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Amma ji convinces Madhvi. You don’t trust Omkar? You think he wants to loot you of your jewels. You look at him pointedly all the time. Madhvi denies. Relations are way above jewellery and anything else but I want to consult Niranjan once. He enters just then. Amma ji tells him everything. I somehow convinced him. He was about to break the marriage. I asked Madhvi for help so Babli can be happy but she looks so heartbroken. Would she have not done it for her daughter? Niranjan asks Madhvi if something is troubling her. She cannot say anything in front of Amma ji. I don’t have any proof to prove it that I don’t trust Omkar at all. Niranjan cannot believe it that she is so attached to her jewellery. You dint have to ask me anything. Babli is like our daughter. Why would I say no? Right now, all I am concerned about is Babli’s happiness. We have got such a good match for her. How can we let it go? He goes to talk to Omkar.
Niranjan assures Omkar that the marriage will happen as he had wanted it to be. You must file a complaint against your partner. You should not let him get away like this. Omkar nods. I am so lucky to have a family like you. I am grateful to you and Amma ji. Niranjan tells him not to worry about Babli.
At night, Sagar, Yash, Pulkit and Babli are playing bluff. Pulkit is winning so easily. Ganga observes them. Pulkit Bhaiya lied? Babli explains that this is a game of lies. The one who lies will win eventually. We should do what we believe in! Sagar thinks of Ganga. Someone people have a habit of lying. You should not trust them. Ganga reasons that God watches everything from above. One day he will bring out the truth in open. He will prove it who is right or wrong. Yash is irked by her lecture!
Ganga mutters to herself. He called me a liar! Everyone is lying while playing. They are instead calling me a liar. Maid calls her a liar. You see everyone like yourself. Ganga makes it clear to her that she never lies! Maid leaves. Ganga thinks of her words. This means bad people find everyone bad. Now I know what I have to write. She writes down the essay.
Niranjan has brought gifts for everyone from Allahabad. They all smile that they can speak in English right now as Omkar is not here. Yash and Sagar ask for more chocolates. Yash lies that he has only got 2 chocolates. Niru points out that he keeps a tab on everything so he can find out if anyone is lying or not. Ganga comes there. Niru gives her a chocolate as well. Amma ji tries to say something but Ganga recalls it well that she cannot eat anything after sunset. Niru likes it. Ganga remembers everything that you tell her. Prabha says she speaks so smartly. Yash reminds Niru of the essay that Ganga was supposed to write. Niru holds out his hand to take the notebook. He makes her read it next. Ganga begins with the eldest member of the family – Amma ji. She is very bad and moody. She always scolds me. Everyone is taken aback. Sagar is also very mean. Bahu ji also doesn’t care about anyone. She keeps quiet even after listening to everyone. Pulkit Bhaiya is mad. He is only concerned about himself. Prabha adds fuel to the fire. In a way she has called you a witch! Amma ji scolds Ganga. You think those about those who gave you shelter? Sagar too is about to retort but Niru stops them. Have you (Ganga) written anything else? He takes the notebook. Amma ji regrets allowing him to keep Ganga here.
Niru reads further. This is what Yash thinks. Everyone turns to look at Yash. Yash is all tensed. Niru reads the rest of the essay. My Bappa used to say that people think the way they are. Maid also said that liars see everyone as liars only. This is why I dint listen to Yash. I only had Bappa earlier but he too went to God. I got a bigger family then. Babu, Bahu ji, Sagar, Pulkit Bhaiya, Amma ji, Maharaj ji, Maid! Amma ji is a little strict, scolds sometimes but she is just like coconut. Amma ji is surprised. Sagar is stubborn but has a good heart. He speaks out whatever is in his heart. Sagar thinks I am lying. No problem, I know that I am speaking truth! Niru looks at Sagar and then resumes reading. Sagar is not selfish. He gets angry at times even when the matter is of no consequence. He loves Bahu ji and Babu a lot, just the way I love my Bappa. Bahu ji is very nice. She is very beautiful too. I ask God if my Maiyya was just like her. Did she love me this much? Amma ji wipes her tears. Everyone is emotional. I am the only daughter of my Bappa but if I had a brother then he would have been just like Pulkit Bhaiya.
Precap: Niru reads, Yash says this family isn’t mine.
But I know that this is indeed my family. Now this is my home. I will always live here. Ganga asks Babu if no one will ask her to leave this house. He opens his arms and she rushes to give him a warm hug.
But I know that this is indeed my family. Now this is my home. I will always live here. Ganga asks Babu if no one will ask her to leave this house. He opens his arms and she rushes to give him a warm hug.
