Political news

BreakingThe8: Stephen Ntim Is The Answer – Constituency Communication Director



With the cries and lamentations of our grassroots supporters ascending to a new height, it is also proper to revisit our party’s leadership.

Research shows that when political party supporters begin to complain unceasingly, there’s the possibility of neglect, especially in the area of employment, recognition, educational assistance, among others. These issues generate apathy and could also affect party cohesion. Leadership, therefore, becomes the game changer.

It is often said that the beauty and success of every political party is derived from the cohesiveness in its rank and file. This has even become more important in the face of our evolving democratic experimentation.

In the 2016 general elections, the Npp worked magic, and proved that it was a great political party of unity. But what we experienced in the 2020 general elections was a far cry from our past performances. This, therefore, serves as a reminder, that there is more to be done as a political party. Have we learned our lessons?

What it also tells us is that the foundation upon which our party builds its strength is getting weaker and weaker as we prepare for future elections.


A solid foundation is what should preoccupy every Political party’s leadership. They have to keep that in mind when seeking to build a successful Political party. A significant proportion of the party’s time, attention and money should be directed to this foundation of unity.

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It is on account of these worries that our grassroots supporters should consider Stephen Ntim as the next leader who can drive the party to a safer destination. He can be a good National chairman of our great party.

Stephen Ntim is tried and tested, and it’ll be a fitting honour if our grassroots support base help in crowning this great man as the national chairman of Npp.

For what has been said, may God shower his blessings on him so that this dream shall be fulfilled.

God bless Stephen Ntim.


Abeiku Cobbinah

Mpohor Constituency

Communication Director



Source:flyfmghana.com/kwabena Frimpong


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