Political news

THERE WILL BE NO RE-ELECTION unless Judicial Committee Orders – KNUST TESCON EC



The attention of the Executive Committee of TESCON KNUST has been drawn to a malicious article by The KNUST Tiger Eye Crew with a title Tescon to Re-vote

We the Executive committee wish to disassociate ourselves from that article and there has been no such decision by the Executive Committee of TESCON KNUST.

According to the constitution our Association Regulation 9 (1f) which states that Provisional results of the election can be challenged within twenty four (24) hours after the results have been made public and NO complaint will be entertained after the expiration of the stipulated period and the results shall be decleared final by the Electoral Commissioner.

We also want to state that per the constitution which is the supreme law of the Association the Regional Tescon Coordinators nor the Regional Youth Organizer does not have any constitutional mandate to nullify the outcome of an election.

We wish that due processes will be used to settle Post Election issues.

By this constitutional provision and checks made with the Judicial Committee we can state clearly that THERE WILL BE NO RE-ELECTION until the Judicial Committee which is mandated by the Constitution receive a petition, sit on the case and determine if there is the need for a re-election or not.

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We want to state again that the said Article published by The KNUST Tiger Eye Crew should be disregarded and treated with the contempt it deserves.

Executive Committee

Commitment………Without Inducement!!

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