Pulkit Bhaiya talks so sweetly to me. He helps me a lt. Maharaj ji too helps me a lot. He gives me food, wipes my tears when I cry. There is only one wrong thing about him. He gargles so loud in the morning and runs straight to the washroom. He cannot control it. Everyone smiles. I like Mehri Didi too. She talks fun. She likes to look good. She does her work and talks nonstop. She only has taught me how to wash clothes nicely. My Babu is very straight and honest. I had met Bappa on the ghaat the day my my Bappa died. I too would have plunged into Ganga ji if it wasn’t for him. He saved me. He brought me to his home. I got a new family. Bappa used to say that he will always be with me. I was angry when he left me. I thought he lied to me. he was not with me. But later I realised, my Bappa came in the form of Babu. Everyone has tears in their eyes. He takes very good care of me. he teaches me good things, just the way Bappa used to teach me. I too will become like him when I grow up. I will be famous. I will help everyone. I will never let Babu get angry because I feel bad when that happens. I feel like crying. Niru wipes his tears and so does everyone else. Niru reads, Yash says this family isn’t mine. But I know that this is indeed my family. Babu is there in palce of Bappa. There is Bahu ji in place of Maiyya. Now this is my home. I will always live here with all of them. Ganga asks Babu if it’s true. Will anyone will ask her to leave this house. He opens his arms and she happily rushes to give him a warm hug. Even Prabha is all emotional.
Amma ji is surprised that such a small girl wrote such a big essay. Prabha thinks that Ganga might have seen some film of tv. Yash is also irked that she added his name in it. Ganga repeats that she never lies. Niru gives her result. You speak well but your writing style is wrong. Grammar sense is really bad. The work is not neat. Kids get marks for god handwriting too. You have written everything nicely. You can express yourself pretty good. She gets glad that she has passed her exam. She smiles.
Amma ji goes to sleep. Babli congratulates Ganga. She wishes everyone goodnight and leaves. Niru says you will have to study really hard now. Ratan leaves with his family. Sagar looks away when Ganga looks at him. Madhvi compliments Ganga for the essay. Niru tells Ganga to sleep. Get ready early tomorrow morning. We have to go somewhere. You will really like it there. It is a prize for you from my side. You deserve it. Sagar looks down. Niru notices this. You deserve a gift as you got good marks. Sagar gets a laptop for studies purpose. Pulkit stands there all sad. Madhvi notices this. Sagar rushes to his room. Ganga too goes to her room. Pulkit too heads upstairs. Amma ji calls out for Madhvi so she heads to her room.
At night, Madhvi is all lost in thoughts. She thinks of Babli’s and Ganga’s words. Niru calls out for her but she isn’t listening. He brings her out of her reverie. She wonders if she should tell him everything or not. He has brought a gift for her too. I am feeling peaceful after so long. Finally everything is settling down for good. Tomorrow is Drishti’s engagement. Ganga too has decided to study. People are right, time passes. We all were really tensed since past some days. Finally all the problems are over. He notices her tensed. She decides not to give him any tension. Plus I don’t have any proof against Omkar Bhaisahab. I am happy to see you happy.
Next morning, Amma ji wakes up Ganga. Ganga is happy that she will take her with her. It’s been days. Aren’t you angry with me anymore? Amma ji reminds her of her essay anymore. I am not your enemy. I want you to follow the rules. Ganga gets up immediately. Widows should do Ganga snan in the morning. Let’s go. Amma ji gives Ganga her potli.
Niru is doing yoga. Amma ji is surprised to see him up so early. he says yoga keeps one fit. You only say that. She nods. Your father used to do it. Teach it to Sagar and Pulkit too. She begins to go but Niru stops Ganga from going to Ganga ghaat with Amma ji. Amma ji leaves. Niru doesn’t share it with Ganga as well as to where they are going. He resumes his Yoga.
Niru brings Ganga to school. Ganga looks at the Principal room. She recalls how the kids had mocked her. I came here till now as Sagar’s friend yet they mocked me. Now I will be a student here. Niru has submitted her admission form. She is amazed that he will get her admitted in Sagar’s school only. Babu is going so much for me. She mentally promises him that she will study hard. Principal enters the room. He looks at Ganga from top to toe. Niru stands up and makes Ganga follow suit. Principal says I don’t think I will be able to help you in any way. Epi ends on Ganga’s sad face.
Precap: Niru speaks to Tiwari ji. Ganga has changed. Tiwari ji refuses to teach Ganga. Ganga folds her hands before him. Please listen to Babu. I promise I will study hard.