not bad like us to burn you and is not like vamp saas. Tanu says not saas, but sautan.

Abhi asks what do you mean? Purab asks what is your attachment with Nikita, that you felt bad about her love. He asks if you have any soft corner for Pragya. Purab says Nikita’s real name is Pragya. Abhi says how can this be possible? Purab says she has changed her name to Nikita for some reasons, but her family call her Pragya. Abhi is surprised. Purab makes him sit and asks if he any soft corner for her or something in his heart. Abhi accepts to have soft corner for her.

Abhi tells Pragya that you have hidden a big secret from me. Pragya asks what? Abhi says your name…by which your family calls you…Pragya. Pragya is shocked and drops the papers on floor.

The Episode starts with Aaliya telling Tanu that Pragya can’t do anything wrong or burn her finger. She is not like khadoos saas. Tanu says sautan. Aaliya says you can do cat walk and cat fight best, and asks her to do in which she is best at, asks her to dress up well, do well and woo guys. Tanu says why? I am getting married to Abhi. Aaliya says Pragya can woo Abhi well than you, and says she made him addict of her coffee as she knows that a way to a human’s heart is through his stomach. Tanu says you are underestimating me and says she can make coffee, help him in work and in making music too. 

Aaliya asks her not to lie infront of her. Tanu challenges her that she will be proved better than Pragya. They bet for 10000 Rs. Pragya comes there and gives files to Tanu, asking her to handle Abhi’s
office burden. She explains to Tanu about Abhi’s contracts and asks her to make lists, and call the persons. Tanu feels like fainting hearing all the duties. Pragya says this is just 1 day work, and says I will explain you tomorrow about day 2 work. Tanu makes crying face. Aaliya smiles.

Purab asks Abhi if he has any feelings for Nikita. Abhi says yes, I feel for her, but as a friend. Purab says as a friend with whom you wants to be with, day and night. Abhi says she is my secretary and she stays with me day and night. Purab says you held her hand and asks her to be with him. He says I thought you will cancel your sangeet if she doesn’t come. Abhi asks him to sit and says my feelings are genuine. Our relation is more than a friendship, but there is no love. I can’t give name to this relation, it is not necessary that we can give name to all relations. He says we can’t make wife or girlfriend to a person if we wants to be with her. He says if I do naam karan of our relation, then our relations purity or peace will go. He gives examples and says our relation is like phool and bohra.

Purab thinks he is expressing his love, but not agreeing to love her. He thinks may be because Tanu brainwashed his mind. Abhi says our feelings and relations are pure. Purab says I will understand as I am your friend, but Pragya….she can think you wrong and misunderstands your feelings. Abhi says I will clear my point and she will understand soon. He tells Purab that he is lucky to get world’s best girl and says your luck is good. Purab asks what do you mean? Am I not good? Abhi says I was worried about her, but now she got you, you will take care of her and praises her. Purab says I know well how she is. Abhi asks him not to get upset. Purab hugs him. Abhi says I am not upset with you and hurt you and Pragya. He says I have planned a double date with Tanu- him, and Purab –Pragya. Purab agrees. Aaliya thinks what is going on in his mind that he agreed.

Abhi calls Niku…Pragya is surprised and the papers fall from her hand. Abhi says I should have understand that you was afraid of my reaction. He apologizes for not trusting her again. Pragya says infact I am sorry. Abhi says you did one more mistake for which you haven’t apologize. He says you haven’t told me about your name…which your family gave you and call you by that name. Pragya asks what? Abhi says Pragya…Pragya is surprised to hear this. Abhi says name is good and asks what is the meaning? Prakash or Prabhat. Pragya says genius, understanding person. Abhi says your name is good and asks why did you hide this name from me. He says you will be punished and asks her to arrange the papers back. He throws papers in air, while she asks him not to do that. She tries to stop him and falls in his embrace. Allah Wariyan plays……….

They have an eye lock…Abhi says sorry. He says I forgot to tell you something and asks her to get ready, as they are going tonight for double date. He says I will go with Tanu and you come with Purab. He says can I call you Pragya? Pragya nods and thinks what is this double date and whose idea is this? Tanu is having a difficult time in arranging the papers and says she will become clerk from model. She thinks Pragya is better in this work. Nikhil calls Tanu. Tanu says she is very upset.

Nikhil says I thought you will be on romantic date with Abhi. Tanu asks if he is making fun on her. She says I am on date, but candle paper date. Nikhil asks what do you mean? She says Abhi is upset with Pragya and gave all her work to her. Nikhil says this wouldn’t have happen if you was with me. Tanu says she will become queen soon and asks what he have? Nikhil says he has peace and wine in his hand. Tanu gets angry and asks him not to irritate her. Abhi comes there and asks if you are talking on phone. Tanu lies and says no. Abhi asks her to get ready as they are going on a double date with Purab and Pragya. Tanu thinks what is happening as Aaliya said that Abhi will not see Pragya’s face.

Dasi and Dadi ask Purab about dinner date. Purab says it is dinner date and it was Abhi’s plan, but I will take its advantage and it will be my next move. Pragya comes there and says she was with Abhi. Purab says we have to make Abhi realize that he has so much love for Pragya di, and we will try to make him confess love. He says I have to become bad infront of him and make him realize that I am not a better match for Pragya. He says when he thinks I am a mismatch for her, then he will think himself with Pragya. He says we have to make him jealous so that he confesses his feelings. Pragya is skeptical. Purab says our plan will work and we are two steps ahead of Aaliya and Tanu.

Aaliya comes to Tanu and says you are relaxing here. Tanu says I am making my back right. Aaliya asks her to keep her eyes on the surroundings and happenings when she is on double date. Tanu says you always scold me and makes me bad. She says you are not much smart as you appears. Aaliya says we should be together and know their plan. She asks her to be alert and says this dinner date is important for you. Purab says whatever we do, will be right infront of them. He asks her not to forget that they are a couple infront of Abhi, and asks her to say yes to him whenever he asks something. Pragya looks on. Purab hopes best for Abhi and Pragya.

Abhi comes to pick Pragya. Beeji says she is going on her first date, and took time. Pragya comes wearing nice dress. Abhi is bowled over by her beauty and opens his mouth surprisingly. Pragya smiles. ………

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